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Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward |OT| -- More Hours, More Persons, More Doors


Finally got an estimated delivery date (Oct. 25) to show up on my preorder with the watch (3DSv).

Thank god, I was getting worried.
OMGGGGGGGGGGG - hearing these impressions is making me feel all warm and fuzzy.

Better than 999?! Seeing
the original cast?!
It ties into 999 more than I think?! Ahhhh...

also is the Vita version the "best" one?

I have both and probably wll rent that one due to seemingly no one with gamefly having a Vita (every game is available...lol)

It depends on if you want trophies or your playtime cataloged I guess.

Anywayz: My preorder watch from the first batch now has a delivery estimate of the 26th! HURRAY! Can't wait to play the sequel to one of my favorite games of all time. I can't believe I am not actually getting it day one at a gamestop but I want that watch lol.
Akselziys , just a question. I'm happy that you released more pre-orders for those who were unfortunate enough to lose their chance at watches (Thankfully I was not affected!), but where is this new batch coming from? Can we expect a possible sale of these watches on the Aksys store? :D

Or will it remain only for those with pre-orders? :(
Hoping to get this game from Gamefly. Have a game going back tomorrow, so I'm hoping the turnaround (typically 2-days) doesn't mean I'll get something before it.


Just ordered one of the watch bundles. I assume that's the proper move for those of us who pre-ordered before the watch bundles went up for sale, and that we should cancel our original order?
Just ordered one of the watch bundles. I assume that's the proper move for those of us who pre-ordered before the watch bundles went up for sale, and that we should cancel our original order?

Yes, apparently if it doesn't say pre-order bonus you will get no pre-order bonus. Just make sure you cancel the appropriate one.


The 25th? When did you preorder? What shipping did you choose? Thanks for your time and attention.

That's what I'm getting with my watch order placed tonight and 1-day shipping. My non-watch order from March with 1-day shipping is marked as the 26th.


Bit confused about the shipping myself. I got the Vita version with pre-order watch off of Amazon, and says expected delivery Oct 29th, even though the game ships on the 24th and I have free two-day shipping. Is that just a wide estimate? I ordered it Sept 18th.


Well Finally... my order now says that the delivery estimate is the 26th..

was about to cancel it.. glad I didn't..
What is this wizardry? I have one day shipping on my order as well, but my delivery estimate is the 26th.

It seems all wonky. Me and my brother's order from the first batch are both listed as October 30th as their delivery date even though we used the free 2-day prime shipping I have on my account for both. Apparently people ordering now are getting better dates than I did ordering ages ago. This whole thing has been messed up.
It seems all wonky. Me and my brother's order from the first batch are both listed as October 30th as their delivery date even though we used the free 2-day prime shipping I have on my account for both. Apparently people ordering now are getting better dates than I did ordering ages ago. This whole thing has been messed up.

Hrm. I wanna contact Amazon, but then i'm afraid messing with the order will screw me out of a watch bonus. I guess an extra one day wait isn't bad.
Hrm. I wanna contact Amazon, but then i'm afraid messing with the order will screw me out of a watch bonus. I guess an extra one day wait isn't bad.

:lol Same reason I'm waiting but receiving it almost a full week after the release makes me nervous that it magically won't have a watch with it. :/
It seems all wonky. Me and my brother's order from the first batch are both listed as October 30th as their delivery date even though we used the free 2-day prime shipping I have on my account for both. Apparently people ordering now are getting better dates than I did ordering ages ago. This whole thing has been messed up.

It could just be a result of where you live with respect to an Amazon Warehouse, and how far said Warehouse is from Aksys HQ. The game ships from HQ to the Warehouse, then from the Warehouse to you.

If it concerns you that much, contact Amazon about it and see what's up. They'll likely have an explanation. It'll help that you're a Prime customer, and should have good service
It could just be a result of where you live with respect to an Amazon Warehouse, and how far said Warehouse is from Aksys HQ. The game ships from HQ to the Warehouse, then from the Warehouse to you.

