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Yakuza Community Thread - FEEL THE HEAT!

So glad to see 0 get confirmed for a English release. Its definitely the best in the series since the early games in my opinion, its easily my game of the year 2015. I'll be grabbing 5 next week so that I can finally play it through in English, really hoping that nothing has been cut (from mini games, side stories, to all that licensed manga you can read in the convenience stores).


Of course it goes without saying that we are getting a second chance for the series in the West, let us not waste it!


Alright someone remind me what features Y0 has? I'm talking gameplay elements to side stuff.
I only know the basics due to media blackout but I will make a hype thread for this so every PS4GAFfer can tell their friends so everybody wishlists this masterpiece.

Also it's 1 AM-ish and I really should be sleeping and my brain is just not gonna write that hype thread well at this hour :V
Alright someone remind me what features Y0 has? I'm talking gameplay elements to side stuff.
I only know the basics due to media blackout but I will make a hype thread for this so every PS4GAFfer can tell their friends so everybody wishlists this masterpiece.

Also it's 1 AM-ish and I really should be sleeping and my brain is just not gonna write that hype thread well at this hour :V

I can't remember the whole lot from my playthrough, but from memory you get:

Two playable characters - Kazama Kiryu and Goro Majima (Majima playable for the first time in a canonical Yakuza game, Dead Souls is not cannon).

Two cities to explore - Tokyo and Osaka. The cities have been altered in appearance as the game is based in the 80's. So there are areas here and there that you can explore that do not appear in other entries in the series.

Money is king! There is no experience points to be earned in Yakuza 0. Its all about money! The time period that the game is set in sees the Japanese flush with cash thanks to a property boom. You use money to level up both Kiryu and Majima, which can be earned in...

Money Island/Night Island side stories. Kiryu takes on a failing property firm to help the owner build up his portfolio and take on the "5 Billionaires" of Kamuracho. This mode involves you investing money into various stores and businesses in Tokyo. Doing so will build your reputation while also providing you with a rather large payout. As you build your reputation you'll be challenged by the billionaire of the area, which of course means a fist fight is not too far away!

Majima deals with the Night Island side mission, which is a hostess club management sim, it does play differently compared to the hostess management stuff seen in 2, 3 and 4. You recruit and level up girls to work at your club, and when running the club your goal is to match the hostesses to your customers depending on their preference (some want sexy girls, some want cute, some want funny etc.) in order to satisfy the customer and make money. Doing so also builds your reputation in areas which then allows you to battle rival clubs in said areas as part of this side mission.

Improved battle system. Personally speaking I felt the combat in 0 was much improved compared to previous games - each character gets 3 distinct styles (plus 1 hidden style each) - Kiryu gets his thug style (default brawler style), rush style (fast paced, weak boxing style) and a heavy/tank style (awesome Seijima esque fighting style).
Majima gets his default hand to hand fighting style, his Slugger fighting style (baseball bat!) and his dance fighting style (think Eddy from Tekken 3 and you won't be too far off).
All the styles handle very differently and are very useful for different circumstances. My favourite of which is Kiryu's ability to automatically pick up weapons using the square button when using his heavy/tank fighting style.
As usual they all come loaded with a whole host of different heat moves to use and as you upgrade them you unlock even more useful attributes and moves.

More mini games: Hostess clubs are out (bar Majima's management) but phone hotlines are in. Sega's arcade is fully stocked with 80's hits including Space Harrier, Outrun, Super Hang On and Fantasy Zone. Scalectrix toy race car tournaments are included and are insanely addictive thanks to the ability to mod cars, and of course cat fights are in - basically what you get if you mix the cast of Rumble Roses and rock, paper, scissors (and its easily the worst thing ever in this game thanks to how utterly random the mini game is).

Story: Without spoiling anything it basically follows the two main cast members as they begin their paths to become the characters everyone knows and loves now. Plus its an excellent excuse to bring back so many awesome characters that haven't been used in newer games.
The game story also benefits because there are only two characters, instead of the five Yakuza 5 gets. It makes for a tighter, more focused story.
Oh, and cutscene wise some cutscenes use this weird, static comic book style instead of the in game engine for bits where characters just stand around talking. Its not used all that often, and I'm not quite sure why they opted for this method for a handful of cutscenes.

