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YAY!!! My Metroid Prime 2 Demo disc shipped


Son of Godzilla said:
No you shouldn't. It's beyond stupid.
Besides the crappy boxing method (envelope) what else is stupid about it? Hell it's a free demo of a game we won't see until November, two trailers of the thing, and the Metroid Chronicle (which is what I want most.)

Plus it's free. hello.


Just got it... about 1 minute ago.

*Proceeds to open packaging*

EDIT: ...Well I guess that's reason to keep the envelope it came in.


Got mine! Definitely has me interested now compared to previously. I probably spent 15-20 minutes completing it. (Did a lot of scanning, heh)


Sucks at viral marketing
My disc arrived today!!!!

I played around with it for about an hour. Some quick impressions:

- The demo disc presention was suprisingly polished. I wasn't expecting much after the Zelda Collector's disc, but this was nice. The Metroid Chronicles are a timeline of the serie's events (Metroid, MZM, MP, MP2E, M2, SM, MF)... thy actually keep the timeline in the proper order (unlike the Zelda Universe). The 2 movie are better on TV than on th internet. The artwork movie was well done, too. It starts with art work from the first Prime, thn towards the end shows some new Echoes artwork. The presentation is simple to use and well done.

About the game:

-The first thing I noticed were the improved models and textured (especially Samus). The game doesn't look all that different from the first game, until you see look at things up close, textures are not as pixlated like before. Special effects, multi-textures, particles, and lighting has all bumped up a notch, too.

- The levels feel more "alive." Small details are everywhere. Small bugs flying around, spiders crawling along the ground, mechanical objects operating, variations on how weapon fire reacts to different objects, and no invisible barriers (you can fall off a cliff to your "death" in one spot). t feels similar too Prime, but very different too.

- Faster load times. Doors, generally, open faster. The biggest improvement is the load between areas while on the elavators; those ties are about halved. This could possibly be a trick caused by the limited data in the demo.

- I don't like the new scanning visor. Scannible things are highlighted, much like the targeting computer in Rogue Squadron. I liked the old method more. Scanning is quicker, though.

- If you let the title screen run it'll show off some of the new moves. You can get a better look at the wall jump, the old multi jump space jump/screw attack, multi-lock missles, and changes to the speed ball and other returning items.

The new Nintendo Power came too. It shows more of Echoes. I really impresed on how well Retro manage to recreate their artwork in-game. The show one of the Luminoth in-game, and its veryclose to the redering (including the fur shading on its chest).

The mag also open segment of Echoes. It seems a bit different from what's in the demo. It shows you insider a ship, with Federation soldiers bodies laying around. Unless I missed this in the demo.


Dyne said:
Well, then it's another week for me, since I live in Canada.

My Zelda disc took more than 2 weeks. =\

Mine took like 10, since it never got shipped...and I'm too lazy to check this time to see if anything happened. I have another online order that won't get in until after I leave for University, so it will be a nice care package.


Got my demo disc today. Talk about crappy presentation...

The instruction manual got stuck on the envelope adhesive, and the disc came in a little plastic slip. :(


My dvd case is SEXAY. :D


(more a nerd than a geek)
Ok. I'm in Sacramento. Why have I not gotten the disc yet? I got a "confirmation of shipping" e-mail on the 16th.
Are you sure it was a confirmation of shipping e-mail and not just an e-mail saying they reserved it for you? Because their site has said it'd be going out on the 20th at the earliest.


It looks like these disc are getting out earlier than the Zelda ones did. It would be nice surprise if my shows up tommorrow in time for the weekend (I registered for this deal as soon as it was announced like most people, so I'm assuming mine's only a day or two away.)


(more a nerd than a geek)
Semjaza Azazel said:
Are you sure it was a confirmation of shipping e-mail and not just an e-mail saying they reserved it for you? Because their site has said it'd be going out on the 20th at the earliest.

I've gotten both a "you've qualified" and a "item shipped" e-mail. On August 16th, I received the following:
registration@noa.nintendo.com said:

You recently received an e-mail from Nintendo explaining that because you
have registered your Nintendo system and five or more games online, you've

We wanted to let you know it is on its way to you. Your award is being sent
via First Class Mail. Please allow up to 2 weeks for delivery.

Thank you for your interest in Nintendo products!


Nintendo of America Inc.



I got mine today.

It's a bit meh. The game seems overwhelmingly the same as the first one. I suppose that's to be expected from a sequel, but it just doesn't feel fresh.

The presentation of the menus has been increased, but the cutscenes are bit underwhelming. I think someone really needs to give Retro a lesson in how a camera works during a cutscene. Hideo Kojima -- whether you like his games or not, and whether you like the actual content of his cutscenes or not -- knows how to make an in-game camera seem as if it were being held by a real cameraman affected by real-world physics. I think Retro could learn a lot about cutscene camerawork from Konami.

So far, I'm not really liking the "Dark World" thing. It doesn't seem as interesting as I thought it would.


Still haven't got mine :/

Oh well, I'll call 'em if I don't get it by next week. Not that I really want to play that MP2 demo again, but the History of Metroid would be nice to have.


hyperbolically metafictive
i'd forgotten how much i hated metroid prime's controls. still, nice graphics. the "TWO PARALLEL WORLDS" bit is a dreadful cliché, but i expect retro's talented art staff to do some interesting things with it. and i dig the 60 fps.

another thing i was thinking about: metroid names used to be so cool. brinstar, norfair, tourian, samus aran, and a space dragon named "ridley" of all things. after the first one, though, it's been a bunch of pseudo-latinate sci-fi rubbish like "crateria" and "luminoth" and "thardus." shame.