If it concerns you that much, contact Amazon about it and see what's up. They'll likely have an explanation. It'll help that you're a Prime customer, and should have good service

What? It's not shipping from Aksys to Amazon's warehouse until after it's release date? Why would this be true?
The 23rd is the ship date from Aksys' warehouse, meaning the effective release date is the 24th.

So there's no hard release date then? Seems really weird, does that mean Gamestops will also receive them on different days? Just doesn't seem to make any sense.


So what's going to be the protocol when this game comes out on Tuesday?
Do we post our observations in here with giant black bars of text?
Or in the spoiler thread where we may inadvertently uncover things we don't want to know before we reach them BECAUSE there are no giant black bars of text?


So what's going to be the protocol when this game comes out on Tuesday?
Do we post our observations in here with giant black bars of text?
Or in the spoiler thread where we may inadvertently uncover things we don't want to know before we reach them BECAUSE there are no giant black bars of text?

Half of us won't be on Gaf for the next week as we plow through this motherfucker.


Junior Member
Question 1) When do reviews roll out?

Question 2) How similar are Telltale-style games (Walking Dead for instance) to visual novels like this? I haven't played any Telltale games but they seem popular and I'd like to make the comparison, if possible, in a recommendation of 999.


Even though I was one of the people who pre-ordered before the watch announcement and registered to be emailed if the stock status changed for the pre-order version on Amazon, I haven't received any email about it. Sure am glad I checked here.
Question 2) How similar are Telltale-style games (Walking Dead for instance) to visual novels like this? I haven't played any Telltale games but they seem popular and I'd like to make the comparison, if possible, in a recommendation of 999.

not similiar at all. telltale games play more like Heavy Rain while those visual novela are more like a Professor Layton. I haven't played that many of either but i wouldn't compare those 2 kinds of games.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
not similiar at all. telltale games play more like Heavy Rain while those visual novela are more like a Professor Layton. I haven't played that many of either but i wouldn't compare those 2 kinds of games.

Erm.... what?

I wouldn't call visual novels similar to professor layton at all.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Visual novels are exactly that, stories you read through that are accompanied by graphics and sound and often branching dialogue/character actions creating a choose-your-own-adventure mechanic.

In the case of 999/Zero Escape, you solve a series of Room Escape puzzles along the way between the story segments, and you encounter different puzzles along the different paths.
more similiar than telltale games. i didn't know to what else i can compare it. haven't played that many laytons though so they might be more different than i remember.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
more similiar than telltale games. i didn't know to what else i can compare it. haven't played that many laytons though so they might be more different than i remember.

The plot in layton games is not anywhere near the main hook or focus, and there isn't really narration to the story that is there, just your typical video game cutscenes.

The plot exists to shoehorn you between puzzles.


It's hard for me to compare (at least, 999) to Layton--besides the tone difference, Layton is about solving a ton of mini puzzles and going back and forth/exploring a large overworld, as opposed to puzzle "sections" or "rooms" that last a few minutes at a time, sometimes leading into another puzzle room. In 999, you progress linearly by and large, though making the occasional story branching decision (two features that are definitely not Layton like). I say this having only played the first trilogy of Layton though. Plot structure is different - no
multiple endings
in Layton.

I don't play many visual novels, so unfortunately I can't really point to a reference for this...


I am so...so happy to see that a third wave of pre-orders were made available. While I'm not one of the few that pre-ordered the 3DS version from the first/second wave, it wasn't because I failed in my quest, it was because [for whatever reason] Amazon.com wouldn't allow the 3DS version to be shipped to Canada with the pre-order bonus. The Vita version, however, had absolutely no issue being shipped here, so I pre-ordered that one instead [with the pre-order bonus]. It was painful seeing the 3DS listing live, but being unable to place the order. >_<

Thankfully, Amazon.com has now updated the 3DS listing [along with the "third" wave] to be available here in Canada, so I finally pre-ordered the item [with pre-order bonus], and will cancel my Vita pre-order.