Challenge List: Those aiming for 100% completion on this game will be greeted with a challenge/completion list that at first looks like Ishin's. Fear not, its nowhere near that bad! Instead of having mind numbing tasks like "pick up 50 eggs laid by chickens" the game basically only focuses on stuff your more than likely to get while playing the game normally. Its broken down into exploration (walking around, finding objects like phone cards), battles (using different fighting styles a number of times, using a set number of different heat moves etc.) making money (tied to the above side missions) and playspots (which is where 90% of your extra time will no doubt be spent) doing stuff like getting high scores in arcade games, finding all weapon blueprints and materials in weapon searches, getting certain hands in Mah Jong, making certain amounts of money on several different gambling mini games. Don't worry though, its one of the easiest in the series to 100% (I've managed it, and the only others I can do are 2 and Ishin so far).

Basically the game is more of the same but pretty much better/improved in every way (in my opinion). Its 1080p on the PS4, 60 FPS - though not a solid 60, it dips slightly in certain spots on the map but the fights are a solid 60 FPS (bar one boss). There is minimal tearing in a few spots on the map as well. Its a damn slick game but not perfect, a PC port would certainly be amazing.


Thanks mate, the Y0 hype thread may not be ready until 2 days from now, my brain's managed to formulate a hype thread for LB2 so i want to get that out of the way first :p
Apologies for the random bump, but I have any inquire that was recently recommended for the community thread. I was wondering whether an archive of KHHsubs' text walkthrough for the Japanese version of Yakuza 5 still exist somewhere on the Net? I'm a die hard collector of physical copies for video games so I imported a copy about a year ago, but the author(s) immediately swiped all their content in response to the Western localization announcement at PSX 2014. I know a few documents exist on GameFAQs, but they don't contain any translation of the cutscenes/story content which hurts a largely appealing point for the series in my opinion. Am I entirely out of luck in this department for a text guide or would it be better to wait for a full playthrough on YouTube of the digital version in order to follow along with the story?
My favourite heat move (and this ties in nicely with Yakuza 5) is the new bicycle heat move you get in Yakuza 5 - Have your character ride a bike toward the enemy, pulling off a somersault kick while still riding the bike hitting the enemy. Cracks me up every time.

Kiryu's new heat move against enemies that are face down on pavement is brutal as well, basically he grabs their face and violently rubs their face in the pavement.

Another from Yakuza 5 - Kiryu's red heat move. Tricky to pull off but ultra saitsfying when you do.

Oh, not sure if this one really counts as a heat move, but I loved the command prompt (Yakuza 5 spoiler)
where Haruka can smack Okita around the head with a fire extinguisher when Akiyama fights him in 5.

Oh, and pretty much any counter heat move, or any heat moves from the rush style in Yakuza 0. I could probably go all night listing ones from different games.


My favourite heat move (and this ties in nicely with Yakuza 5) is the new bicycle heat move you get in Yakuza 5 - Have your character ride a bike toward the enemy, pulling off a somersault kick while still riding the bike hitting the enemy. Cracks me up every time.

Kiryu's new heat move against enemies that are face down on pavement is brutal as well, basically he grabs their face and violently rubs their face in the pavement.

Another from Yakuza 5 - Kiryu's red heat move. Tricky to pull off but ultra saitsfying when you do.

Oh, not sure if this one really counts as a heat move, but I loved the command prompt (Yakuza 5 spoiler)
where Haruka can smack Okita around the head with a fire extinguisher when Akiyama fights him in 5.

Oh, and pretty much any counter heat move, or any heat moves from the rush style in Yakuza 0. I could probably go all night listing ones from different games.

They're all so awesome haha, I was checking out some series history yesterday and saw a Yakuza 5 heat move if you have a carrot in your inventory where whoever you play as rolls the enemy into a snowball and makes him into a snowman lol

Winter themes are always fun
They're all so awesome haha, I was checking out some series history yesterday and saw a Yakuza 5 heat move if you have a carrot in your inventory where whoever you play as rolls the enemy into a snowball and makes him into a snowman lol

Winter themes are always fun

That's Seijima's red heat move, its glorious! Looking at the latest trailer Sega of Japan released for the Yakuza 1 remake it looks like there are a nice amount of new heat moves featured in that game as well. Can't wait to use them all!

