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Finally finished the game but not set on playing ex hard or dead soul. I was not a fan of the gunplay and I really want a Yakuza 5. Loved the ending.


Ugh fuck these stupid hostess clubs, why the fuck can't I do this WHEN THERE AREN'T ANY FUCKING ZOMBIES AROUND?!?!!?
Gonna finish Goda's tomorrow then deal with Kiryu's other 2 bitches.
Wish there was a guide that provided the best response for each topic in words ugh.


^right?! im using that ps3trophies guide and somewhere between 3rd and 4th round it usually steers me wrong, wrong, wrong. i hate losing hearts, spending cheddar & time! for real, i have all the weapons, armor, & i items i need (even the 10 mill trophy) but even role playing, i cant bring myself to spend 300,000 yen on some boushi ho's golden champagne for 1 heart when a 1k OJ gets half that. nah woman, eat ya damn veggie sticks.

wrapped it all up this morning, starting Ex Hard as soon as the whiskey sets in.


Managed to order dead souls today along with the REmake for the Wii.

So is the big problem with the gunplay the fact that you use the left stick? I mean I did that for years with RE so I don't see why that would be such a big deal now. Is there anything else wrong with them?


@IrishNinja- Good luck mate, but and I really wish I wasn't so offensive about this, but fuck the stupid Hostess Club, can't believe there were those who wanted this turd in the game, it's just a waste of time, if I wanted to play a dating sim I'd play I dunno Kawata Shoujo or any other game that is a dating sim genre.
To me the Yakuza series is about playing as badass manly Yakuzas who beat the living crap out of idiots who think they're holier than thou, and take a break singing at Karaokes and go a few rounds at the Bowling Alley or Batting Cage.

Managed to order dead souls today along with the REmake for the Wii.

So is the big problem with the gunplay the fact that you use the left stick? I mean I did that for years with RE so I don't see why that would be such a big deal now. Is there anything else wrong with them?

When in First Person View mode (Hold L2) the cursor can only be moved with the Left Stick, if you're OK with that then it shouldn't be a problem.
The game does however randomly suffer from frame rate drop after explosions, but I haven't lost the game to it yet. Some enemies are a pain in the ass though (looking at you cocktail flinging hobos!)


Managed to order dead souls today along with the REmake for the Wii.

So is the big problem with the gunplay the fact that you use the left stick? I mean I did that for years with RE so I don't see why that would be such a big deal now. Is there anything else wrong with them?

I've found that the camera can sometimes get stuck in tight quarters and make sit really hard to turn. And occasionally you'll be aiming very close to something and the autoaim won't kick in so you shoot beside the zombie and that combined with the camera getting stuck can really suck.


EX HARD down! not really tricky when you have the game-breaking weapon from Amon, natch. now, i'm on my grind - lvl 92 and 7 to go, which is shitty cause the ps3 trophy guide puts you on track for 1 lvl = 20 minutes...cmon man, there's gotta be a better way!

knocking this shit out, then starting dead souls mode which i am not looking forward to after coasting through play # 2 in one night, heh.


The despair I get from this stupid hostess club is enough to make me cry and cut myself...

EX HARD down! not really tricky when you have the game-breaking weapon from Amon, natch. now, i'm on my grind - lvl 92 and 7 to go, which is shitty cause the ps3 trophy guide puts you on track for 1 lvl = 20 minutes...cmon man, there's gotta be a better way!

knocking this shit out, then starting dead souls mode which i am not looking forward to after coasting through play # 2 in one night, heh.

How many levels did you go up in your EX. Hard playthrough? Maybe replay the game on Normal and complete all substories while equipping the training gear, or replay Inf. subturrainia?


OK, one more bitch to go. IrishNinja, do you happen to recall the order of which responses to use with the Hostess that is farthest from the exit for Kiryu?


yeah i thought about just replaying again, but...you don't get the big points for chapters till later is the thing. maybe i should re-fight some bosses!

and nah man, like i said i stuck to the script for the first few responses, after row 3 or going into 4 when id bomb with the guide's answers, i just started winging it and saying nice shit to her and that worked. oh and dates always went to sushi or something cause that's fastest! once in a blue moon they'd not like what i ordered, but it didnt really cost me much heart-wise.


level 95 now...this grind can suck my diiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiick

I skimmed over a roadmap for the trophies and saw what was required to reach maximum level, no thanks! Especially when playing on Deal Souls difficulty cleans the slate.


it was a toss-up for me, i think the hostesses moved quicker though. 2+ hours of grinding later, done.

started Dead Souls with Akiyama, but...i can't replay this again so fast. plus seeing my abilities/life meter go from lvl 99 to 1 was rough.


