Conveniently timed, I just finished the final, true end route in 999 this morning.
I haven't caught a wink in 30 hours and yet I'm still completely floored from that finale.
A half-hour passed with me just staring out my window, wide-eyed, tying up loose ends in my head.
The past 2 weeks with this game have been an truly unique experience, due in large to the fact that I would write down my thoughts, questions, theories among other things each morning after playing it. I never expected it to "get so out of hand." I mean, how else can I describe this 8000+ word .txt? Full of my failed circular logic, self-deprecation, and blatant math miscalculations, among my heaps of praise for various aspects (though, it is not without criticism) and well-deduced speculations that proved true (which is the best god damn feeling.)
Anyways, clearly I could ramble for far longer than would be safe, so I best close this off with the original reason I made this post:
So after I'd cooled down enough to sit down without drifting into detective mode, I remembered I needed to pre-order the sequel still.
Then my jaw dropped once again, followed by laughter:
Thanks chunsoft/aksys, it's been great.