Count Dookkake
Um, yes. She's hot, she's not an atypical white red head. Progress? I believe so.
Atypical doesn't mean what you think it does.
Um, yes. She's hot, she's not an atypical white red head. Progress? I believe so.
Not a pale redhead? Many mixed people are just that.Atypical doesn't mean what you think it does.
Not a pale redhead? Many mixed people are just that.
She's my age.
WatYeah, you meant "typical."
I'm 24 too and I was feeling the same way, bro.That instagram dancing video guys
I'm 24. Is a mild crush on Zendaya weird for me to have
Edit: of course this is near the top
Ultimate Spidey, MJ wants to become a reporter, I think. She starts doing journalism.
Maybe she doesn't want to be a model in this one, even if she is a very gorgeous young woman, perhaps the MCU doesn't want this to be "model" MJ.
I 100% agree with you and already tried to make the same argument but it's apparently ok here to hate white people but not the contrary.
Well, first things first - my sources aren't convinced she's "Mary Jane," but I have been told in the past that she's playing "MJ," the abbreviation by which Mary Jane often goes. This means the name "Michelle" wouldn't be a lie, and that Marvel Studios wouldn't 100% be erasing Mary Jane's red hair; this is a twist on the character. So if Michelle's middle name begins with a J, you know this will be the case. Of course it's possible that my source just knows her as "Michelle" because that's what she's called on set, but I had heard about this before the name "Michelle" was even made public.
why does she have red eyes
Devin Faraci weighs in on Zendaya/MJ:
This seems to corroborate with this report on that Zendaya's character's name is not Mary Jane, but is MJ.
Devin Faraci weighs in on Zendaya/MJ:
This seems to corroborate with this report on that Zendaya's character's name is not Mary Jane, but is MJ.
I'll be furious if Zendaya doesn't turn out to be Mary Jane Watson. She is PERFECT.
yeah I'm kind of indifferent to this twist ideaChanging her name just to make a twist work seems really unnecessary, hope she's just named Mary Jane Watson.
Devin Faraci weighs in on Zendaya/MJ:
This seems to corroborate with this report on that Zendaya's character's name is not Mary Jane, but is MJ.
That instagram dancing video guys
I'm 24. Is a mild crush on Zendaya weird for me to have
Edit: of course this is near the top
Yeah, that would be incredible silly. Hope they play it straight.Changing her name just to make a twist work seems really unnecessary, hope she's just named Mary Jane Watson.
The likely scenario I see is that she is called Michelle through the entire film, she and Peter have fun at the Homecoming. Then he takes her back to her parents, awkwardly meets her mom/dad and the parents call her MJ. Peter thinks it's a cute nickname and says bye to her, her final line is of course the well-known face it tiger phrase.
To have a small twist while pretending to not repeat themselfWhy in the world is that at all likely? Why would they keep Mary Jane's identity secret?
You described her as being not atypical, which would mean that she is typical.
Instead you should have said that she is not typical, which would mean that she is atypical.
So yeah, you used that word incorrectly.
The likely scenario I see is that she is called Michelle through the entire film, she and Peter have fun at the Homecoming. Then he takes her back to her parents, awkwardly meets her mom/dad and the parents call her MJ. Peter thinks it's a cute nickname and says bye to her, her final line is of course the well-known face it tiger phrase.
Devin Faraci weighs in on Zendaya/MJ:
This seems to corroborate with this report on that Zendaya's character's name is not Mary Jane, but is MJ.
So she's not Mary Jane Watson per se. Guess this makes the red hair not an issue?
Of course people will complainSo she's not Mary Jane Watson per se. Guess this makes the red hair not an issue?
Damnit. How can I get my daily salt from comic book 'purists' now?
So she's not Mary Jane Watson per se. Guess this makes the red hair not an issue?
Devin Faraci weighs in on Zendaya/MJ:
This seems to corroborate with this report on that Zendaya's character's name is not Mary Jane, but is MJ.
This would be dumb, and kind of offensive.
How is that offensive?
It just comes off to me as a way of appeasing the shitbags who would have a problem with a palette swap of the character.
"Hey, it's alright whining internet racists and man children, this isn't actually Mary Jane from the comics, it's a different character."
It would be a cop out.
You misunderstand comic hardcores if you think they won't bitch just because a black girl is the love interest of a white superhero, no matter who she plays.
I am pretty sure that they didnt had idiots in the internet in mind when they came up with this.