Alright, just gotta reach MAX level (will spend an hour each day playing the game til I get it), then start EX Hard when I'm at lvl. 98, then I'll replay on Dead Souls difficulty.


Finally popped this sucker in today and it's WAY better than I expected it to be. I'm not a fan of zombie games, or surivival-horror because I HATE having things chase me around and being restricted to low ammo. However, I had a blast with the short time I was able to put into this. Controls are slightly awkward in the beginning but you get used to them over time. Really loving diving back into the Yakuza world :D


Guess I should make a checklist of what abilities to learn when I level up when playing in Dead Souls diff.


Tizoc - why max level now? finish ex-hard, then see where you're at! even just sticking to the main plot, i shot up a few levels, finished around 92 or so, so there was a lot less of a grind.


Tizoc - why max level now? finish ex-hard, then see where you're at! even just sticking to the main plot, i shot up a few levels, finished around 92 or so, so there was a lot less of a grind.

Cool, guess I'll start a new one then, and then do the grinding in EX Hard if need be.
I did ask you about this a few posts back lol.


So, I just got the game and am going to attempt (key word there) to platinum it. Is it best to start on Hard or Normal when going about this endeavor? Any tips for along the way to save time and/or headaches?


So, I just got the game and am going to attempt (key word there) to platinum it. Is it best to start on Hard or Normal when going about this endeavor? Any tips for along the way to save time and/or headaches?

Beat the game on Normal first, this'll unlock Extra Hard difficulty.
During your Normal playthrough, go to Hasegawa and get the Yakuza Training Gear and have it equipped. This gives you a 25% extra EXP, but reduces your attack power. This isn't a big issue really since on Normal enemies shouldn't be a problem.
After beating the game once, continue in Prem. Adventure mode and get any other trophies you may have missed.
By then you'd be left with:
Beat the game on Extra Hard
Get to MAX Lvl.
Beat the game on Dead Souls diff.
Once you've completed everything you can in Prem. Adventure, start a new Game+ using your Normal playthrough save data. Beat the game on Extra Hard and then try to get to MAX Lvl. on Prem. Advenutre mode.
Finally, replay the game on Dead Souls mode.

IMO, this is the easiest Platinum of the 3 Yakuza games. Only irritating part is the Hostesses, everything else shouldn't be too hard.


Beat the game on Normal first, this'll unlock Extra Hard difficulty.
During your Normal playthrough, go to Hasegawa and get the Yakuza Training Gear and have it equipped. This gives you a 25% extra EXP, but reduces your attack power. This isn't a big issue really since on Normal enemies shouldn't be a problem.
After beating the game once, continue in Prem. Adventure mode and get any other trophies you may have missed.
By then you'd be left with:
Beat the game on Extra Hard
Get to MAX Lvl.
Beat the game on Dead Souls diff.
Once you've completed everything you can in Prem. Adventure, start a new Game+ using your Normal playthrough save data. Beat the game on Extra Hard and then try to get to MAX Lvl. on Prem. Advenutre mode.
Finally, replay the game on Dead Souls mode.

IMO, this is the easiest Platinum of the 3 Yakuza games. Only irritating part is the Hostesses, everything else shouldn't be too hard.

Sidenote: Ugh, hostess stuff. Making a hostess and playing anything related to them is what made me not pursue a plat on Yakuza 4. Oh well, I was planning on trudging through that game too, might as well deal with it now.


The hostess stuff isn't annoying for the first half of the game or so if you choose to do them during this part of your playthrough. However I would strongly advise against it and to do it during your Prem. Adventure playthrough.

Well I'm playing Ex. Hard ATM and am at
the Onraki chase part @_@ Will try to beat it again tomorrow and beat the game
Started this today. So far I like the fact it just seems like a silly side story that isn't canon, however the shooting controls are baddddd.

I might just level up my shotgun and run through enemies as much as I can.


