Smiles and Cries
the best nopon in this game is "The Ladykiller-pon"
Definian DownfallI can't decide whether to kill Fortun.
Definian DownfallI can't decide whether to kill Fortun.
Tatsu is awesome.
Definian DownfallI can't decide whether to kill Fortun.
She was too fun a char for me to kill. No regrets keeping her alive.
It has the knowledge of the universe, I still allowed it to become scrap metal
I would allow or side with more bad guys if they did not talk so damn snobbish
again, Goonie Goo Goo Gus!
I did, she just dies immediately and you get the info, kinda regretted it later
Yeah been upgrading whatever I can whenever it's possible since so much on here can hand me my ass in seconds. I don't actually know what happened that first time around to be honest, I went back for a second try and she hit one member for around 350 damage and missed the rest and I managed to edge out a win even though it got a bit rough, I really should get to grinding some levels since I was only lv12 when I took it on.
Duuuude (tyrant)and the cave he's in is so fucking cool.Lugalbanda The Wanderer King
Even before you guys responded I decided to keep her alive. Just seeing her interact with Professor B was enough to justify my decision.
Also I did it because it's the opposite of what she would do.
Edit:Oh god her personality just got hilarious.
Duuuude (tyrant)and the cave he's in is so fucking cool.Lugalbanda The Wanderer King
I just learned how the Zaruboggan reproduce.
Where is that cave?
Even before you guys responded I decided to keep her alive. Just seeing her interact with Professor B was enough to justify my decision.
Also I did it because it's the opposite of what she would do.
Edit:Oh god her personality just got hilarious.
Alright, I'm at level 40. Where are my level 40 skells?
The outcome effects which quest you get after. If you want more happiness destroy.
UgghhhhhhLevel 50 skells are the next ones. No level 40.
Any way to turn off "Notice ftom BLADE HQ: To commence a story mission, accept it at the BLADE barracks!"
Any way to turn off "Notice ftom BLADE HQ: To commence a story mission, accept it at the BLADE barracks!"
Well, I've already saved, but what does "more happiness" mean, precisely?
How do I unlock level 5 salvage/probe set up?
Ummmm. Hard to say without spoiling but the quest you get afterwards is called:
Definian Love and its plot is about finding the right mate for a Definian. In the end both the new Definian as well as Erio reveal they are in love with you. The other quest is not about this at all but you get to fight a new enemy and get slightly better rewards in terms of money and exp.
Assuming you have your mechanical skill at level 4 then you need to keep checking the mission board for a quest marked "Off The Record." Each skill has it's one respective mission titled as such and completing it will increase your level.Any help? I suspect its the Kirsty quest line but I can't find her any more.
Also, I have seen the light. Started uploading to imgur rather than Miiverse. Shame Miiverse's image quality is so shit.
Hidden in the.Vitriol Cesspool in Noctilum
Ummmm. Hard to say without spoiling but the quest you get afterwards is called:
Definian Love and its plot is about finding the right mate for a Definian. In the end both the new Definian as well as Erio reveal they are in love with you. The other quest is not about this at all but you get to fight a new enemy and get slightly better rewards in terms of money and exp.
After 160 hours in you grow fond of the characters even though at first I didn't know or give a damn about generic character a or b (looking at you gwin).
So how many hours have you all put into this game?
Over 160 here. Still going. I think I just want to finish all the affinity quests and major basic quests before I put it down. Kind of just want to extract as much story from it as possible. After 160 hours in you grow fond of the characters even though at first I didn't know or give a damn about generic character a or b (looking at you gwin).
WHOA! I just found out that if your avatar is female the Definians in the game are male!
Hey GAF, do my answers to the main quest dialogs actually change anything? Just finished chapter 9.
I don't think I'll ever like Gwin, but the rest of the cast does grow on you. It's such a shame they weren't able to give them much in the way of interactions with each other...
I'd have to have had a flying Skell from the word GO to justify never fast traveling. Airships were how we fast traveled in RPGs before picking a destination from a map was hip anyway (and ignoring how DQ games introduced a teleport spell early on...)we are spoiled these days
this would have been an epic chore without fast travel
only the most dedicated fans would stick with it or people who play EVE Online
They do talk to each other in battle, but the sound mixing is so terrible that it's really easy to not even notice it.
I was like 35 hours in before I noticed it when Alexa offered to teach Gwin some skell tricks so he could impress Irina.
I've heard a few of the post-battle conversations, and they are better than nothing; but all it does is make the lack of proper scenes and subplots that make use of those dynamics more apparent; even if I understand why it'd have been impractical to even attempt including them.
Especially since the main story focuses so heavily on the Elma/Lin/Tatsu trio and individual affinity missions have very insular casts; having a glimpse of a different focus for a single line feels more like a cruel taunt when it happens.
WHOA! I just found out that if your avatar is female the Definians in the game disguise themselves as male!
I was just exploring before taking on the next story mission (Ch. 4 or Ch. 5 — can't remember which) when I swam from Primordia northward past some tropical islands guarded by Prone, and then farther north to Sylvalum, with gently falling snow and aurora borealis and absolutely incredible geography.
Not that Primordia was any slouch in that department, but this is some straight-up Isaac Asimov cover art surrealism, with knotty sphere-top trees and ribcage-like mountains and white velvety mosses clinging to the tundra. It's... amazing.
Now I'm curious to see what the other three regions are like. <3