Speaking of skell insurance, do you get three replacements per skell?
Damn, that person has some crazy videos on their channel.You gotta be shitting me. Somebody got up to northern Noctilum without a flight pack (used skell jump, if he was on foot my head woulda imploded): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6nESq5jyIhc
Don't watch if you haven't been there yet, obviously, and don't try this at home kids![]()
You gotta be shitting me. Somebody got up to northern Noctilum without a flight pack (used skell jump, if he was on foot my head woulda imploded): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6nESq5jyIhc
Don't watch if you haven't been there yet, obviously, and don't try this at home kids![]()
You gotta be shitting me. Somebody got up to northern Noctilum without a flight pack (used skell jump, if he was on foot my head woulda imploded): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6nESq5jyIhc
Don't watch if you haven't been there yet, obviously, and don't try this at home kids![]()
also WR for this game is dropping super fast, though this is in-game time instead of RTA still (spoilers in the linked image) 9:01:13 is pretty fast
also WR for this game is dropping super fast, though this is in-game time instead of RTA still (spoilers in the linked image) 9:01:13 is pretty fast
Am curious, what are you guys' favorite xenoform races in Xenoblade X? Been playing a lot of side missions lately, and have marveled at how interesting and cool each of them end up being.
I'm a really big fan of the Nopon since the original game... Their combination of cute third-person vernacular and phrasing, combined with their arrogance, pettiness, and bluntness is a great combination. Riki or Tatsu just calling characters out on their character flaws so openly is hilarious every time. I like how they have such a different culture with commerce and deal-making, with how crazy thrifty they are and that they openly admit their verbal word means very little. They do horrible things to each other and totally get away with it because they're so upbeat and cute. There's a brutal honesty to them that is awesome.
(Although the Tatsu food jokes makes me want to deduct points from them.)
The Ma-non come really close for me, though. I feel like we've seen this sort of advanced-technologically-but-kind-of-naive alien before. The Ma-non can act like children sometimes around humans, usually being used to contrast to how cynical and cruel humans can be. The way they look at characters so pitifully make me want to get them a cookie sometimes.
Don't know how spoiler-y this is, but the Prone have grone on me a lot too lately. They really did the "proud warrior race" archetype right in this game. Their machismo and one-mindedness is pretty funny. And every sidequest involving Prone romance has been gold. Slovity Pagus is a great character too.
I find the Zaruboggan kind of lame, however. It's all voltant talk, all the time with them.
It's too bad that these clips, while cool, aren't actually useful for much.
AGDQ here we come!
I wonder how fast an online-allowed run would be
Am curious, what are you guys' favorite xenoform races in Xenoblade X? Been playing a lot of side missions lately, and have marveled at how interesting and cool each of them end up being.
I'm a really big fan of the Nopon since the original game... Their combination of cute third-person vernacular and phrasing, combined with their arrogance, pettiness, and bluntness is a great combination. Riki or Tatsu just calling characters out on their character flaws so openly is hilarious every time. I like how they have such a different culture with commerce and deal-making, with how crazy thrifty they are and that they openly admit their verbal word means very little. They do horrible things to each other and totally get away with it because they're so upbeat and cute. There's a brutal honesty to them that is awesome.
(Although the Tatsu food jokes makes me want to deduct points from them.)
The Ma-non come really close for me, though. I feel like we've seen this sort of advanced-technologically-but-kind-of-naive alien before. The Ma-non can act like children sometimes around humans, usually being used to contrast to how cynical and cruel humans can be. The way they look at characters so pitifully make me want to get them a cookie sometimes.
Don't know how spoiler-y this is, but the Prone have grone on me a lot too lately. They really did the "proud warrior race" archetype right in this game. Their machismo and one-mindedness is pretty funny. And every sidequest involving Prone romance has been gold. Slovity Pagus is a great character too.
I find the Zaruboggan kind of lame, however. It's all voltant talk, all the time with them.
My favorite individual xeno character though would be Slovity.
Overall I like the Nopons the most too. Removing the fluffy furball image, they are the closest thing to humans as far as domestic issues are concerned lol.
Obviously the Wrothians are the best xenos. Proud ninja space lions...What's not to like?who in the end become space pirates.
Why are Mediators so high right now?
I like this gif that someone here used to describe them:
Its so true
I had a weird glitch.
I'm out of battles and can freely fast travel......but my party keeps getting hit by something. Everyone's getting HP knocked off indicated by orange numbers. My whole party is at HP 1. Chapter 5 in Oblivia after fighting a mech tyrant. I let my avatar drop down to zero and that seemed to put me back into the nearest landmark and I'm glitch free now hopefully.
JEEZ that's messed up but sound about what I would expect from that bunch :<I think a hacker that was making prospectors rank so high moved to Mediators.
The questLeaving the Nest, which had a Wrothian's parents try to kill him to prevent him from leaving the clan and shaming their family really drives that home. The mom even said she was going to suicide after if I remember correctly.
I got a pic of that dude posing in front of a car next to bikini clad women. I move to have it hidden in the banner of the next game's OT somewhere.
Oblivia? Electromagnetic storm perhaps?I had a weird glitch.
I'm out of battles and can freely fast travel......but my party keeps getting hit by something. Everyone's getting HP knocked off indicated by orange numbers. My whole party is at HP 1. Chapter 5 in Oblivia after fighting a mech tyrant. I let my avatar drop down to zero and that seemed to put me back into the nearest landmark and I'm glitch free now hopefully.
