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Young Justice: The Animated Series


Didn't get the memo regarding the 14th Amendment
Spoiler is related to the series finale episode.

I was always planning to watch all the episodes of this series but now that it's cancelled prematurely, I'm glad I didn't get invested in it. Still, I have to know, I wonder if the writers actually intended to
kill Wally off
before they knew the show was ending. If so, then that seems extremely ballsy. And it seems like such a shame that writers who were willing to do that couldn't continue to do stuff like that with the series. :/


The worst thing about Teen Titans GO! is it's based around the weakest part of the original cartoon: It's humour and the exaggerated anime art style it sometimes takes during said "funny" moments.

It blows my mind how the original voice actors accepted to come back for this, years after the original ended.

Why? I doubt most voice actors have the luxury of turning down work. They all probably have fond memories of the original.
I wouldn't even mind going back to the TT series with a focus on non-superhero stuff, but holy shit that ghetto ass art... I'll check it out, but c'moooooon.
Yeah, I've been waiting all day. How long do they usually take to release new episodes?

Should be up by now, I have the season pass and usually by the time I wake up on Sunday, Itunes would have already emailed me saying theres a new episode available for download :/
So you want to create a greater emotional impact by having a character die who hadn't already quit, where his motives aren't known that he didn't want to sacrifice his life on various jobs, and that doesn't want to live a normal life?
West might have only shown up maybe three times, but he was a main character last season and his intentions were well known this season in practically every one of his appearances.

his intentions were barely touched upon this season (showing him in retirement and saying "i'm going back to retirement" once or twice does not make a satisfying storyline). he was more or less a background character. if they had hammered that point home, MAYBE it would've worked. but now it just feels like the drew a name out of a hat and said "let's kill....THAT one"


Should be up by now, I have the season pass and usually by the time I wake up on Sunday, Itunes would have already emailed me saying theres a new episode available for download :/

It's as if CN is making this whole ordeal as bad as possible for fans of this show lol


Spoiler is related to the series finale episode.

I was always planning to watch all the episodes of this series but now that it's cancelled prematurely, I'm glad I didn't get invested in it. Still, I have to know, I wonder if the writers actually intended to
kill Wally off
before they knew the show was ending. If so, then that seems extremely ballsy. And it seems like such a shame that writers who were willing to do that couldn't continue to do stuff like that with the series. :/

Before the show even started airing, there was an interview/preview in which Greg and Brandon stated that
"not everyone was going to survive"
(or something along those lines). I'm willingly to bet that they had it all planned out from the start.


Before the show even started airing, there was an interview/preview in which Greg and Brandon stated that
"not everyone was going to survive"
(or something along those lines). I'm willingly to bet that they had it all planned out from the start.

Could have been telegraphing what would happen to Artemis. But yeah I wouldn't doubt it was planned for a while. The interview someone posted the other day asked something about
Apokolips references from the first season that never amounted to anything and how it seemed like they abandoned the idea in favor of the Reach stuff.
and the answer was an ambiguous Nothing was abandoned. We had a plan and stuck with it. After watching the finale that answer has become a lot less ambiguous.
It was intentional and they were laying the groundwork for the series to head to Apokolips
:) oh wait it's cancelled :(


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
Oh goddamn you Weisman. That was a SUPER DICK CLIFFHANGER you pulled.



at the time they had Infinite Heroes, Green Lantern some TDK and they were working on TDKR with MOS upcoming all in 3.75 scale. If they had been 3.75 they would have complemented those lines and done somewhat better. (for example I probably would have bought the Ra's/Cheshire pack just to go with my IH & TDK batmen)
If Infinite Heroes had a little more life and Hasbro's people behind it you would have seen them do a few Green Lantern TAS figures in a wave to get past the movie flopping issue.
Hasbro's success doesn't have much to do with the scales they make.
It has more to do with the fact that they make quality products that are worth the prices they charge. They reason they switched the sizes on their figures is because of the economy and cost of producing figures. In 2008/2007/2006 there were a lot of changes happening in China, which increased the cost of producing toy. Plus fluctuating oil prices and people cutting back on buying luxury products because of a shit economy, they switched to smaller sized figures to make buying toys more palpable for consumers. Since then, they've slowly been adding more larger lines that the market can sustain.