I could keep the Vita version w/ bonus to sell it for profit, but honestly, I'm not that type of person. All I want is a copy for myself [on the platform I prefer, i.e., 3DS], and that's good enough for me. I've never been one to purchase multiple copies of LIMITED EDITION items to sell on Ebay. It just seems like a rude thing to do. :(

So thank you Aksys [and Amazon.com]. You have made my wish a reality! ^_^

Edit - Well I cancelled my Vita pre-order. While it was a difficult thing to do [since it was essentially guaranteed to arrive with the pre-order bonus, as I pre-ordered early on], I felt that it was the "honorable" thing to do. I'm just hoping that my current pre-order for the 3DS version [one placed tonight...er...last night?] doesn't fall through. :(

If you're a Vita fan, I hope you're able to grab my [previous] pre-order! ^_^
I&#8217;m so happy right now! I just cancelled my Vita version (without the watch) from play-asia and just got a refund from eBay for the watch.

As some of you know...I had pre-ordered the watch on eBay for a crazy US $140.00! I've now ordered from amazon the Vita version and the 3DS version of the game, both with the pre-order watches and it still works out cheaper than if I was still just getting the watch alone from eBay! For some reason this time amazon would ship to Australia (THANK YOOOOU!) I'm going to wear one watch and put the other one away. The only reason I got the 3DS version was to have a spare watch (since I can't even play it on my PAL 3DS anyway!) o_O
I’m so happy right now! I just cancelled my Vita version (without the watch) from play-asia and just got a refund from eBay for the watch.

As some of you know...I had pre-ordered the watch on eBay for a crazy US $140.00! I've now ordered from amazon the Vita version and the 3DS version of the game, both with the pre-order watches and it still works out cheaper than if I was still just getting the watch alone from eBay! For some reason this time amazon would ship to Australia (THANK YOOOOU!) I'm going to wear one watch and put the other one away. The only reason I got the 3DS version was to have a spare watch (since I can't even play it on my PAL 3DS anyway!) o_O

Congrats. :) But wouldn't it be better to let someone else who wasn't able to get a watch get that extra watch? Not trying to be a buzzkill but... The was the original purpose of the third wave. >.>

However, I may be wrong about that. Perhaps there was more to this than met the eye?


I hadn't realised Amazon US shipped games outside the US now (They didn't used to), so I didn't bother going for a watch, and now I seem to have missed my chance. :(

Pretty sad about that tbh.
Congrats. :) But wouldn't it be better to let someone else who wasn't able to get a watch get that extra watch? Not trying to be a buzzkill but... The was the original purpose of the third wave. >.>

However, I may be wrong about that. Perhaps there was more to this than met the eye?

It&#8217;s not like I ordered hundreds....its just two. And as an Australian I always miss out on this sort of stuff, so I can afford to be greedy just this one time.

I mean the amount I was willing to pay for the watch on eBay should tell you just how much I really wanted it! I finally got lucky at the very last minute!

I hadn't realised Amazon US shipped games outside the US now (They didn't used to), so I didn't bother going for a watch, and now I seem to have missed my chance. :(

Pretty sad about that tbh.

: (

I nearly had a heart attack when it let me order it to Australia &#8211; it didn&#8217;t with the last batch!


It’s not like I ordered hundreds....its just two. And as an Australian I always miss out on this sort of stuff, so I can afford to be greedy just this one time.

I mean the amount I was willing to pay for the watch on eBay should tell you just how much I really wanted it! I finally got lucky at the very last minute!

: (

I nearly had a heart attack when it let me order it to Australia – it didn’t with the last batch!

I couldn't even find the page. Has it been taken down now or something?
Mhmm, that's what I meant.

Rats. I guess the only consolation is that it might get here sooner. Seems Amazon's standard postage is a bit slow.

Ah well, still MEGA hype!

I went with priority shipping. It said between 2-5 days. Hopefully that works out. I need the game ASAP!
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