Oh, and further favourites of mine - any tag team heat moves. Rarely used (not every game features them) but always gives me an epic feeling when I do use one (Yakuza 0 uses them, there's even a trophy for using a set number of them on a certain chapter).


Wait so you between them like you could in Y4 ?

in Y4 , you could change characters after a certain point in order to clean up quests. Is that option still there ?

Yes, you can change characters in the last chapter.

By the way, I found this on amazon. I don't know if there is a yakuza gaf who likes to get these stuff.

『龍が如く』シリーズ10周年記念本 龍大全 (Ryu Encyclopedia: Ryu ga gotoku 10th anniversary famitsu edition)

The release date is the same as Kiwami (Jan 21).
Is it worth playing Dead Souls? As a fan of the series I feel bad never playing it as I enjoyed the demo but it got buried between other games at the time.


Well if you've played the demo and liked it, sure why not and go for it if you aren't bogged down by other games.


So a fairly fanatical friend of mine on Steam says a lot more than hostess clubs were taken out of Yakuza 3, he said some side quests were?

eikaiwa was japan's largest english school industry
owned entirely by yakuza
it was a literal pyramid scheme
was a giant scam
even forcing teachers to date their students
in attempt to keep students to come back
some dark shit
there is an entire substory in Y3 about it
but they cut it from english version
manga artist substory was also cut
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=veY3QzvSwfE and the obvious trivia quiz one that was cut but its not like you'd be able to do it without google anyway so this one i didnt mind
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n7JLlg7muqo hostess related one that was cut
they cut out so much its disgusting

Any truth to this? I haven't played 3 yet.
Yeah, a lot more than just hostess clubs were cut from 3. Stuff like mahjong and shogi were cut as well, as well as some side quests and other stuff.

They cut a lot.
So a fairly fanatical friend of mine on Steam says a lot more than hostess clubs were taken out of Yakuza 3, he said some side quests were?

Any truth to this? I haven't played 3 yet.

There was also the hostess management side mission that was cut. Its a pretty substantial part of content that was thankfully kept for Yakuza 4. Plus AnswerXAnswer was cut (as always) and two Akimoto/Mizuki side stories were cut (returning characters) which I assume were cut because one revealed that (huge spoilers)
the two characters are brother and sister - so they've been engaging in an incestuous relationship all these years!

I've said it before, but this will be the one I platinum.

...Unless there's darts

I have some bad news for you...


There was also the hostess management side mission that was cut. Its a pretty substantial part of content that was thankfully kept for Yakuza 4. Plus AnswerXAnswer was cut (as always) and two Akimoto/Mizuki side stories were cut (returning characters) which I assume were cut because one revealed that (huge spoilers)
the two characters are brother and sister - so they've been engaging in an incestuous relationship all these years!

Yeah the whole Akimoto and Mizuki thing started off so funny in Y1
with him being jealous and wanting to kill himself over her
and Y2
with her lying saying she was pregnant but they didn't even kiss each other and it was just to keep stringing him along haha
but got dark after even in Kenzan where
he can kill her if you answer incorrectly
but it wasn't until RGG3 that things got really bad for them holy crap!, luckily in Ishin they return to being their usual selves
if for a little bit before Akimoto dies
and then in Zero substory 35 for Kiryu,
after the chatline, Kiryu goes to meet the woman he has been talking to and it turns out her name is Mirei and she looks just like Akimoto, so could be his Mother or Aunt or older Sister or Cousin and she has her way with Kiryu.....
Man, I missed the Zero reference completely! I did love the way they showed up in Ishin though, glad that the studio went mostly all out to feature as many different returning characters in the plot as possible, still gutted that
Rikiya never appeared in the main plot. He was by far my favourite character in 3, and his death still impacted me the most in the entire series
Well I just bought Yakuza 3 & 4 off Amazon because of this thread. I hope I did the right thing. I'll buy 5 tomorrow even though I won't get to it for awhile. I played maybe two or three hours of the first one way back in 2007 at a friends and liked it but never bought it and have always wanted to get into the series.

After seeing the excitement about 5 finally coming to America I decided to take the plunge. I'm graduating college on Friday and seriously doubt I will find a job that starts before January so I've got a nice chunk of time with nothing to do. Although I do have Just Cause 3 and Xenoblade Chronicles X to play as well.


