If they include some fixes. Like having the inactive team members accessible from terminals after first unlocking them and maybe when they are not at a Heart to Heart spot (ideally with a little note where they are atm.) Or hexagons indicate that there are multiple discoverables if there are, Skell Fuel stations at Outposts, a radio feature in LA to change the music if desired and so on...anyone here willing to double dip for an NX port?
I must have been playing wrong, I didn't find any of the chapters at all challenging by the time I got to them.
anyone here willing to double dip for an NX port?
anyone here willing to double dip for an NX port?
anyone here willing to double dip for an NX port?
Question about a cutscene in the Chapter 11 story mission,
After you defeat Lao and you're back at BLADE tower for the resolution Elma mentions that Irina might be suicidal to Vandham. If she is on your squad during that mission, does she say anything?
Question about a cutscene in the Chapter 11 story mission,
After you defeat Lao and you're back at BLADE tower for the resolution Elma mentions that Irina might be suicidal to Vandham. If she is on your squad during that mission, does she say anything?
I wanted to ask about that too. Also I thought that
the entire selection process should have been a bigger twist causing tons of people to react. Especially considering most of them had family that didn't get on board.Lao did nothing wrong.
Question about a cutscene in the Chapter 11 story mission,
After you defeat Lao and you're back at BLADE tower for the resolution Elma mentions that Irina might be suicidal to Vandham. If she is on your squad during that mission, does she say anything?
Volkampf, the Salestracker as of today:
This is the number of unit sales that the game has had? If so, I would consider that to be pretty darn good for a WiiU JRPG.
This is the number of unit sales that the game has had? If so, I would consider that to be pretty darn good for a WiiU JRPG.
I've had the game since launch but really just started it a week ago. As of last night I am finally figuring some things out and getting my head around all the systems and information that the game throws at you at the start.
I've been studying the game guide closely and I am very glad that I picked it up when I got the game. This game is freaking huge!
Without spooling anything, could anyone tell me if I'm ready to finish chapter 12?
My character is level 56, running a photon sabre melee combo build, and my likely party will be Elma, Lin and Irina. I have a level 50 Skell while the rest of the crew have level 30s. Everyone has a g buster.
Also, I haven't yet gotten all thexeno species to join NLA. Do I miss any cutscenes or whatever by not having everyone?
You're fine I'd say. As long as your ground game is great and you've got a good Skell (1 lvl50 or more with at least an AOE attack), you'll pull through. Just be ready for the point of no return.
If they include some fixes. Like having the inactive team members accessible from terminals after first unlocking them and maybe when they are not at a Heart to Heart spot (ideally with a little note where they are atm.) Or hexagons indicate that there are multiple discoverables if there are, Skell Fuel stations at Outposts, a radio feature in LA to change the music if desired and so on...
Cool, thanks!
Actually, would the Definian Downfall mission be a good indicator of the level of difficulty for chapter 12? I struggled in the on foot section and lost a couple skells in the well, skell section.
Speaking of which, do any generic Definians ever pop up in NLA? I havent seen any so far
I think Definian Downfall is pretty rough if you haven't beaten the game (I did it after I finished the story). If you make an all-purpose destructive ground-set that won't blow up in your face (reflect, etc.) you'll be fine typically. Your Skells will be fine for the final boss (I went in with level 30 Skells, lost them over time and made it out).
I only remember named Definians since it's been a while.
With that fight either you need post-game level augments or you need to know how to abuse overdrive.
Of course, If they made some slight changes to some of the systems (Inventory managment, using Bases to refuel/insurance Skells, etc...) it could be the absolute best Xenoblade game.anyone here willing to double dip for an NX port?
Of course, If they made some slight changes to some of the systems (Inventory managment, using Bases to refuel/insurance Skells, etc...) it could be the absolute best Xenoblade game.
Because this is the same game that thought that it was OK to go around NLA to recruit party members instead of a menu.That bases thing would be awesome as shit. Why did they not do that?
Currently Level 26 with Chapter 6 ahead and i think i'm in a good spot. I've done a bunch of Affinity Quests and yesterday i found out the "Heart-To-Heart" secret! Kick the person out of your crew! 0_o Who thought that made sense?
Is it normal for gear at the shops to be rubbish compared to the stuff dropped in the field?
What does "Attack Stability" do? Is it related to auto-attack damage?
How do i take and upload screenshots? I'm sure i've been told but can't remember.
How do i get the New LA theme out of my head?
and finally for now... Am i a bad person for really liking the default party of me, Elma and Lin? I'm collecting the rest of the squad but i rarely change my team unless made to.
Damn, i love this game and i don't even have a Skel yet![]()
I just got this game and have absolutely no time for it now but I'm gonna start it anyway and see if it grabs me. Nothing going on Wii U wise for me until TMS anyway.
I usually get really turned off by action RPG systems but feel like I need to get over it or I won't be playing many RPGs right now and I'm really dying to get into one. The little bit I have played has my head spinning so far but I think I'm picking up on it. I never played the first game.
Any veteran BLADEs who could point me towards any good post game guides?
You can fast travel to shuffle the weather.Yeah, I may do the same. The plot is pretty lean, but I like a lot of the characters.
I only took one trip into Oblivia, and, after a while, my characters started taking 50 points of damage every few seconds. I think it must've had something to do with the weather -- a lightning storm (with no rain) was going on. Hope that doesn't crop up too much.
Thanks! I found that out. I was surprised that changing the time didn't do it, but happy fast travel did.You can fast travel to shuffle the weather.
The Wikia already spoiled it in a pic for me, but I find it hard to believe thatChapter 12 spoiler pic below.Elma's true form would allow herself to look like an alien prostitute with her buttcheeks hanging out. I thought with Elma's calibur and pedigree that the developers would leave her alone and not have her look like another alien female call girl.