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Youtube video's that de'serve more view's

I was toying with making a complete thread for this guy. Not sure how I found him- might have been ShawnElliot's twitter over a year ago. He is still divorced, in England now, having his mid life crisis.

Here's an intro made by a fan: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1JlR7yF1xLg

His YouTube channel is www.youtube.com/AmericanReject2012

I find it amazing that he's so open, and hasn't hit rock bottom yet. The way he approaches British people with such innocence is really heart warming. I almost feel like he's a joke character akin to Sascha Cohen.

Dead Man

Vagina Head. Technically SFW, but you may want exercise caution. Disturbing. On several levels.

AVclub said:
This might be a good place for this:
Canadian Councel person drunk with power - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C_8HgrM4LcE

(beginning is highlights, the rest is the full length clip to put things in context)

I'm amazing by the brazen abuse of power on display here. The woman is a bully and needs to be voted out!
Wow, fucked up.

theignoramus said:
Hope this hasnt been posted. This video should have like, 6 million views.
Richard Pryor -- Star Wars Bar
Fucking awesome.
Holy shit that is awesome.


Visualante said:
Here's an intro made by a fan: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1JlR7yF1xLg

His YouTube channel is www.youtube.com/AmericanReject2012

I find it amazing that he's so open, and hasn't hit rock bottom yet. The way he approaches British people with such innocence is really heart warming. I almost feel like he's a joke character akin to Sascha Cohen.
This guy is hilarious. Thanks for sharing.

Johnny Rook bird
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