Xenoblade Chronicles X |OT| You want a baked Potatsu? http://youtu.be/8qPGXDk23mE

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Unconfirmed Member
a bit overwhelmed after finished chapter 3. suddenly 1000 missions everywhere, squads, online stuff etc.

some questions,

- I joined a division, I should get points after killing enemies and completing missions but uh, I haven't seen anything about it. shouldn't I get a rank, rewards or something? Also I can't find any missions related to the division I just joined.

Are you talking about experience points? You can only get them by leveling up, filling in the Collectopedia, or finding treasure through out Mira.

- those basic missions are basically infinite filler fetch quests or what? Every time I check on the board I see 20 new quests. am I supposed to just explore and accept/finish the ones I already have the materials for, and just ignore the rest?

Basic mission are filler and nothing more. Only do them if you want to grind or improve your affinity with other characters. Completing quests is a good way to raise affinity with the characters currently in you team.

- should I sell all the materials used for the collectopedia? Should I also sell those busted/broken pieces of useless[/striker] gear I find killing monsters/exploring? Some of them are "prime" or "unique" so I'm not sure.

Never sell the items for the Collectopedia. You get good rewards for filling out the Collectopedia and on top of that, you need them for a number of important missions through out the game.

- again, if I spend 200 BP on one art or skill, and then advance to another class (same branch though), can I still use that art or skill?
and I'm going for Galactic Knight, best arts on this path I should completely upgrade?

Yeah, once you learn an Art or Skill you can always use it, no matter your class.


Any of the characters that class? I don't think Irwin (I'm sure that's not her name just can't think of it) is mastermind.

I remember having a psychoruptor in my party lately. Still you're only getting two HP recovery skills and a couple defensive auras with them, but on the offensive side they've got several AoE debuffs (which are applied in a straight line since they're all raygun arts).

I'll boot up the game and see if I can find the character again.

Edit: Found her, it's Irina. You can find her right to the left of the barracks as you leave the place.


Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
Oh boy, the boss of chapter 6 sure would be a whole lot better to manage if say, I got my skell a chapter before or during this chapter than right after :/
So I sat down ready to play this game all day since I have nothing else to do, and just now my gamepad charger broke and now my gamepad is out of battery power.


Is it worth playing on a Pro Controller until I can get a replacement?


So I sat down ready to play this game all day since I have nothing else to do, and just now my gamepad charger broke and now my gamepad is out of battery power.


Is it worth playing on a Pro Controller until I can get a replacement?

You miss out on the map, probe adjustments, and fast travel, it's a pretty big loss.


The survival guide says no skell type is superior but looking at the stats and weapons they can equip, heavies are objectively superior than mediums and lights when it doesn't come to movement?

Or am I missing something here?

They use more fuel when flying but other than that they seem better than the other two.


So I sat down ready to play this game all day since I have nothing else to do, and just now my gamepad charger broke and now my gamepad is out of battery power.


Is it worth playing on a Pro Controller until I can get a replacement?

If you can live without a segmented map, probe change and fast travel, well might as well try. Maybe do story missions in the meantime.


I'm not sure if this will work or if it's a good idea at all, but you could try changing some of your mining probes back to basic probes. Basic probes always add to your revenue so if you're really that close to 70k this could work. It will probably cost you a lot to change the basic probes back to mining probes though.

Just an idea, no idea if it will actually work.

It will probably work, but there's no romance in going back. :p

I rather explore more and do some other quests in the mean time. Credits and Miranium were never an issue. I reach my storage limit of Miranium in a single return even with the storage probe boosts.


If you can live without a segmented map, probe change and fast travel, well might as well try. Maybe do story missions in the meantime.

Can you even play if a gamepad isn't connected? I play using a pro controller with the gamepad as second screen / map, but don't know if the game would boot up properly if the gamepad wasn't recognized.


Anyone know of a good spot with level 30 enemies? I'm trying to grind myself up to level 30 but can't find any good mobs. Maybe I'm just looking in the wrong places.


Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
chapter 6 boss is a real pain in the ass, what is up with the boss spikes in this game? Like it was level 19 when my party consist of level 21s, but its a super big enemy which means it doesnt go down easily, which is expected, which is why they tell you to use skells against such enemies, but I cant get a skell yet, so wtf?

Like i even swallowed my pride and lowered the difficulty to level 14 and it still has basically an almost OHKO move that is bullshit


Just spent an hour sunning around Talon rock to get some grosium cores and I didn't get a single one. Whose bright idea was it to make a quest that requires you to get three of a really rare item?

Toadsili T

Neo Member
what happens if you lose your skell against the telethia?


If you lose your Skell against the Telethia/Global Nemesis fights, it unfortunately counts as a destruction. Therefore, you either have to have some insurance counts left, or perfect the destruction QTE if you want to keep using it in the regular game. Be warned!

