At the end of the summer, I'm either building a gaming PC or getting an Xbox One. If I get an X1 I'll ride out this gen on consoles and build a PC a few years from now.
It seems like a bad time to build a PC, I've been wanting to do it for years and can finally afford it but it seems like the smart thing to do would be to wait a few years and build a PC when there's a single GPU that can do 4K at a high frame rate and Gsync monitors are less expensive. Then I could build an awesome setup, whereas right now the GTX 980 Ti can't hit high framerates at 4k and likely won't be able to play games like Witcher 3 and Batman at 60fps at 1440p (what I'd be playing at) with all the bells and whistles turned on. Kind of sucks to drop $1,500+ on a PC and not be able to max everything out of the gate. In the mean time I'd get an X1 to play Cuphead and the other X1/ PC exclusives.
But all that said, this game is really making me want to build a PC.
Well to be fair, that Xbox One is never going to achieve 1440p @60fps either (much less 4K). Heck, how many games are actually reaching reaching 60fps consistently there? Not that I'm hating on the Xbox here, but it seems weird to me that you're willing to settle for a lot less on Xbox than on a PC.
I suggest you take a different angle and see what a $500 PC is capable off. I'm willing to bet it will at least be on par with the Xbox. From there you can gradually increase the budget until you find something that reaches 1080@60fps or 1440@60fps, whatever feels like the best deal.
Speaking from personal experience, trying to reach the max is hardly ever worth the money. Sure it'll be fun for a bit, but then you notice how fast hardware prices drop and how few games actually are capable of PC feats (most are developed with console limitations in mind). Then you start wishing you'd save money on the initial build and just use that to upgrade after a year or so.
In the end, framerates are worth more than resolution, especially past the 1080 mark. And let's not forget free online and lots of game sales that will save you money to boot