Xenoblade Chronicles X |OT| You want a baked Potatsu? http://youtu.be/8qPGXDk23mE

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Can someone help me out in locating the Lyla's Galdr tyrant?

I need it for an important side quest and I have no idea where it is.. I know it appears from 5-7 am east of the lake under the ball but have never seen it and been there multiple times

Can someone help me out in locating the Lyla's Galdr tyrant?

I need it for an important side quest and I have no idea where it is.. I know it appears from 5-7 am east of the lake under the ball but have never seen it and been there multiple times


There's a youtube video for that particular quest, google it. I can't tell you right now because I'm not playing, but there's a spawn point east of the lake in Sylvallium, and she spawns early morning.

Fair warning, the battle is basically made for 4 skells, she's quite tough. It might be doable with three but it's all based on how often your AI team members use their super strong attack and shit.


There's a youtube video for that particular quest, google it. I can't tell you right now because I'm not playing, but there's a spawn point east of the lake in Sylvallium, and she spawns early morning.

Fair warning, the battle is basically made for 4 skells, she's quite tough. It might be doable with three but it's all based on how often your AI team members use their super strong attack and shit.

just looked for it and found it, thanks...

don't know why it's described as starting at the sphere and 'flying towards' when it just spawns at that point..


Wow at chapter 5 reveal. I kinda guessed one part but the even BIGGER reveal was like okay wow.

"Here comes our little ship" Large ass battleship of doom hovers in
that was hilarious.
just looked for it and found it, thanks...

don't know why it's described as starting at the sphere and 'flying towards' when it just spawns at that point..

Yeah that's pretty confusing. Just staying on that ledge will have it go towards you after a few seconds, no need to make people search around that dome thingy.


How do you unlock sightseeing points anyway?

Also for mining probes, are there certain areas that have special items to mine, or do you need a certain level to unlock those items being visible on the map probe menu?


How do you unlock sightseeing points anyway?

Also for mining probes, are there certain areas that have special items to mine, or do you need a certain level to unlock those items being visible on the map probe menu?

They are just special locations you discover, there is nothing special you do to unlock them.

For the items you mine, if you touch an area that has a probe on the gamepad it will tell you what items you can mine from it under FN Site Info. You don't need a special probe or anything.
Probe question of my own: if you change a probe in a region, say from Mining G1 to G2, do you get the Mining G1 probe back in your inventory? Basically, are they consumables or no?
How do you unlock sightseeing points anyway?

Also for mining probes, are there certain areas that have special items to mine, or do you need a certain level to unlock those items being visible on the map probe menu?

Resources will be listed where they are available, in that probe overview submenu.


Probe question of my own: if you change a probe in a region, say from Mining G1 to G2, do you get the Mining G1 probe back in your inventory? Basically, are they consumables or no?

You get them back thankfully. It would be terrible to lose them with as rare as some are.
GOAT Elma armor:
Only wish I remembered the name. It's tier 2 or 3 for Sakuraba, I think.
You get them back thankfully. It would be terrible to lose them with as rare as some are.

Excellent, thank you.


Guys...I haven't bothered with the main story for 2 days and just keep exploring and doing side missions. I explored so much that I didn't even realise I was out of Primordia lol.

Anyone else have this binge problem like me


Would level 30 be a good level to take on chapters 7, 8, and 9? I'm thinking of putting sidequests and exploration on hold until I get the flight module.


I still haven't started chapter 7 yet. Explored a bit of Sylvalum and Cauldros and did a few more affinity quests. I will probably recruit Hope and then start chapter 7. Maybe explore more iof Sylvalum and Cauldros first.
But I don't know, since I got the Skell and can move around so fast, I am not as motivated before to actualy explore stuff. I am not sure if it is because the whole world is simply smaller now or because the Skells are so strong, that you don't have to fear as many enemies as before. But I also don't want to run around in foot because it takes so much longer. Meh. :/


I want a tag give me a tag
Would level 30 be a good level to take on chapters 7, 8, and 9? I'm thinking of putting sidequests and exploration on hold until I get the flight module.

I just finished chapter 8 and am starting chapter 9. Started 8 when I hit level 30. Had no issues... but my heavy skell does 35,000 a hit ;_; so that might be why... most enemies I the chapter seemed to have around 50,000 hp


Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
Guys...I haven't bothered with the main story for 2 days and just keep exploring and doing side missions. I explored so much that I didn't even realise I was out of Primordia lol.

Anyone else have this binge problem like me

yeah, I had that problem all through the week tho it has calmed down somewhat, I was just searching for quests in the city in the residential and commercial district because i took the division of mediator, basically police and I felt the urge to do that kinda stuff, after completing chapter 6, alot more quests in the city opened up and so im lapping it up, i just helped make it safe for a purification plant to be built, I kinda hope it gets built up without having to progress the story i heard theres a pretty good quest that goes with it haha.