We beat that thing a bunch of times. Too bad it still has over 8 million hp bars left with 19 hrs to go

Yeah, that was probably one of the best team efforts I've seen so far. I'm sorry I'm letting the team down with my basic Lvl 20 Skell; it honestly doesn't last very long in that fight.
Any tips on Arts/Skill setups for party members? I'm just completely lost on who would be good at what since it's hard to depend on the AI taking into account synergy from their arts, or whether they would spend more time in ranged or melee.


If you lose your Skell against the Telethia/Global Nemesis fights, it unfortunately counts as a destruction. Therefore, you either have to have some insurance counts left, or perfect the destruction QTE if you want to keep using it in the regular game. Be warned!

Yeah, that was probably one of the best team efforts I've seen so far. I'm sorry I'm letting the team down with my basic Lvl 20 Skell; it honestly doesn't last very long in that fight.

yeah I just learned that the hard way. I didn't expect to die instantly (plus I'm trashed) so I think I failed the QTE.


Chapter 11-This is dogshit. This is such utter dogshit.
Lao's motivation to essentially commit species suicide is utterly stupid. I'm sorry that your family got killed because of corrupt politics but no that doesn't mean you get to kill everybody else with you. This is such a shitty motivation for him. Not to mention he's working with the species THAT ACTUALLY KILLED HIS FAMILY.

We then have Elma who took the biggest idiot stick in how she didn't warn anybody that Lao was a traitor despite her knowing it multiple chapters ago. What the fuck. Why was Lao running around in the first place? Jesus Christ nobody detained him?

The icing on the shit cake is how I wasn't given the option of putting a fucking bullet in Lao's head. "We're on the same side". Are you shitting me? Then the game auto forces my avatar to side with Lin instead of actually giving me a choice? Get the fuck out of here.

This whole branch of the narrative wasn't good in the first place and dragged on for far too long. I almost put my controller through the wall. How did we go from Xenoblade Chronicles to this? How?
what happens if you lose your skell against the telethia?


You can get a cat from doing the Nine Lives affinity quest in the shopping district. There is an npc named Mathias and you have to bring Gwin along. It's a real easy quest, I had Gwin at level 12 and I was level 30 but the monsters you fight are 14.

edit: Unless you are asking about something else, but that's how I got a cat chilling on the holodeck table in the barracks.


EDIT: Oh wait, are you asking me how to do it? You move the character into the first slot on the active party screen.
yes I was asking how, I don't recall where the active party screen is but I'll look into it.

no I meant divisions points. I was under the impressions that you could get points, rewards, ranks or whatever for doing specific actions, or for doing missions related to the division you join.
if that doesn't happen, what's the point of joining a division then?


Wait, they let you do Hope's mission before Chapter 5? I guess that's one way in which the DLC missions weren't perfectly reintegrated into the game - I can't imagine they would have intended for you to hear that line before Chapter 5.
I have done Hope mission before Chapter 5.

I am level 31 and I am still not even started on Chapter 6... .-.


Chapter 11-This is dogshit. This is such utter dogshit.
Lao's motivation to essentially commit species suicide is utterly stupid. I'm sorry that your family got killed because of corrupt politics but no that doesn't mean you get to kill everybody else with you. This is such a shitty motivation for him. Not to mention he's working with the species THAT ACTUALLY KILLED HIS FAMILY.

We then have Elma who took the biggest idiot stick in how she didn't warn anybody that Lao was a traitor despite her knowing it multiple chapters ago. What the fuck. Why was Lao running around in the first place? Jesus Christ nobody detained him?

The icing on the shit cake is how I wasn't given the option of putting a fucking bullet in Lao's head. "We're on the same side". Are you shitting me? Then the game auto forces my avatar to side with Lin instead of actually giving me a choice? Get the fuck out of here.

This whole branch of the narrative wasn't good in the first place and dragged on for far too long. I almost put my controller through the wall. How did we go from Xenoblade Chronicles to this? How?
Did you visit Lao when he was recuperating in the Mimesome center? Elma tells you that she thinks he's the traitor and you get an option to trust Lao or agree with Elma.

Lao frustrated me too in chapter 11 but you need to finish the game to know more about his motivations. It actually makes sense in a way.


Did you visit Lao when he was recuperating in the Mimesome center? Elma tells you that she thinks he's the trailer and you get an option to trust Lao or agree with Elma.

Lao frustrated me too in chapter 11 but you need to finish the game to know more about his motivations. It actually makes sense in a way.
Yes that's part of whatever Chapter. Elma doesn't report her suspicions to anyone though which results in the goddamn mess in Chapter 11. It's so stupid and contrived despite it being fairly obvious long ago.

Unless there is some big infodump in Chapter 12, his motivations are extremely shitty and what's worse is that nobody really calls him out on it. Instead you have to listen to Lin spout shit.
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