Like i said, kids really don't care about scale and can have fun with a single figure alone no matter what size it is. A line can support and be playable all by itself, especially of popular franchises.

The problem that Mattel has had is that they just do nt make a product that has much value when compared to other lines on the shelves. They may be the only way to buy DC figures at WalMarts, and that's likely the only reason they can actually sell their toys to the most faithful, but it's clear that they struggle to get support from retail stores.
Kids aren't all that stupid (just limited and a little simple) and they do have some standards when it comes to wanting and buying toys.

Mattel needs to stop being a cheapass like this. They're at fault for YJ's and partly responsible for GL's cancelation. WB/DC really really need to do something about this. I can't believe that they don't have some sort of clause that allows them pull the license from Mattel, considering how many mediocre and bombed lines they've put out.


Really disappointed in that ending. Weisman had satisfying endings to each of Gargoyles' seasons just in case it wasn't renewed. I wonder how many more seasons of The Light outsmarting everyone he wanted.


Man I wish the show had better merchandising. I would buy blu-ray releases of seasons 1 and 2 in a heartbeat. (instead of the crappy 3-episode DVD packs they have going right now) The same can be said for Green Lantern, but at least that will be up on Netflix at the end of the month.

I could speculate for days about where the series is headed and the outcomes of the events of season 2, but it's not worth wasting my time on considering the show is doomed. (and I can't even show support for the show because the merchandise is trash)

Hopefully the show gets picked up for reruns on Adult Swim / Toonami, but that is all we can hope for at this point. (still happy that Adult Swim was cool enough to listen to the fans and bring back Toonami, but I wouldn't expect the same from CN)


Regarding the ending:
They called it a crisis, and you know what happens in a crisis. A flash dies. They weren't going to kill off Barry or Bart, because Wally's death would have more impact as one of the original members of the team. And its more in line with what happens in the comics: Bart becomes Kid Flash. We all know that Wally went into the speed force probably anyways


Hopefully the show gets picked up for reruns on Adult Swim / Toonami, but that is all we can hope for at this point. (still happy that Adult Swim was cool enough to listen to the fans and bring back Toonami, but I wouldn't expect the same from CN)

For the sake of shows like GL, YJ and even the likes of Thundercats and Sym-biotic Titan, it's just a shame that Toonami didn't exist a bit earlier for the sake of giving them a singular home ahead of time.

Hell, at this point, why not just give Adult Swim their own channel and be done with it?
Hell, at this point, why not just give Adult Swim their own channel and be done with it?

People have only been saying this since ~2003. 10 years of it and they still haven't done it, I doubt it is going to happen. Adult Swim is still a ridiculous revenue stream for CN, much more so than Adventure Time, Regular Show or any other current bread winner for the network. Those King of the Hill/Family Guy/American Dad reruns are solid gold for viewership.
Episode is finally up on iTunes, god why the hell does this show have to end...every good cartoon out has been cancelled. All I got left is Archer :/
Wait hold up, he was OP in Teen Titans yeah but he was in YJ? Am I missing something?

Nah people were talking about OG teen Titans for a while in the thread.

plus i love the fact that Williams Street don't have their head up their asses and some autonomy that allows Adult Swim to not being under the bullshit CN does.
Regarding the ending:
They called it a crisis, and you know what happens in a crisis. A flash dies. They weren't going to kill off Barry or Bart, because Wally's death would have more impact as one of the original members of the team. And its more in line with what happens in the comics: Bart becomes Kid Flash. We all know that Wally went into the speed force probably anyways

Which would have been great if
it wasn't so insulting to Wally. Like, they could have had him disappear into the Speed Force by finally going faster than he has ever before and then "dying" but no. He died because he was too damn slow. Lol.