Well I'm playing Ex. Hard ATM and am at
the Onraki chase part @_@ Will try to beat it again tomorrow and beat the game

see since id tied up all the subquests & such by then, i had dragon armor to throw on and make it much more doable, beat on my first try. get on that shit!

oh yeah if and when you need super hard aluminum alloy to make it, remember the baller millionaire zombies drop it.


see since id tied up all the subquests & such by then, i had dragon armor to throw on and make it much more doable, beat on my first try. get on that shit!

oh yeah if and when you need super hard aluminum alloy to make it, remember the baller millionaire zombies drop it.

Yeah I was earing the Yakuza Training Gear when it was chasing me lol.
I already got the Dragon armor by the time I was half way through my Prem. Adventure playthrough ;D


Just 3 more levels to go til Lvl. 99!
Will prob. do them tomorrow before/after watching Avengers.
I love the Yakuza-games but I have to say that the Subterrania-missions in this game are the most boring part of a Yakuza-game ever.

I'd rather have 5-10 extremely hard floors than 25-30 similar floors that just doesn't seem to end. The biggest challenge is finding the time and motivation to work through them. I dread doing the "endless" one.


I love the Yakuza-games but I have to say that the Subterrania-missions in this game are the most boring part of a Yakuza-game ever.

I'd rather have 5-10 extremely hard floors than 25-30 similar floors that just doesn't seem to end. The biggest challenge is finding the time and motivation to work through them. I dread doing the "endless" one.

Funny thing about the endless one; when I reached Lvl. 51, I got knocked down by a group of zombies...and then I was never able to get up. So I just Select-->Exit'ed the fuck outa there =V

Yo IrishNinja how goes your Dead Souls diff. playthrough?


maaaan i still haven't gotten back to it. playing a 3rd time seemed so discouarging, especially thinking about
the 2nd half of Kiryu's chapters - that cheap air boss fight, on-rails section etc
im gonna come back to it, was playing some other shit while i summon the courage, haha.

again i hate seeing my lvl 99 shit to go 1....how you holdin up?


maaaan i still haven't gotten back to it. playing a 3rd time seemed so discouarging, especially thinking about
the 2nd half of Kiryu's chapters - that cheap air boss fight, on-rails section etc
im gonna come back to it, was playing some other shit while i summon the courage, haha.

again i hate seeing my lvl 99 shit to go 1....how you holdin up?

Gonna ake it to Lvl. 99 tomorrow, wanted to do it tonight before watching Avengers, but my bro wanted to play Onimusha 1 on our PS2.
Will prob. take a short break and finish up some LA Noire then dive back in for DS diff.


I just wanted to come and say that the Basan Prototype fight is the worst fight in any game ever.

I suck at aiming and so I never used it. But they force me to use it here. And I didn't even have a sniper rifle and thought there was a mounted one like in Kamurocho Hills.
It took me like 20 minutes. Worst game encounter ever.

Yay hyperbole!
Seriously though, that was really frustrating and not fun at all.

Forcing me to aim when I never did for like 20 hours. And then throwing infinite spawn zombies to interrupt me. Like the boss spitting at me wasn't enough to interrupt me already. Ugh.

EDIT: Just finished it. There wasn't enough actual character/story stuff here. I'm glad I played it, but it's definitely the worst game in the series. I guess it's like a Halloween special or something. It certainly makes the wait for RGG5 that much harder. I hope Takoyaki-Ryuji sticks around as canon.

I wonder what the future of this series is in the west with Sega's new direction.


Dead Souls status report...Day 1....
Survived onslaught of crazed red aura-ed zombies...
Crybabies calling them in the dozens; avoiding crybabies like the effing plague...

Currently finishing off Akiyama's substories, might do his Subterrainia mission. I'll also work on getting all allies to Lvl. 20 to get the Golden gun, I might know of a good place to do that.
I have a few questions to those who played it.

1-How long do we control Kazuma? Is it little? 1/4 of the game? 2/4 of the game?
2-How do you compare the graphics to Yakuza 4?
3- Side mission design. Is it like Y3 or Y4?


I'm at chapter 4 with Akiyama and I'm really enjoying the game. Personally, I actually like the controls quite a bit. I like having strafing and aiming on separate buttons. I have a tendency to press X to shoot and aiming does a pretty poor of locking on sometimes but they work perfectly fine otherwise.