Sadly I only had a miiverse quality pic to make it from. Oh well.That's a nice new avatar you have there Horizon.
JEEZ that's messed up but sound about what I would expect from that bunch :<
Ok I gotta find this quest tomorrow to see what's up lolIt was actually reall funny :3
The questLeaving the Nest, which had a Wrothian's parents try to kill him to prevent him from leaving the clan and shaming their family really drives that home. The mom even said she was going to suicide after if I remember correctly.
This too. There is something about the Nopon that makes normal domestic issues more charming. The way they setup Riki in the first game was perfect. I want to use a party member who has basic food and rent issues.
The "My Angel, My Lana" sidequest in Cauldros is a classic.
Although I didn't have the heart to let poor Walolo raise a stuffed animal. I imagine she and Bubu will probably fight and argue for the rest of their lives.
Ok I gotta find this quest tomorrow to see what's up lol
How do I fill in the normal mission segments on the Cauldros map? I've just finished chapter 11 and I'm trying to recruit Mia and the only missions I'm getting are basic gathering missions which I guess aren't segment specific.
Seeing Bubujust laying flat on his face in despair is hilarious.
Good luck finding it without looking it up lol.
I wonder if it'd be less funny if I had chosen different dialogue options.
It'd help if you told us which normal mission markers you have left, as in where are they on your map. I know a couple involve quests that start in other continents.
I had a weird glitch.
I'm out of battles and can freely fast travel......but my party keeps getting hit by something. Everyone's getting HP knocked off indicated by orange numbers. My whole party is at HP 1. Chapter 5 in Oblivia after fighting a mech tyrant. I let my avatar drop down to zero and that seemed to put me back into the nearest landmark and I'm glitch free now hopefully.
The only normal missions I have left are The root of all evil, turf war, sparking a smile, my angel my lama and trade agreement. I've even finished definian downfall. I'm at 51% survey rate. I would go Tyrant hunting but most of them seem too strong (I have two level 50 skells and two level 30).
Sparking a Smile and My angel my Lana should both start at the NLA Nopon Caravan, no idea what the requirements are though as far as completion. They should probably be in an online guide somewhere. Don't remember where the others start.
I think that two level 50 skells would be enough to get to those quests. They're not exactly endgame/postgame stuff.
This too. There is something about the Nopon that makes normal domestic issues more charming. The way they setup Riki in the first game was perfect. I want to use a party member who has basic food and rent issues.
The "My Angel, My Lana" sidequest in Cauldros is a classic.
Although I didn't have the heart to let poor Walolo raise a stuffed animal. I imagine she and Bubu will probably fight and argue for the rest of their lives.
The only normal missions I have left are The root of all evil, turf war, sparking a smile, my angel my lama and trade agreement. I've even finished definian downfall. I'm at 51% survey rate. I would go Tyrant hunting but most of them seem too strong (I have two level 50 skells and two level 30).
It's spreading.
My Angel, My Lama
Root of All Evil - Should be right outside BLADE Barracks, maybe try day or night because this mission could have been started earlier and he'd be there.
Turf War - Check the West Gate entrance in the Industrial District.
Sparking a Smile - Check up north in the Commercial District for the Nopon market set up and try talking to Ngogo.
My Angel, My Lama - Check east of the centre of the Commercial District for the other Nopon market that's set up and talk to the Nopon there.
Trade Agreement - Going east past the Nopon market mentioned just now, look towards the fountain near the buildings for a Nopon called Warawa (I think)
I believe I finished all of these quests before finishing the game or just after finishing the game (like finding everyone for the Trade Agreement mission). "My Angel, My Lama" and "Sparking a Smile" gain Cauldros survey completion.
Bah, she gets none of my sympathy.
My apologies. I don't have any difficulty locating those quests. A lot of those I've already started. I just want to know if any of those contribute to the survey rate completion towards Cauldro. I've already done most of the probe installations and treasure finds and most of the segments left are normal missions but I don't know how to complete them.
"My Angel, My Lama" and "Sparking a Smile" gain Cauldros survey completion.
Also, if it's just normal missions try mentioning what hex segment it's at (ie. SE of FN5xx, N of FN5xx, etc.) and I could tell you exactly what mission it is and where to start it if I remember correctly. Of course, you can also check out around NLA, base camps, Nopon caravans, etc. for yellow conversation bubbles that could help identify what is where. You'll find that Cauldros base camps will tell you about Cauldros segments so that can help.
Why not using the ultra diamond spatha longsword from meredith.co if you want to make an ether based blossom dancer? You can save your time to farm for potential up XX, appendage crusher and weapon power up XX instead of the ether katana.
Go for 800+ potential and stack 4-5 appendage crusher and you're going to be more powerful than the most blossom dancer out there tbh.
The highest damage output I've got with meredith ether longsword was 8 million in a single hit, and it took down Gradivus in 1 minute. That's not bad for a longsword with 288 attack.
Man, speedrunning this game is gonna be fascinating. So many variables!One of the speedrunners found Joker 0.5, he's farming a level 17 blatta tyrant an hour into the game.
I more just wanted to highlight the fate of blattas that end up being tyrants, heh.Man, speedrunning this game is gonna be fascinating. So many variables!