Xenoblade Chronicles X |OT| You want a baked Potatsu? http://youtu.be/8qPGXDk23mE

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Finally got my first Skell! Yay! :D

....then I used to to try to fly...can only jump. Then I tried to use it on a level 25 tyrant (I'm level 26)....it hardly does anything. I do much more damage on foot. o_0 And then I find out I will be able to fly after I complete chapter 9....DAMN IT!

Man what a disappointment this Skell mechanic is so far for me. The damage sucks, and I can't fly till Chapter 9. So what's it good for? :(

Is this free Skell you get sucks and there are better ones out there? Because I was expecting to take on enemies like x10 my level after all the hype of it but it seems I can't even do much damage with an enemy one level under me.

I like Uncontrollable

Love that one too.
Finally got my first Skell! Yay! :D

....then I used to to try to fly...can only jump. Then I tried to use it on a level 25 tyrant (I'm level 26)....it hardly does anything. I do much more damage on foot. o_0 And then I find out I will be able to fly after I complete chapter 9....DAMN IT!

Man what a disappointment this Skell mechanic is so far for me. The damage sucks, and I can't fly till Chapter 9. So what's it good for? :(

Is this free Skell you get sucks and there are better ones out there? Because I was expecting to take on enemies like x10 my level after all the hype of it but it seems I can't even do much damage with an enemy one level under me.

Love that one too.

I got some lv 20 orange Skell equipments from tyrant and they do shit ton of damage, almost comparable to lv30 ones.

El Odio

So, uh, isn't this part of the lifehold that I stumbled upon in Primorida?


Humanity is down to the tens of thousands, and there are still asscaves who want nothing more than to pick a fight.
... Which is pretty much how it would be in real life as well, sadly.


After 43 hours I finally got a skell!


Chapter 6 was quite amusing since
I had already been to that are, fought a bunch of those indigens, and found that mech back before chapter 5.
I have this headcanon that Elma takes credit for everything the player character does. In a lot of story and affinity quests it seems like a lot of other characters say stuff along the lines of "... and it was all thanks to Elma!". The PC never seems to get their due :/


Finally got my first Skell! Yay! :D

....then I used to to try to fly...can only jump. Then I tried to use it on a level 25 tyrant (I'm level 26)....it hardly does anything. I do much more damage on foot. o_0 And then I find out I will be able to fly after I complete chapter 9....DAMN IT!

Man what a disappointment this Skell mechanic is so far for me. The damage sucks, and I can't fly till Chapter 9. So what's it good for? :(

Is this free Skell you get sucks and there are better ones out there? Because I was expecting to take on enemies like x10 my level after all the hype of it but it seems I can't even do much damage with an enemy one level under me.

Love that one too.

The first skell the game gives you is actually level 20, and you can later get lv30 skells once you reach that level with a character. I have a huge-ass sword that deals 20-30k damage for 200 fuel, which makes it great for nearly one-shotting almost anything around and even above my level (34) unless they are those large enemies that have ridiculous amounts of HP.

I'll also second that replacing your skell's ability to jump once you get the flight module is ridiculous, since it turns even waist-high fences into obstacles that force you to burn up fuel for nothing. Also, being unable to stop flying and drop down to both go faster and save fuel is a pain too.

Couldn't they just have made it so that trying to jump while in midair would trigger the flight module, but not regular jumps? Also, something like double-tapping LT to drop down would've been really appreciated.

On the topic of flying around, I went to Cauldros and flew to some weird tripod thingy... That turned out to be a lv70 beast that scrapped my skell with some homing nukes while I was tring my best to GTFO. I think this is one of the few games were getting ambushed and nuked by overleveled enemies actually feels fun (in a frantic "god, don't let it hit me" way).


I have this headcanon that Elma takes credit for everything the player character does. In a lot of story and affinity quests it seems like a lot of other characters say stuff along the lines of "... and it was all thanks to Elma!". The PC never seems to get their due :/

She's the team leader so of course she gets the credit.