I think the game works really with the zombie premise since the outbreak is happening to a city that they player has an actual connection with. Seeing everything all topsy turvy brings a sense of weight to the event.

I would have preferred just zombies instead of incorporating these shitty L4D super zombies.


I have a few questions to those who played it.

1-How long do we control Kazuma? Is it little? 1/4 of the game? 2/4 of the game?
Two "Parts". The second one is shorter though. Also, it may just be me but I found fewer substories with him so it felt shorter with him than the other characters.

2-How do you compare the graphics to Yakuza 4?
Looks about the same, but there are times (especially late game) where the frame rate will drop to single digits.

3- Side mission design. Is it like Y3 or Y4?
Not sure what you mean.
Side missions here are just going into the quarantine zone and finding people basically. I got bored of them about half way through the game. But that's mostly because I just don't find zombie shooting very fun.
Two "Parts". The second one is shorter though. Also, it may just be me but I found fewer substories with him so it felt shorter with him than the other characters.

Looks about the same, but there are times (especially late game) where the frame rate will drop to single digits.

Not sure what you mean.
Side missions here are just going into the quarantine zone and finding people basically. I got bored of them about half way through the game. But that's mostly because I just don't find zombie shooting very fun.

Thank you very much for your explanation. I asked about Kiryu because controlling other characters felt like controlling Raiden in MGS2 (Except Akiyama).

And on the side missions, what i meant was if there were many little side missions like Y3 or less but longer side missions like in Y4.


The best part of the substories is the dialog, and the wacky zany shit that happens in some of them.


I just wanted to come and say that the Basan Prototype fight is the worst fight in any game ever.

I suck at aiming and so I never used it. But they force me to use it here. And I didn't even have a sniper rifle and thought there was a mounted one like in Kamurocho Hills.
It took me like 20 minutes. Worst game encounter ever.

Yay hyperbole!
Seriously though, that was really frustrating and not fun at all.

Forcing me to aim when I never did for like 20 hours. And then throwing infinite spawn zombies to interrupt me. Like the boss spitting at me wasn't enough to interrupt me already. Ugh.

haha that's barely hyperbole though; that shit sucks. thinking about it on Dead Souls makes me wanna take more time off, heh.

Dead Souls status report...Day 1....
Survived onslaught of crazed red aura-ed zombies...
Crybabies calling them in the dozens; avoiding crybabies like the effing plague...

Currently finishing off Akiyama's substories, might do his Subterrainia mission. I'll also work on getting all allies to Lvl. 20 to get the Golden gun, I might know of a good place to do that.

damn man, keep at it! also, how do you get the golden gun, i don't even remember having that...


Get all 6 partners (Marina and co.) to Lvl. 20, not too difficult if you know of a good place to grind, but in DS difficulty that's gonna be a little difficult.

OK so I'm nearing Lvl. 30, tomorrow I'll finish Akiyama's 2nd subturrainia mission and if aKIYAMA's bitches offer 10k EXP each I might actually put time into them, then finish off his chapter. I already got his Elise weapon, but fuck are the chase scenes in this game a fucking pain in the ass.


Alrighty then!
Got Majima to around Lvl. 50 and am now getting 3 orbs per level. Gonna finish his substories, his Subterrainia and do his Hostess substory.
Gonna need all that extra health for the first part of Goda's stage @_@.
Dunno if I'd bother doing all of Kiryu's substories though, but the max level rifle is quite tempting...


goddamn..keep it goin Tizoc! that's what i dreaded though, doing all that all over again....curious to see if you think it necessary when you're done!


awwwww yeay~!!! I finally beat it!!!

maaaaaan the ending was awesome!!!

it's like I go on the internet n shyt and all I ever read about is how much gamers cry and whine about how mad Mass Effect 3 ending is,

but when a game like Yakuza comes out and has the best ending ever nobody even bothers to care.

seriously, wtf is up with that?!?!?!


goddamn..keep it goin Tizoc! that's what i dreaded though, doing all that all over again....curious to see if you think it necessary when you're done!

I personally enjoy replaying games that have a level up system, just getting a level up as I progress is well...enjoyable for me ^_^;
IMHO, it IS necessary so that you have a health lead by the time you're playing Kiryu's chapter. Plus getting Rapid Reload as early as possible can make the later half of the game less tedious.
I love Majima's substories though <3
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