Which would have been great if
it wasn't so insulting to Wally. Like, they could have had him disappear into the Speed Force by finally going faster than he has ever before and then "dying" but no. He died because he was too damn slow. Lol.

I was actually questioning this myself while watching.
I'm not too familiar with the Flash, well to be honest, sadly not familiar comics themselves rather than derivations such as TV and film, but was under the impression Wally should be as good or better than other flashes. There is even that famous moment of him faster than ever on that old cartoon.

For comics people if there are any here, always liked most depictions of Flash I've watched or read even knowing very little, would trying to read the Flashpoint arc + new 52 Flash be good for place to start nowadays? I'm curious about the event that rebooted the DC universe, and it seems Flash is pretty important in it.
From Greg Weisman's site- stuff cut for time and a full breakdown of the squads from Endgame:


YOUNG JUSTICE: INVASION: "Endgame": stuff cut for time

Hey gang,

I hope you enjoyed "Endgame", our second season finale of Young Justice: Invasion.

A little bit of dialogue was cut from the final script for time, and I thought you might like to see it here:

1. We revisit the broken translator gag at the beginning of the episode:

TRIBUNE #1 (VO PRE-LAP): Kesla vane… [Work…] Kesla vaaane, ka SKAH-vey keezy kretchmar, suh frag ka! [Wooork, you stinking little machine, or I end you!] (beat) There. <sigh> Let the defendants rise.

2. G. Gordon Godfrey leads an anti-Reach protest at the U.N. before the battle on the Reach Ship above:

GODFREY: Folks, tell Ol' G. Gordon - and the world - what you think of the Reach!

CROWD: Hate the Reach! / That drink made Grandma sick! / Why are they still here?! / Send 'em packing! / <boos, hisses, etc.>

3. When Blue Beetle first arrives on the Watchtower:


NIGHTWING: Blue. Focus.

BLUE BEETLE: Sorry. First time here and… never mind.

CAPTAIN ATOM: The natural disasters have escalated. The rest of the League is spread thin saving lives across the globe.

4. In the middle of Lex's call to the Watchtower:

LEX LUTHOR: Secretary Tseng was kind enough to let me borrow his frequency, as I have a possible solution to our mutual problem.

ATOM: A problem created by you and the Light when they collaborated to bring the Reach to Earth.

LEX LUTHOR: Perhaps. But as I believe you know, the Light always planned to betray the Reach. And I certainly have no desire to see the Earth destroyed.

AQUALAD: I believe we should hear him out.

LEX LUTHOR: Thank you, Kaldur'ahm. You are missed in our corner.

5. At the gathering of 40 heroes, while Lex and Blue Beetle are prepping the "Eggs":

IMPULSE: I'm so feeling the mode. I came back from the future to stop the Reach from enslaving the Earth… not to let them destroy it.

KID FLASH: You didn't let them do anything. You stopped them from killing Flash and helped us save Blue. Not to mention, fought alongside us to bring down the Reach and break up the Light.

Kid Flash RUFFLES a smiling Impulse's hair.

KID FLASH (CONT): Now you're going to help save the world. The Reach will not win this one. Not when there are guys like you around to "crash" them. Did I use that right?

IMPULSE: Close enough. And thanks.

6. Lucas Carr coordinates from the Watchtower:

CAPTAIN ATOM (VO RADIO): Alpha Squad engaging Drones.

CARR: Acknowledged. All Squads report in.

Carr REACTS as the first few call-ins OVERLAP, then the rest become a CACOPHONY.