The first skell the game gives you is actually level 20, and you can later get lv30 skells once you reach that level with a character. I have a huge-ass sword that deals 20-30k damage for 200 fuel, which makes it great for nearly one-shotting almost anything around and even above my level (34) unless they are those large enemies that have ridiculous amounts of HP.

I'll also second that replacing your skell's ability to jump once you get the flight module is ridiculous, since it turns even waist-high fences into obstacles that force you to burn up fuel for nothing. Also, being unable to stop flying and drop down to both go faster and save fuel is a pain too.

Couldn't they just have made it so that trying to jump while in midair would trigger the flight module, but not regular jumps? Also, something like double-tapping LT to drop down would've been really appreciated.

On the topic of flying around, I went to Cauldros and flew to some weird tripod thingy... That turned out to be a lv70 beast that scrapped my skell with some homing nukes while I was tring my best to GTFO.

Is this sword that you have obtainable from the shop? Or did you get that from a loot?

And oh damn really? I was really hoping they didn't have it cost fuel to fly. Jeez I thought this Skell thing would kick ass but instead it sounds like a hassle sometimes. :(


Finally got my first Skell! Yay! :D

....then I used to to try to fly...can only jump. Then I tried to use it on a level 25 tyrant (I'm level 26)....it hardly does anything. I do much more damage on foot. o_0 And then I find out I will be able to fly after I complete chapter 9....DAMN IT!

Man what a disappointment this Skell mechanic is so far for me. The damage sucks, and I can't fly till Chapter 9. So what's it good for? :(

Is this free Skell you get sucks and there are better ones out there? Because I was expecting to take on enemies like x10 my level after all the hype of it but it seems I can't even do much damage with an enemy one level under me.

Love that one too.
Because the Skell you have is only level 20, isn't really that good for combat specifically, and the super good ones don't unlock until you're level 30.


So I started this, and I'm currently overwhelmed by how much shit I have to understand.

About divisions, when/why should I switch? Should I switch anytime I'm doing something relevant to the division? Should I level up one for a while and then switch? What do they reward you with?
OP mentioned characters joining your party, I'm interested.

Also is the collectapedia only accessible while working for the Curators? A npc said something about this but I'm not sure


I really hate how the monsters are random in this game.

- Go beat two level 38 guys surrounded by lvl 50+.

It's really annoying.


Is this sword that you have obtainable from the shop? Or did you get that from a loot?

And oh damn really? I was really hoping they didn't have it cost fuel to fly. Jeez I thought this Skell thing would kick ass but instead it sounds like a hassle sometimes. :(

Yeah, I bought it for each of my skells. It's one of the last few ones on the list and is only equipable on the right side, but I don't remember what slot it belonged to, only that it cost around 130k, I think.

The fuel consumption isn't all that bad, but it's true that after long periods of continous skell fighting and exploring you'll have to wait forever for your fuel to recharge (or spend miranium or division rewards to resupply it faster).


So I started this, and I'm currently overwhelmed by how much shit I have to understand.

About divisions, when/why should I switch? Should I switch anytime I'm doing something relevant to the division? Should I level up one for a while and then switch? What do they reward you with?
OP mentioned characters joining your party, I'm interested.
Divisions don't matter except for what rewards you with the most BLADE points, and divisions can compete for daily online rankings to earn rewards, and the points that go towards it are determined by what your division's tasks are.

IE: I'm a Curator, so our main tasks are gathering collectibles and killing tyrants. A pathfinder is discovering new areas, a mediator will do quests, etc.
She's the team leader so of course she gets the credit.

Yeah, I get that but my PC puts in work though...

I think I just take issue with the lack of acknowledgement/interaction the PC gets in most of the story important dialogue outside of picking a choice that usually doesn't matter. Most of the time they're just standing there with their mouth half open looking like a dummy.

Also I don't find Elma that interesting but maybe that'll change the further along I get into the story.