Cock Strain, Lifetime Warranty
Well I just bought Yakuza 3 & 4 off Amazon because of this thread. I hope I did the right thing. I'll buy 5 tomorrow even though I won't get to it for awhile. I played maybe two or three hours of the first one way back in 2007 at a friends and liked it but never bought it and have always wanted to get into the series.

After seeing the excitement about 5 finally coming to America I decided to take the plunge. I'm graduating college on Friday and seriously doubt I will find a job that starts before January so I've got a nice chunk of time with nothing to do. Although I do have Just Cause 3 and Xenoblade Chronicles X to play as well.
You did good. Be patient with 3, it has its moments. 4 is an orchestra of awesome.


Is there a way I can donate my extra cash to the club I manage in Y2? It has no money to buy a new plant, but I do. How the heck can I get out of the red? :(


Cock Strain, Lifetime Warranty
Is there a way I can donate my extra cash to the club I manage in Y2? It has no money to buy a new plant, but I do. How the heck can I get out of the red? :(

You can only use club's budget, but you can use your wallet to increase the girls' happiness by buying them flowers. Keep girls happy first, talk to them and compliment/scold them, use money made each night to buy furnishing.


Got bored of waiting for Y5 to download (ain't going to happen tonight) so I started Dead Souls.

What have I done??!?


I can't believe I am in 2015 playing a simply designed racing mini game driving a Japanese Taxi vehicle of all things, decal-ed with Idol Haruka on it like i'm some crazed Otaku while blasting DAYTONAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA, LET'S GO AWAY as I Heat Drift through a friggin' highway.


I like that that they are really fleshing out what happened in Yakuza 1 more and showing more that
Yumi isn't just "there" to be a love interest and suddenly disappearing after Dojima is killed, or the relationship between Reina and Nishiki, that she's shown her affection for him and he's rejected her, then Nishiki hearing the news of his sister Yuko's death and all the forces within the Tojo clan including Shimano influencing him towards the person he becomes later in Y1.

Hopefully they tie up any loose ends and really make the game they wanted to for so long.


I like that that they are really fleshing out what happened in Yakuza 1 more and showing more that
Yumi isn't just "there" to be a love interest and suddenly disappearing after Dojima is killed, or the relationship between Reina and Nishiki, that she's shown her affection for him and he's rejected her, then Nishiki hearing the news of his sister Yuko's death and all the forces within the Tojo clan including Shimano influencing him towards the person he becomes later in Y1.

Hopefully they tie up any loose ends and really make the game they wanted to for so long.

The Yakuza 2 remake should be interesting, especially since they haven't touched the Yakuza Eater since.
I like that that they are really fleshing out what happened in Yakuza 1 more and showing more that
Yumi isn't just "there" to be a love interest and suddenly disappearing after Dojima is killed, or the relationship between Reina and Nishiki, that she's shown her affection for him and he's rejected her, then Nishiki hearing the news of his sister Yuko's death and all the forces within the Tojo clan including Shimano influencing him towards the person he becomes later in Y1.

Hopefully they tie up any loose ends and really make the game they wanted to for so long.

Yeah, I'm really interested to see how they flesh out certain aspects of the story for the remake. The new stuff in that trailer looked pretty interesting. I wonder how much there will be of that overall.
I concur about the story being fleshed out in Kiwami. It looks very promising, and I'm glad that
is getting more screen time since he's a favourite of mine. Pity that they (huge Yakuza 3 spoilers)
killed him off early in Yakuza 3. He always came across as a cool character and would have been great as a leader/high up role in the Tojo clan alongside Daigo.


Alright, finally gonna get to this series. I have Yakuza 1 on the way and will start from there. It seems that 2 is the rarest of the lot? Is this true? For manual, game case, and disc it's looking like 60 to 80 or so.


Just started Yakuza 1 today, as soon as I found out there was a hidden casino I rushed over there, gave em the password, and lost a lot of money ^_^


I decided I'm going to go all in on Yakuza 2 before resuming 5, since I'm at Chapter 12 and the Marietta has almost conquered the hostess club world. Not too far in 5 yet, just savoring the Kiryu quests.
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