BLUE BEETLE / FLASH / BLACK LIGHTNING / NIGHTWING / AQUAMAN / BLACK CANARY / BUMBLEBEE / ATOM / SUPERBOY / ROBIN / MISS MARTIAN / ARTEMIS / AQUALAD (VO RADIO): Beta Squad in position. / Gamma Squad has disabled MFD. / Delta Squad engaging enemy. / Epsilon just arriving. / Eta still en route. / Theta's a little busy right now. / Kappa Squad engaged. / Omicron has succeeded. / Rho Squad. No joy yet. / Tau Squad has engaged. / Psi Squad has destroyed all Drones. / Omega Squad arriving now. / Sigma has engaged--

CARR: Whoa, whoa. Sorry. One at a time. Sigma Squad, say again.

AQUALAD (VO RADIO): Repeat: Sigma has engaged Drones.

7. After Kid Flash disables the Paris MFD:

ARTEMIS: Omega Squad has-

Kid Flash <SPEEDS> back to her side and <KISSES> her.

KID FLASH: Look, I know we promised each other we'd get out of this game…

ARTEMIS: But maybe we can have our life together and play hero too…

They <KISS> again.

CARR: Omega Squad. Repeat transmission. Omega?

8. During and just after Virgil and Black Lightning's MFD battle:

VIRGIL: Gotta say, playing hero… it's starting to feel pretty sweet.

BLACK LIGHTNING: I'm not surprised. You show real potential for this gig. You ever need a mentor, Virgil, you just let me know.

VIRGIL: Really?! That would be amazing! But first, you think we could head topside and see my family? I really miss 'em.

9. On the Watchtower with Virgil, Cassie and Tim:

WONDER GIRL: Welcome to the Team, Virgil.

STATIC: Call me Static!

ROBIN: Catchy. What about your pals? I take it they declined our invitation.

STATIC: Well, Arsenal was always more of a solo act. And the others are getting out of the game. Neut went back to his foster family, and Eduardo moved in with his dad. Even Tye went home. I guess his mom's evil boyfriend is out of the picture.


STATIC: She's staying with Tye and his mom. Turns out she and Tye kinda had a thing. And none of us knew.

Wonder Girl and Robin are secretly HOLDING HANDS behind their backs.


Finally, just because - knowing our fans - this might be of interest, here are the twenty squads that successfully disabled the first twenty MFDs:

1. Alpha - Captain Atom, Eduardo "Ed" Dorado, Jr.
2. Beta - Blue Beetle, Impulse
3. Gamma - Flash (Barry Allen), Plastic Man
4. Delta - Black Lightning, Virgil Hawkins
5. Epsilon - Nighwing, B'arzz O'oomm
6. Zeta - Rocket, Adam Strange
7. Eta - Aquaman, Tempest
8. Theta - Black Canary, Asami "Sam" Koizumi
9. Iota - Green Arrow, Captain Marvel
10. Kappa - Bumblebee, Guardian
11. Lambda - Red Tornado, Flash (Jay Garrick)
12. Mu - Doctor Fate, Blue Devil
13. Nu - Red Arrow, Arsenal
14. Omicron - Atom, Tye Longshadow
15. Pi - Zatanna, Batgirl
16. Rho - Superboy, Wolf
17. Sigma - Aqualad, Lagoon Boy
18. Tau - Robin, Wonder Girl
19. Psi - Miss Martian, Beast Boy
20. Omega - Artemis, Kid Flash

I'll post the credits tomorrow and start answering questions on Wednesday...
I was actually questioning this myself while watching.
I'm not too familiar with the Flash, well to be honest, sadly not familiar comics themselves rather than derivations such as TV and film, but was under the impression Wally should be as good or better than other flashes. There is even that famous moment of him faster than ever on that old cartoon.

For comics people if there are any here, always liked most depictions of Flash I've watched or read even knowing very little, would trying to read the Flashpoint arc + new 52 Flash be good for place to start nowadays? I'm curious about the event that rebooted the DC universe, and it seems Flash is pretty important in it.

