My wallet is ready, let's hope they informed SCEE as well.
Oh they know man
They know :3
My wallet is ready, let's hope they informed SCEE as well.
Alright someone remind me what features Y0 has? I'm talking gameplay elements to side stuff.
I only know the basics due to media blackout but I will make a hype thread for this so every PS4GAFfer can tell their friends so everybody wishlists this masterpiece.
Also it's 1 AM-ish and I really should be sleeping and my brain is just not gonna write that hype thread well at this hour :V
My favourite heat move (and this ties in nicely with Yakuza 5) is the new bicycle heat move you get in Yakuza 5 - Have your character ride a bike toward the enemy, pulling off a somersault kick while still riding the bike hitting the enemy. Cracks me up every time.
Kiryu's new heat move against enemies that are face down on pavement is brutal as well, basically he grabs their face and violently rubs their face in the pavement.
Another from Yakuza 5 - Kiryu's red heat move. Tricky to pull off but ultra saitsfying when you do.
Oh, not sure if this one really counts as a heat move, but I loved the command prompt (Yakuza 5 spoiler)where Haruka can smack Okita around the head with a fire extinguisher when Akiyama fights him in 5.
Oh, and pretty much any counter heat move, or any heat moves from the rush style in Yakuza 0. I could probably go all night listing ones from different games.
They're all so awesome haha, I was checking out some series history yesterday and saw a Yakuza 5 heat move if you have a carrot in your inventory where whoever you play as rolls the enemy into a snowball and makes him into a snowman lol
Winter themes are always fun
In honor of the hype today gave us, let's post our favorite heat moves!
Here's one from Zero:
https://youtu.be/nvDWThb4cxI @ 1:30 with the boiling water, just looks at Kaz's face as he suffers
How is 5 structured? Is it each character's story in turn or can you swap between them?
The former.That's Y5's biggest flaw.
The former.That's Y5's biggest flaw.
Wait so you between them like you could in Y4 ?
in Y4 , you could change characters after a certain point in order to clean up quests. Is that option still there ?
eikaiwa was japan's largest english school industry
owned entirely by yakuza
it was a literal pyramid scheme
was a giant scam
even forcing teachers to date their students
in attempt to keep students to come back
some dark shit
there is an entire substory in Y3 about it
but they cut it from english version
manga artist substory was also cut
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=veY3QzvSwfE and the obvious trivia quiz one that was cut but its not like you'd be able to do it without google anyway so this one i didnt mind
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n7JLlg7muqo hostess related one that was cut
they cut out so much its disgusting
So a fairly fanatical friend of mine on Steam says a lot more than hostess clubs were taken out of Yakuza 3, he said some side quests were?
Any truth to this? I haven't played 3 yet.
I've said it before, but this will be the one I platinum.
...Unless there's darts
There was also the hostess management side mission that was cut. Its a pretty substantial part of content that was thankfully kept for Yakuza 4. Plus AnswerXAnswer was cut (as always) and two Akimoto/Mizuki side stories were cut (returning characters) which I assume were cut because one revealed that (huge spoilers).the two characters are brother and sister - so they've been engaging in an incestuous relationship all these years!
Uh, if you're spoiling five, you should tag that more appropriately.
You did good. Be patient with 3, it has its moments. 4 is an orchestra of awesome.Well I just bought Yakuza 3 & 4 off Amazon because of this thread. I hope I did the right thing. I'll buy 5 tomorrow even though I won't get to it for awhile. I played maybe two or three hours of the first one way back in 2007 at a friends and liked it but never bought it and have always wanted to get into the series.
After seeing the excitement about 5 finally coming to America I decided to take the plunge. I'm graduating college on Friday and seriously doubt I will find a job that starts before January so I've got a nice chunk of time with nothing to do. Although I do have Just Cause 3 and Xenoblade Chronicles X to play as well.
Is there a way I can donate my extra cash to the club I manage in Y2? It has no money to buy a new plant, but I do. How the heck can I get out of the red?![]()
Got bored of waiting for Y5 to download (ain't going to happen tonight) so I started Dead Souls.
What have I done??!?
I like that that they are really fleshing out what happened in Yakuza 1 more and showing more thatYumi isn't just "there" to be a love interest and suddenly disappearing after Dojima is killed, or the relationship between Reina and Nishiki, that she's shown her affection for him and he's rejected her, then Nishiki hearing the news of his sister Yuko's death and all the forces within the Tojo clan including Shimano influencing him towards the person he becomes later in Y1.
Hopefully they tie up any loose ends and really make the game they wanted to for so long.
I like that that they are really fleshing out what happened in Yakuza 1 more and showing more thatYumi isn't just "there" to be a love interest and suddenly disappearing after Dojima is killed, or the relationship between Reina and Nishiki, that she's shown her affection for him and he's rejected her, then Nishiki hearing the news of his sister Yuko's death and all the forces within the Tojo clan including Shimano influencing him towards the person he becomes later in Y1.
Hopefully they tie up any loose ends and really make the game they wanted to for so long.