I saw that one of the AMs does a line that looks exactly like what Elma has in different colors which is cool
That's the Norak line - the weakest variant of it is identical to Elma's default gear.
I saw that one of the AMs does a line that looks exactly like what Elma has in different colors which is cool
Not that I know of.
FML I'm traveling all weekend and can't play this amazing game
Luckily I can at least talk about it - so hey are Photon Sabers any good in the endgame? Loving mine right now but don't want to invest my BP if it ends up being weak. Thanks!
That's the Norak line - the weakest variant of it is identical to Elma's default gear.
Generally it goes from up to down and left to right. The numbered ones are always probe sites.
So like (for example):
Code:110 112 115 111 113 114
I actually did that too - whenever I got a new character, first thing I did was change their default outfit into their fashion gear, then equipped new gear on them. Part of it was because I like to keep "one of a kind" equipment, and I was pretty sure I'd never be able to get their unique gear back if I accidentally sold it (also I didn't want it cluttering my inventory). And yeah, part of it was wanting to see them in their "canon" gear in cutscenes.
Only part I had problems with were their head gear, since they didn't have defaults - I usually tried to have something unobtrusive like a cheap Scouter or Goggles so it didn't look too out of place with the rest of their equipment.
I didn't either. Though I use a blue version of Elma's shirt instead of a red one.
I also gave Elma a headset and Lin some glasses as well.Nagi is a must in shades and a suit tho.
To be honest I can hardly be bothered to change their actual gear at times. It's easier to just solo encounters when need be.
Definian Downfall quest:What happens if you kill/spare Fortun?
Am I the only one who used the Fashion Gear to keep all party members in their default outfits?
Same. I can tolerate the cheesy music elsewhere but in flight it's a total mood killer.How i desperately wish i could disable the Skell flight music, i'd absolutely love to fly around Noctilum at day time with that theme playing. Exploring the Great Nail for the first time and the the surrounding areas on foot at day time with the Noctilum theme playing is possibly my gaming moment of 2015. So good!!!
I just rotated party members throughout the game when doing normal missions between chapters. Never had a problem with affinity requirements.So...I'm trying to do the Affinity Quests for Chapter 11
The first onewas just awful. A fucking cat? Seriously? Tranq the damn cat. On better thought? Shoot the guy, cuz he's an idiot. And fuck the cutscenes in this are long as hell.
The second oneI can't even do because the guy I needed for the first quest I haven't used before doing that one. What the hell. I barely have L to a half a heart, how am I supposed to get this chucklefuck to a full heart?
Same. I can tolerate the cheesy music elsewhere but in flight it's a total mood killer.
Can anyone please tell me where the oblivia fn 317 sight seeing location is?
With two duplicators and boosters you can get over 100,000 storage (sadly the G2 are critical here for going over 100k, more storage might help without though) so I'd say four duplicators is not worth it. I used three G2 boosters and am currently sitting on 120600 sotrage (my storage is a 5 combo, 3 combo, rest individual). Yes you can view it that the boosters are being sacrificed but I'd prefer that to the duplicators.So is it worth putting all 4 duplicator probes in Noctilum for the storage as shown here?
That would be GG light armour. The enemy drop only infinite version* is a a sort of gold colour.I saw that one of the AMs does a line that looks exactly like what Elma has in different colors which is cool
Also, I was really happy to find thehigh roads andnoponbridges, but didn't find anoponCan anyone answer if there is one in the game? That was one of my favorite parts of XC and it would be a bummer if there's no proper one in this game :/nopon village.
There is a small Nopon caravan on every continent other than Primordia.
NLA is the only proper town.
Wow, that's insanely disappointing. I honestly might stop playing the game.
Thanks :/
nopons are still very charming in this game with the crazy shit they get into
and teases ofthe first game
spend time with muimui and moimoi before you quit
Holy shit thisquest is freaking epic. I had no idea.Definian Downfall
Despite my knee-jerk reaction I'll probably still finish the game, as I'm already 40 hours in. However, I really can't believe NLA is the only proper town. Despite the improved/expanded systems, I'm not sure how anyone in this right mind can compare this game favorably to the original XC. It's just quite honestly feels like something completely different knowing that NLA is basically the only real settlement.