"Ah so that's the destination? Yeah it looks barren alright, let's take a closer----OH MY GOD WHAT THE FUCK"

Is that the ledge where that lv 40 cricket spawns? I remember trying to run away from the flower bugs, running into the lv40 tyrant, frantically continuing my sprint and then meeting face-to face with a lesser giant cricket that still proceeded to kick my ass. Now that was fun.


I shot people I like more for less.
Professor B quest
does the car you choose affect the result, or it only changes the dialogues between him and Vexen?

I picked the
luxury one. The experiment didn't work with the assistant, but then Professor B worked on the car and he teleports away in it. Not sure if that differs from the other ones


Is that the ledge where that lv 40 cricket spawns? I remember trying to run away from the flower bugs, running into the lv40 tyrant, frantically continuing my sprint and then meeting face-to face with a lesser giant cricket that still proceeded to kick my ass. Now that was fun.

That picture has the cricket in it...


That picture has the cricket in it...

Yes, I know, it's just I wasn't sure whether it was that ledge or if I was mistaking it for someplace else. The awful screech thallus make when they spot you is almost as panic-inducing as Revenant's spot sound in Doom. Almost.
I picked the
luxury one. The experiment didn't work with the assistant, but then Professor B worked on the car and he teleports away in it. Not sure if that differs from the other ones

looks like it only affect the dialogue a bit I guess, since I picked the cheapest one and the outcome is still the same as yours
When does the Booming Business side quest open up? (And where is it?) I'm a few cycles away fully upgrading the three AMs available to me, and all this Miranium has to go somewhere! I just finished Chapter 4.


Yeah, I bought it for each of my skells. It's one of the last few ones on the list and is only equipable on the right side, but I don't remember what slot it belonged to, only that it cost around 130k, I think.

The fuel consumption isn't all that bad, but it's true that after long periods of continous skell fighting and exploring you'll have to wait forever for your fuel to recharge (or spend miranium or division rewards to resupply it faster).

How much miranium does it cost for you to recharge your fuel? Because that part doesn't sound TOO bad I think. :D

Also what's the name of the weapon? I'm looking at the shop but can't seem to find the one you're talking about. Maybe I'm blind. :(


Had to repeat a boss fight for a side quest multiple times since my attacks caused the boss to stagger and repeatedly fall off a bridge. Which then reset the boss fight. Which meant that I died instantly since the boss had full health and I had no TP.

After 30 hours, there are tons of little issues like that which make the game very frustrating. Add in the nonsense fetch quests and the troll enemy placement (seriously, why do you hide a level 40 Tyrant on a linear pathway for a story mission that level 20 players will use?).
Been naming all my skells after mechs from Virtual On and loving every minute of it. I've almost reached level 60 at this point but I wanted to ask,

How does obtaining Skells past level 50 work? What's the level cap?
So to follow up from the previous page, if anyone is wondering if it's okay to use no gamepad whatsoever, the answer is...no. Not at all.

I was exploring a new area because an affinity quest sent me there, and I had a choice of trying to make an absurdly long trek back to Primordia or just keep plunging into the unknown. I chose unknown, with a heading of north and then west, in order of options. Found many miranium sites and caves and whatnot, but after a while I had no clue where I was, other than north and west. I got to a spot where there was nowhere to go but into the ocean, since I couldn't fast travel anywhere and had a vague notion of my orientation.

That was about an hour and a half ago. I've been swimming constantly since then, trying to get back to somewhere, preferably Primordia. I stuck a rubber band on my controller. Elma and Lin are both completely off the screen because they've fallen so far behind. I've been listening to that same splash pattern. Splash-splash, splash-splash. Breath. Splash-splash, splash-splash. Breath.

Even the music has died down. Splash-splash, splash-splash. Breath.

I found a piece of the Lifehold out here. In the ocean. Half-sunk. I wonder if it's lonely. It's nice seeing something here, other than water and cliffs I can't climb.

Splash-splash, splash-splash. Breath.

I can see another continent now. It's the same distance away as Primordia, which I can see in the distance. I'm not sure which one to go to. Fun fact: the Pro Controller will shut off after a while even if you're using the control stick. The buttons have to be pressed too, I guess.

