Fairly certain this will probably also be a console release at launch. I would be willing to bet on it. I don't think Take Two shareholders would be happy that a significant revenue source was excluded from one of their releases. Especially when the previous entry in the series saw a console release.
I think that someone hushed it up for the consoles and that it will be announced at one of the trade shows (E3/Gamescom). Although, I could be wrong.
Interesting idea for a bet. Take Two hasn't cared too much for Civ V's 7.4 million sales being PC only - in fact they were extremely happy with it during their investor call when they discussed Civ BE, pretty much the same for a whole bunch of other developers that release on PC only for a variety of reasons. Still I'm interested to hear their reasoning as to why it is PC only tomorrow and the rest of this week when they specifically discuss exactly that