Deku Tree

I was one of the first people to get their "disk sent" email judging from these forums but I still don't have my demo in the mail yet... Zelda CE disk took 16 days... so I'll just wait. Bummer.


Just got home today and it was in the mail, yay kinda.
Anyone make up box art yet for this? I got a spare case
figured I'd use it for this.


drohne said:
another thing i was thinking about: metroid names used to be so cool. brinstar, norfair, tourian, samus aran, and a space dragon named "ridley" of all things. after the first one, though, it's been a bunch of pseudo-latinate sci-fi rubbish like "crateria" and "luminoth" and "thardus." shame.

I wholeheartedly agree. Luminoth sounds straight from a Dragonlance book (which isn't bad, its just not "metroid").


(more a nerd than a geek)
I have one of those "blank" GC cover art images someone made, ages ago. We'd just need to graft some suitable Metroid Demo Disc imagery onto it.

Perhaps scan in what's on the Metroid Prime / Demo Disc bundle, add some artwork...


BuddyChrist83 said:
Still haven't got mine :/

Oh well, I'll call 'em if I don't get it by next week. Not that I really want to play that MP2 demo again, but the History of Metroid would be nice to have.

I didn't registered my final game PIN till August 17, and I got the disc almost a week now. :p
I got mine in the mail yesterday...Working on impressions for it. They will be up on GCH today. But wow, is the game pretty. The particle effects are absolutely amazing. Retro is really steering Echoes in the perfect direction.


Got my copy a few hours ago.

The game definately looks better than the first. The IQ is sharper now (probably a combination of better filtering and lighting IMO). Indirect texurting effects look really awesome--this is the part of the presentation that will impress the most when the game is finally out.

aoi tsuki

Yeah, it looks noticeably better than MP in progressive scan. The dark blob creatures (along with the dark fog look quite nice. The two parallel worlds bit *is* cliche, but i can tell it'll put an interesting twist on things later on, like all good yin/yang game concepts do. i really wish the demo was longer though; as soon as you get a taste of the dark world, mission accomplished. i think the art gallery video was actually as long as the demo, if not moreso.

Like i said before, i hate the new visor's highlighting. i've already adapted to it and simply spun around various areas looking for highlighted items to scan. Please Retro, give us an option to turn it off.

It also moves a bit faster. i'd like to see alternate control schemes, because i got through playing Metal Arms before the MP2 demo and the hold R to freelook got old quick.

And again i ask myself, "i went through all the trouble of getting codes for this?"


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
Damn, sorry Wario. =( Contact Nintendo and maybe they'll send a replacement? I dunno.

Anyway, got mine. Nice little treat, but far too short =( I need the game, now! ><

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
I got/played my disc yesterday.

One thing I immediately liked was the presentation for the title screen. It was very cool looking. It took a few minutes to re-adapt to the controls because its been about 2 years since I've played Prime but after that it was smooth sailing.

I don't want to prejudge the game but based on the demo I don't think this one will be as good as Prime. The parts of the world that I've seen so far felt very strange and less natural than the areas in MP1. Granted, its a very small part of the game but the atmosphere felt totally different. This may turn out to be a good thing in the end, I don't know. Right now it just didn't feel as good to me. And the light/dark beams felt kinda "meh".


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
I'll agree the light and dark beams weren't too exciting, but they seem fine to me otherwise.

One thing I'm looking forward to is seeing some of the culture of the Ing and whatever the name of the light creatures was.

One of my favorite things about MP1 was learning about the Chozo all through the adventure. =) The Space Pirates are way cool and pretty interesting too, and I was happy to be able to read some of their log files in the demo.
The demo largely took place on a base. I wouldn't expect it to feel "organic" or whatever and I'd not use that to judge the atmosphere for the entire game. I really enjoyed what was there. There seemed to be a lot more little details and extra touches than in the original game. I thought the animation for the clasps on the large elevator was quite cool. I liked how it was all laid out, personally... I guess I'd have to see more locales to really say though.

As for the beams, I thought it was nice that you got to use them, but for the most part they really weren't required for much of anything of importance. A couple doors and the safety crystals... Still, I had no real problems with them.

My only issue with the demo was how freaking abruptly it ends. I didn't expect that "Mission Complete!" screen so suddenly.


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
I thought about that too, but I'm pretty sure she's not visible long enough for the scan meter to full, even if you had her targeted right away.
The beams were really just there to give a taste of what they can do. They weren't all that exciting, but they were fun. I know I tried to scan the dark hunter, but I don't think I had time to.

I loved the look, and the action seemed a little more intense than any early part of the first game. I loved just dark Dark Aether was and I can only imagine how awesome it would be to have parts that look like that in a dark world if the Zelda series ever revisits it.

Fighting the ing while using the crystal spheres of light was pretty awesome.
MrCheez said:
I thought about that too, but I'm pretty sure she's not visible long enough for the scan meter to full, even if you had her targeted right away.

She starts running before you're even given full control of Samus again. I'd figure it's impossible.


Oni Link 666 said:
Has anyone gotten more than a 37/59 at the end? Also, has anyone been able to scan the Dark Hunter? Are these things even possible?
I (well, actually Jack did, I took notes) scanned the Dark Hunter in the final area of the E3 demo.

Basically, it just says she's made of Phazon.


works for Gamestop (lol)
snapty00 said:
All that piracy is catching up to you. NINTENDO KNOWS.

Yep, I guess they punish me by cracking the disc on purpose. Well the joke is on them, I cancelled my preorder today cause they gave me a broken demo disc!

p.s. screw 'my nintendo'

Deku Tree

Wario64 said:
Yep, I guess they punish me by cracking the disc on purpose. Well the joke is on them, I cancelled my preorder today cause they gave me a broken demo disc!

Send 'em an email, I bet they send you another demo disk.
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