Holy shit thisquest is freaking epic. I had no idea.Definian Downfall
Well yeah, it is really different. It's its own thing.
Despite my knee-jerk reaction I'll probably still finish the game, as I'm already 40 hours in. However, I really can't believe NLA is the only proper town. Despite the improved/expanded systems, I'm not sure how anyone in this right mind can compare this game favorably to the original XC. It's just quite honestly feels like something completely different knowing that NLA is basically the only real settlement.
those prones took over all of Mira and the only ones they really fear are humans so NLA's theme as the last refuge plays out well
the way each xeno group makes themselves at home there is pretty cool
If they gave the nopons a city I would want all the xeno groups to also have a town
I really wanted that to be honest
finding the caravans around the world still worked for me but I do wish everyone had a proper city not just a world full of prone bases
Any other city would have defeated the purpose and awesomeness of New LA.
Despite my knee-jerk reaction I'll probably still finish the game, as I'm already 40 hours in. However, I really can't believe NLA is the only proper town. Despite the improved/expanded systems, I'm not sure how anyone in their right mind can compare this game favorably to the original XC. It's just quite honestly feels like something completely different knowing that NLA is basically the only real settlement.
Its too different to compare other than its similarities in the battle system and some similar terms. The way the game is structured, paced, built and designed is far different than XC.
I don't make better/worse comparisons between Xenosaga III and Xenoblade because of how different they are, and I really can't do the same thing here.
Any other city would have defeated the purpose and awesomeness of New LA.
I guess that narrative "fits" and is convenient, but kind of feels like a cop-out. Not to mention the prone bases are super boring and feel thoughtlessly copy-pasted in a way to be annoying to traverse rather than interesting to explore.
But yah, it would have been nice to have gotten more.
I really hate NLA. It feels tacky and out of place in an alien planet. Also the music drives me nuts, even 40 hours in. I guess wanting to "mimic" the feel of LA makes... sense? But I just can't help but compare it to Colony 9 and it feels so poorly designed in comparison. The "residential" district feels pathetic, as does most of everything else. To me it just feels like a poorly designed hub just barely made to feel like a real "town". It's very utilitarian, but not very impressive.
I also live in California and hate LA, so I'm guessing that doesn't help.
I agree with you. However, I don't think comparing Xenosaga and Xenoblade Chronicles is the same as comparing Xenoblade Chronicles and its same-named successor, Xenoblade Chronicles X.
Kind of like you have certain expectations out of Final Fantasy games, even if all their stories are entirely separate from each other and the battle/other systems vary.
Still technically a "Xeno" game made by Takahashi and Monolith Soft, but I get what you mean. A name carries some expectations, but it doesn't change how I view the content itself. If others wanna make the comparisons that's totally cool, but after playing for 60 hours I just don't see them. Outside of the combat and terminology of course.
Like Xenoblade is much more of a fantasy game than it is sci-fi, while Xenoblade X is much more of a sci-fi game than it is fantasy. The tones of the game couldn't be anymore different.
not sure how far you got in 40 hours but there is a sci-fi theme to this game that the first one had less of the aliens you meet make NLA worth it for me
this world is still pretty huge with nice hidden surprises that make exploring fun
all the ruins in this game just tells a story of what could have been on Mira long ago
hopefully the next game on NX gives us more of what we want
X lacks almost everything I loved in the first Xenoblade, but I enjoyed my time with X a lot more.
It's just doing what it tries to do a lot better. Projecting your expectations onto a game and then complain it isn't what you wanted is a bad idea imo.
Before it released I kept whining it wasn't anything like the first xenoblade (and was rebuked by believers who were fooling themselves) but not only that's a good thing, that's not at all what it's trying to do.
I prefer judging something for what it is rather than what I want it to be.