The first continent I discovered after primordia was believe it or not, sylvalum, I just kept exploring, adding probes along the way while also being enticed by the shape of the continent in the distance, then i found a lifehold and was like holy shit, but since I havent got there in the story yet, it might aswell not exist lol I continued on along the sea constantly thinking of how this reminds me of how humans use to get across earth back in the day, with lowered water levels allowing some land to form between each piece of land, it just felt so exciting.

I love this game.


I just finished chapter 8 and am starting chapter 9. Started 8 when I hit level 30. Had no issues... but my heavy skell does 35,000 a hit ;_; so that might be why... most enemies I the chapter seemed to have around 50,000 hp

Cool. I'll clean up the few quests I have left active (Minus the level 55 tyrant. Why was that quest even available to me?) and move on with the story.


I want a tag give me a tag
Cool. I'll clean up the few quests I have left active (Minus the level 55 tyrant. Why was that quest even available to me?) and move on with the story.

No worries! I bet that was one of those one star quest board "meet x person" ones.. that then turns into a silly bounty.
For those who can't believe people can get decent revenue from probes, I was getting 30k earlier today, then i went around every map and basically used my field skill to everything I found in 4/5 maps (aka yellow dots in minimap I could both use my field skill and/or actually reach without triggering some mob/enemy every single time).

Now I'm at 130K. Once you reach a decent amount of research probes (you'll never have enough as mine probes, that's a reality) you can attempt to replicate this as much as you can courtesy of Qurupeke when I asked him if he could post what he did to get 180K


With the probes that I had (not as good as his), and with the sightseeings discovered in key areas, I was able to get to 132K which is where I'm currently sitting. I'm hoping I'll eventually get better research probes to use in Obilivia.

But yeah basically divide the map of oblivia down the middle, the right side is crazy for money making if you discover sightseeing. A rule of thumb at the beginning of the game was to focus on the letter grade of the probe info (aka research, mineral, A-F) but in reality for revenue you want to put your best research probes and use chains/special probes around those with sightseeing.

I believe I just stumbled upon a religion vs athiesm quest

It's religion vs science really. Also the main lady of that quest always has this dumb face in cutscenes.

edit: unrelated to all of this but the amount of normal missions where I'm currently at is actually bothering me. I actually like the normal missions for story purposes as it really expands on the city and the different races living in new LA, instead of just focusing on you and key BLADE personnel like the affinity missions. But Jesus give me a break. The completionist/OCD in me won't start the next chapter until I at most have 2-3 missions I can hold off on until the next chapter is done. But everytime I finish quests like 2 more pop-up as I unlock and continue chained quests and Jesus haha slow down game.
Here I am thinking that my 93k revenue was pretty good. 180k is crazy. That said, yeah, Oblivia is a good money continent. I'm not gonna take advantage if it until I max out nearly every AM I have ATM.
Bro is hanging with me when I get to wherever that is

This guy would love my Team Elma. We have Lin as the tank, Hope as the support class, and Elma and I as the damage dealers. And both of us use dual swords.

Only difference I guess is that she'll stay as a fullmetal jaguar, and once I reach the max level of my second branch (galactic knight), I'll go back and try out the default drifter class for the extra skill. See if the extra skill is worth the plain stats with no boosts to anything.

Here I am thinking that my 93k revenue was pretty good. 180k is crazy. That said, yeah, Oblivia is a good money continent. I'm not gonna take advantage if it until I max out nearly every AM I have ATM.

Basically what I did. When I went to do this I had 6 of my 7 unlocked AMs at level 5. The next one I likely have to wait until later in the game to unlock. But my next mission, aka tomorrow, is to put some mining probes and find the way to get them up to the 33K I have as my storage prob capability.


So is it just me or is there stuff in this game to intentionally indicate that X is in fact a sequel to the original game?

Xenoblade 1 Spoiler
And that Mira may be the new world Shulk creates at the end of the game?

My findings mostly have to do with the Nopon:

The Heropon is now someone who slew a god (which happened in Xenoblade), the "legendary weapon" is the Monado, and "legendary Frontier Village" is directly mentioned in Chapter 10 by Tatsu. It all seems like way too much of a coincidence. A lot of the "archaeological" treasures seem like they could be Mechon also. Obviously some time has passed...a lot of time...but am I crazy for thinking that Mira is the world seen at the end of Xenoblade?

Note: I'm only through chapter 10 in the story, but I'm sure there is more.

