I just found Yelv that way earlier. Just a random unmarked affinity icon in a shady alleyway.
Though after doing Yelv and Bozé's quests.. Why would they make the DLC characters such assholes lol. I definitely did not enjoy Bozé.
Kind of disappointed nobody ever called Lana a bitchpon.
Got it for Christmas and I'm 5 hours in so far, I'm loving it. One thing I haven't come to grips with is the weapon/armour stats. So I've found stuff that has a higher attack or defence stat in the main box up the top. Is that the main thing I.should look for?
Sometimes though the stats down the bottom tell a different story (they are red/lower than my current weapon/armour).
On the topic of aliencompanions we had previously, Slovity Pagus would have probably been the perfect NPC to turn into a team member. She'd be about as long as Mia in terms of acquiring (maybe a little shorter, since she only needs the one quest chain to be reached I think). Also has an easy human-like model for the armor to not need to be reworked.Prone
It also depends on the augments set in the weapon/armor- one of those weapons must have a melee or ranged attack up augment. They appear in the box to the right along with any empty slots( if it has any) for equipping your own augments.Anyone?
Normal Mission The Celeste Three.Do I believe Briggs or not? Does it matter?
Doesn't matterNormal Mission The Celeste Three.Do I believe Briggs or not? Does it matter?
She would have worked really well - only a Delfinian (maybe Erio) would have been easier to integrate into the current system. If they're going to do the whole 'monstrous brutish males and tiny, waifish women' thing that often with the alien species, they should have tried to take advantage of it to vary the party members a little more.
Jeez you guys are throwing around recruitable characters spoilers like its nothing.
I mean, some of those are obvious, but still.
Normal Mission The Celeste Three.Do I believe Briggs or not? Does it matter?
Trust your heart
Any insight into these classes from those who've played them? Should I not even worry and just rank them all up? lolAre galactic knight/mastermind classes pretty good/fun to play? I've been working down the Duelist path, but it seems kinda "standard" compared to what the other classes look like. I'm thinking about making a change...
LOL.Fuck those guys
Erio would work too though lore wise I don't know who would trust the Definians, unlike the Prone. That said, only the Prone are brutish males and tiny females. The others don't even have sexes.
Trust your heart
Doesn't matter![]()
LOL.Fuck those guys
tbf, some of these -- like Mia -- you will never get without a guide.
I love that, whenever people go and act like they can take me on, or try to act my superior, and I'm just like "uh, do you not realize what I did in the ending? Also, whats my military rank, I'm surely higher than you. Go off and die please so I don't have to take out my G Buster, thanks." mentally.Thanks all.I'm level 55 and those level ~20 scrubs tried to fuck with me, lol.
Any insight into these classes from those who've played them? Should I not even worry and just rank them all up? lol
Does the game want you to hide away from high level monsters? Like it's how I've been traveling around the map and that's worked I guess. I'm only asking because that's how I assume the affinity mission Spy Games has to be done.Unless they expect me to take on level 50 odd enemies...
No, you're supposed to sneak around. Mira is a dangerous place, even after you get a skell.
I went to go get revenge on that sneaky level 60 tyrant in the lake in Noctilum which rekt me near the start of the game with my Ares 90 in tow. I got absolutely wrecked, again, due to him reflecting every damage type.
Damn you! I will get my revenge soon!
Will have to get more reflect augments.
Network console in barracksWhere do i go to do support missions?
Any good places to grind levels from 55 to 60?
Any good places to grind levels from 55 to 60?
Holy shit, thank god you posted this. I was going to go get him tonight after I got home and you saved me.
At least my death wasn't in vain then, lol.
I went and created some reflect null augments and swiftly killed it on returning. Now I'm satisfied.![]()
Joker. Giant flower at the tip of Noctilum, go to the top of the flower thing and inside is a very weak level 90 Tyrant bug. Bring thermal damage.
Gotta hunt for a Phoenix, then.
Joker. Giant flower at the tip of Noctilum, go to the top of the flower thing and inside is a very weak level 90 Tyrant bug. Bring thermal damage.
hunting for resonanting whatever will kill me
Wtf is the drop rate on this