Skell lvl is shown in the bottom left of the stats. Left side, second or third row.How can I tell if a frame is level 50 or not?
Skell lvl is shown in the bottom left of the stats. Left side, second or third row.How can I tell if a frame is level 50 or not?
I absolutely hate the Nopons in this game. They're all greedy fucks, wish there was an option to abandon Tatsu when you first meet him, so they can all get eaten lol.
I'm curious as to how the quest will change. On another note, it's funny that after all the mods she still keeps her pompous round butt.
...Is this actually a thing?Going by the moeblob Skell icons you can unlock for your barracks, it'd probably just be your run-of-the-mill slash fiction, with Skell-themed robot girls.
looks so cool in shades.Nagi
Similar battle system. The insane amount of named NPCs it keeps track of. Fantasy mixed with sci-fi and mechs, oh my.Same battle system? Never played the first one, if I love this game (I do), am I going to be ga-ga over the original?
Can anyone give me a brief rundown of the similarities, spoiler free?
LMAO @ how quicklychanges her tune after you destroy the Rexoskell. So much for all the shit talking she did earlier.Fortuna
"Shes dead! ... Hey, you know I've always thought you were cool. So uh, how can I help you?"
How can I tell if a frame is level 50 or not?
I undressed him and gave him some heart shaped shades. Makes for some good laughs during cutscenes.Nagi looks so cool in shades.
Definians go out trying to find love. They end up falling for Cross.
https://gfycat.com/FirsthandBlackKiskadee I ran into this monster yesterday.
I have been stuck at 4/5 white cometites for awhile now. Went to get something to eat and it's still like that.
God damn this affinity quest.
Where the fuck is that?!
Inside the highest rock in Primordia. Sometimes it sticks out and sometimes it flies around
Where the fuck is that?!
I still don't go near it
Awesome, thanks. I'm really impressed with the battle system in X, so I had wondered if that would carry over.Similar battle system. The insane amount of named NPCs it keeps track of. Fantasy mixed with sci-fi and mechs, oh my.
The biggest similarity is probably the unrivalled sense of scale while exploring their respective worlds and their sheer beauty. There are some truly stunning sights to see on both Mira and the two Giants.
I just came across my old friend lambert
he dies in one hit now
poor lambert
I hoped he would get stronger with me ;-;
Same battle system? Never played the first one, if I love this game (I do), am I going to be ga-ga over the original?
Can anyone give me a brief rundown of the similarities, spoiler free?
When I fought Lambert the first time I was able to knock him off the cliff. I jumped after him to finish our battle. It was quite dynamic.
Whatever you can't swing with, you need to burst down. Pretty much the rules of the game after chapter 8. Chapter 9 is a SMT check. If you've been going through the motions til then... the game will let you know real quick lol (also lin is a shitty tank)
Skell weapons you just really gotta experiment with. Outside of the Superweapons you can pick up, there are a LOT of really useful weapons out there that compliment easy to find setups well.
This lvl 50 Lailah I got has a B2-Gatling that pretty much mopped up everything in the game after I specced for range acc/atk, beam damage, and cooldown. Cheap and ez - Especially with the Lailah's overdrive that pretty much lets you cheese cockpit time.
I generally don't like. She's inherently evil from how she's portrayed, so even with the mods I don't like the idea of keeping her alive. Also theFortundon't feel free with her around.Definians
The two heart ones are easy to get, there's some four heart ones later on that can be annoying though.
Y'know, I think the biggest downgrade from the original isn't the music, or the story, or anything like that, it's the party banter.
The hilarious shit they'd say to each other with their british accents gave the game so much charm.
I find it absolutely disconcerting when the created main character is babbling in the battle. I dont know if disconcerting is the right word for it. Its just so strange and feels out of place to hear someone talking all the time but not in the cut scenes.Or maybe the banter is still good and it's just that I can't hear it over the music. Either way.
I see, grinding straight to 4 hearts from 0 can get annoying. I´m doing all missions so hopefully when those come around I´ll have everyone at 2 hearts and will only have to grind 2 more.
I think Cauldros has gone from my least favorite to favorite map. Though maybe that's just recency bias. It's been a blast to explore.
I find it absolutely disconcerting when the created main character is babbling in the battle. I dont know if disconcerting is the right word for it. Its just so strange and feels out of place to hear someone talking all the time but not in the cut scenes.
I think Cauldros has gone from my least favorite to favorite map. Though maybe that's just recency bias. It's been a blast to explore.
...Is this actually a thing?
It's just the sheer number of characters you get access to make it insanely annoying. Like if it was 4 or 5 it wouldn't be an issue, but there's like 10 additional characters or whatever.
Anyway, I guess I´m going to throw Lin and Elma out of the party for a while and affinity grind 3 other characters at the same time.
Do you know where I can find her after DD? I heard theres an extra quest involving her afterwards. Thats the only reason I let her live, though I also enjoyed the comedy.
I was neglecting affinity missions and I still have to affinity grind Nagi, Irina, Murderess, HB and Boze for their first affinity missions (just those that I can think of). I´m enjoying it as I just add them to my team and keep on doing missions and exploring as usual, so when they finally meet the requirements is like an extra bonus. Anyway, I guess I´m going to throw Lin and Elma out of the party for a while and affinity grind 3 other characters at the same time.
how do you affinity grind in this game? Through normal battles and or soulvoice activation? I havent seen any heart popups in battle like in XBC.
how do you affinity grind in this game? Through normal battles and/or soulvoice activation or with these gathering/bounty missions? I havent seen any heart popups in battle like in XBC.
how does you affinity grind in this game? Through normal battles and/or soulvoice activation or with these gathering/bounty missions? I havent seen any heart popups in battle like in XBC.
I love this suit.