Splash-splash, splash-splash. Breath.

I started seeing where I could navigate to in the menu without entering another screen. The answer is, not many places.

Splash-splash, splash-splash. Breath.

The music changed to Primordia, but it was only a silhouette. Then the fog rolled in and I couldn't see it anymore. I had to navigate by the heading on my mini-map. That fucking mini-map. Elma and Lin have disappeared long ago, so it was my only companion. I could see it mocking me.

Splash-splash, splash-splash. Breath.

I made it back to Primordia, the north shore. Now I have to head to the outline of NLA that I can see. But there's no more splashing. That's gone now. It's over.

It's over.

I'm heading back to NLA, and then turning this blasted thing off.


How much miranium does it cost for you to recharge your fuel? Because that part doesn't sound TOO bad I think. :D

Also what's the name of the weapon? I'm looking at the shop but can't seem to find the one you're talking about. Maybe I'm blind. :(

People use Miranium? Just warp to Noctilum and trigger a pollen storm. Have free fuel.

john tv

Man, this thead is nuts - over 12,000 posts in a little over a week? Trying to read everything, but hard to keep up. Hope people are digging the game overall. :)
So to follow up from the previous page, if anyone is wondering if it's okay to use no gamepad whatsoever, the answer is...no. Not at all.

I was exploring a new area because an affinity quest sent me there, and I had a choice of trying to make an absurdly long trek back to Primordia or just keep plunging into the unknown. I chose unknown, with a heading of north and then west, in order of options. Found many miranium sites and caves and whatnot, but after a while I had no clue where I was, other than north and west. I got to a spot where there was nowhere to go but into the ocean, since I couldn't fast travel anywhere and had a vague notion of my orientation.

That was about an hour and a half ago. I've been swimming constantly since then, trying to get back to somewhere, preferably Primordia. I stuck a rubber band on my controller. Elma and Lin are both completely off the screen because they've fallen so far behind. I've been listening to that same splash pattern. Splash-splash, splash-splash. Breath. Splash-splash, splash-splash. Breath.

Even the music has died down. Splash-splash, splash-splash. Breath.

I found a piece of the Lifehold out here. In the ocean. Half-sunk. I wonder if it's lonely. It's nice seeing something here, other than water and cliffs I can't climb.

Splash-splash, splash-splash. Breath.

I can see another continent now. It's the same distance away as Primordia, which I can see in the distance. I'm not sure which one to go to. Fun fact: the Pro Controller will shut off after a while even if you're using the control stick. The buttons have to be pressed too, I guess.

Splash-splash, splash-splash. Breath.

I started seeing where I could navigate to in the menu without entering another screen. The answer is, not many places.

Splash-splash, splash-splash. Breath.

The music changed to Primordia, but it was only a silhouette. Then the fog rolled in and I couldn't see it anymore. I had to navigate by the heading on my mini-map. That fucking mini-map. Elma and Lin have disappeared long ago, so it was my only companion. I could see it mocking me.

Splash-splash, splash-splash. Breath.

I made it back to Primordia, the north shore. Now I have to head to the outline of NLA that I can see. But there's no more splashing. That's gone now. It's over.

It's over.

I'm heading back to NLA, and then turning this blasted thing off.
*raises hand*


why didn't you auto-run


Just beat Chapter 9.

Character availability spoilers/question:
Did I just miss out on all of Lao's Heart to Hearts? I knew he would be unavailable after some point but I totally forgot to do those since none of them showed up in the Segment Map ugh.
Speaking of Miranium. I remember someone saying you can use it for augments.

Were they just talking about the cost of making one along with the enemy parts?

Or is there a way to make all these ??? Augments appear by investing the miranium? I'm assuming the new ??? Augs I haven't discovered yet are just because I haven't found enough of the parts that you need to craft em.
Just beat Chapter 9.

Character availability spoilers/question:
Did I just miss out on all of Lao's Heart to Hearts? I knew he would be unavailable after some point but I totally forgot to do those since none of them showed up in the Segment Map ugh.

I don't think they even exist.
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