You don't really have to start with Flashpoint. Since it was an alternate reality it wouldn't add anything. Personally I say it would be pretty easy for you to jump on at issue one of the new 52 with the Flash. Just realize it's about Barry Allen as the Flash and not Wally. Barry had been gone for a good 25 something years before they brought him back. Probably one of the longest deaths in comics. So most of the animated depictions and other things are of Wally, whose a bit different.

That said though I'm happy to see Barry taking the stage for a bit, dude deserves it.


You don't really have to start with Flashpoint. Since it was an alternate reality it wouldn't add anything. Personally I say it would be pretty easy for you to jump on at issue one of the new 52 with the Flash. Just realize it's about Barry Allen as the Flash and not Wally. Barry had been gone for a good 25 something years before they brought him back. Probably one of the longest deaths in comics. So most of the animated depictions and other things are of Wally, whose a bit different.

That said though I'm happy to see Barry taking the stage for a bit, dude deserves it.

Yeah I realized that it wasn't Wally any more which people seem to generally prefer I think, I'm guessing due to the characters jokey nature. I was thinking of memorable stuff I've seen from Flashes and remembered that page where it's actually Barry, smoking Super, who thinks he has a chance at competing with him in speed.
You haven't seen Bobs Burgers I see.

New Ninja Turtles is good too. And, as stated, Archer is God tier.

We've lost some great stuff these last few years though. RIP Symbionic Titan, TRON, Young Justice, Green Lantern, Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes, Spectacular Spiderman, etc. etc.


I just remembered that I didn't know who Snapper Carr was during the episode. There was no explanation for who he was and since I don't really read the comics, I thought he was a reporter.
Yeah I realized that it wasn't Wally any more which people seem to generally prefer I think, I'm guessing due to the characters jokey nature. I was thinking of memorable stuff I've seen from Flashes and remembered that page where it's actually Barry, smoking Super, who thinks he has a chance at competing with him in speed.

All the Flashes get their powers from the Speed Force, Barry basically is super connected to and some how tied to the Speed Force. So every other Flash, or person who is able to tap into the Speed Force gets less than Barry. So he's by far the fastest of the Flashes.


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
I just remembered that I didn't know who Snapper Carr was during the episode. There was no explanation for who he was and since I don't really read the comics, I thought he was a reporter.

snapper is a young justice staple. others have been ommitted from the finale, but im glad he made it.
All the Flashes get their powers from the Speed Force, Barry basically is super connected to and some how tied to the Speed Force. So every other Flash, or person who is able to tap into the Speed Force gets less than Barry. So he's by far the fastest of the Flashes.

If I understand things correctly, Wally was more powerful than pre-crisis Barry due to actually knowing what the Speed Force is, but post-rebirth Barry is more powerful than Wally due to being merged with it.

Everyone buy your Teen Titans Go merchandise!

No chance. That looks like something I'm fine letting die. I'm reserving judgement for Beware the Batman, though.

We've lost some great stuff these last few years though. RIP Symbionic Titan, TRON, Young Justice, Green Lantern, Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes, Spectacular Spiderman, etc. etc.

You can add Wolverine and the X-Men to that list, too.


Don't want to hijack this thread too much but want to pursue the DC universe rewatch and want to know a reasonable schedule


God I wish there was a way to save this show. So much potential that's lost. Thing is, it's pretty much impossible at this point, the execs don't give a fuck about the fanbase, and I doubt the Young Justice fans are big/organized enough to actually make a stand. It would be nice to get a direct to dvd movie to tie things up like others have said, but I don't think it will happen.

I look forward to Wiesman answering questions on Wednesday. I hope at the very least he teases what they were building up to for season 3.


...wait, the teacher who was only shown a few times?

In the comics he was a support guy for the Justice League and later mentor for the Young Justice team. He seems to have played the same role in the show.

He's also voiced by Greg Weisman, so I'm glad they were able to sneak him into the finale.
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