Sort of.
The things that are brought up from the original XB - Telethia, Nopon, "hom homs", legendary weapon and so on - are inconsequential to the story XBX wants to tell, so I feel like they're all just fan-servicey "if you want to believe Mira is what became of XB's ending, go right ahead!" kinda stuff.


Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
You find the assassin springtail around the purification plant, right? cause ive been looking nonstop and I only had one but I had it since before the quest but just cant seem to find one more.


Okay, I have looked all across Cauldros, but I can't find a vigent for this quest. I looked in the google document, but no matter how many enemies I scanned, I can't find this thing. HELP!


I wanted to level up Frye, but I can't get him to join my party right now. He says I should come back later because he want's to party. I tried to come back during different times of the day and fast traveled around a bit, but he still won't join me. What am I missing here.


Piece of advice.

There will be a Normal Mission about saving three Tree Prones. Save the two brothers first.
That's probably the only way to save Chief's son... He died on me. :(

Also, on the Black Skell chain of Normal Missions, don't tell a guy named Bates to head west.
Died too and as a result Corwin died. :(

Okay, I have looked all across Cauldros, but I can't find a vigent for this quest. I looked in the google document, but no matter how many enemies I scanned, I can't find this thing. HELP!

Aren't Vigents that huge things with those enormous arms? Are they so hard to find? :p
Got my skell.

I still prefer human combat for now so I'm not going to be using it too often. Skell arts seem kinda undervaried and have too long CDs. Not to mention strip character variety out the window.


Piece of advice.

There will be a Normal Mission about saving three Tree Prones. Save the two brothers first.
That's probably the only way to save Chief's son... He died on me. :(
Actually you need a certain item with you to be able to save him. One of the other two talk about it. But I didn't know about it beforehand since I went to him first and saved him by pure luck


I suppose the music might be an issue for some folks, but I still can't get over that some people will outright refuse to buy the game let alone play it simply on the basis of the standard battle track.

I generally finish most battles before the lyrics kick in anyways, and for specific battles when the lyrics do manage to arise. I'm too caught up having fun with the combat to even pay it any mind.

Foregoing the nice scenic vistas, the large and fairly varied designed locales, and the many giant creatures to encounter.

It just doesn't make sense to give up playing this amazing game entirely just on some palty sum of the greater whole that exists.

Oh well, not my loss or problem.


Damn at chapter 5.

Yeah I didn't expect that either.

Which brings up an interesting point...
Why does Lin need to even cook? I wonder how it's even explained why Mimeosomes even need to eat. Do they even get any sort of nutritional benefit or energy from it. It's just something I suppose I'll need to suspend my sense of belief for.


Yeah I didn't expect that either.

Which brings up an interesting point...
Why does Lin need to even cook? I wonder how it's even explained why Mimeosomes even need to eat. Do they even get any sort of nutritional benefit or energy from it. It's just something I suppose I'll need to suspend my sense of belief for.
They were designed to be as human as possible. No idea WHY, they just were.

I had to do a lot of disbelief suspending with the mims, tbh.


Wow, those level 30 skells are no joke. I was flying around installing probes and was easily killing the level 45-50 enemies that jumped me. I wasn't even trying to level and ended up going from 31-37 by the time I was done with the probes.


So, I began playing. I kinda dig the universe and the music (not the main battle theme, but I guess I'll get used to it). However, the font/text is way too small, and that is severily keeping me from enjoying the game fully (it gets tiring for my eyes very quickly). I guess there is no way they are going to give us an update to improve the text size?

The game is full of customizable options and good ideas, but that small problem (pun intended) is annoying.
Switched my division to reclaimers. Sorry Pathfinders. I'm not dumping you because of you being in last place but because I need drops.

I'm going for the archetype weapons you create.

Any easy way to get them. I'm hunting for two of the drops and using tickets for the third one.

Wish I could just buy tickets. I have tons of cash.


Got to LV 30. Now I can pick a good Skell finally. :D

Tested a couple of them and so far I like the Amdusias one the best. That Scythe weapon it has is just...wow. It's perfect for my behind attack build and one hit killed most LV 40s I tried it on. 0_0

Anybody else also got recommendations or thoughts on Amdusias?


So, I began playing. I kinda dig the universe and the music (not the main battle theme, but I guess I'll get used to it). However, the font/text is way too small, and that is severily keeping me from enjoying the game fully (it gets tiring for my eyes very quickly). I guess there is no way they are going to give us an update to improve the text size?

The game is full of customizable options and good ideas, but that small problem (pun intended) is annoying.

It's a very common complaint so they're no doubt aware, but I have my doubts that there will be any patches. Hopefully that's not the case though, there are a few seemingly simple quality of life changes they could make that would massively improve the game.
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