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Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward |OT| -- More Hours, More Persons, More Doors


Okay, I must be missing something on this puzzle in the Rec Room.

I managed to get only the Gold File password for the safe from the dartboard minigame, but now I can't get to seem to get the one for the key. I don't remember the combination of numbers I used to get the Gold File, so now I'm endlessly trying things until I figure it out.

Edit: Herp derp, got it.


sooo how do you figure out the
treatment center
gold file? Anybody know?

This one is really clever; do the same thing you were doing to get the escape password, but instead of resetting your position each time you're on a letter, start from the current letter you're on instead. It's a word that starts with P, but you'll start counting from P instead of the start area.

Speaking of gold files, they practically hand it to you as soon as you step in the
Control Room; I had a good laugh when I put the USB scanner back in and BLUE SCREEN.


Beat this yesterday, and it was a crazy, satisfying ride. END GAME SPOILERS-->
Some of the philosophical ideas presented later in the game (about human consciousness, specifically) were very interesting, and I really hope the third game (obviously focusing on the Nevada test site) is officially announced very soon

My only gripe is that I feel like way too much time was wasted during the map segments. I mean, I really don't think it's necessary to make the player watch a blinking dot moving from one part of the map to another like 200 times.


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
Beat this yesterday, and it was a crazy, satisfying ride. END GAME SPOILERS-->
Some of the philosophical ideas presented later in the game (about human consciousness, specifically) were very interesting, and I really hope the third game (obviously focusing on the Nevada test site) is officially announced very soon

My only gripe is that I feel like way too much time was wasted during the map segments. I mean, I really don't think it's necessary to make the player watch a blinking dot moving from one part of the map to another like 200 times.

I expected there to be some signficance to understanding the layout, but there really isn't.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
Alice route spoilers:
What exactly did Phi do wrong?
chose to ally with Phi on the second AB round, so her betraying me was fucking bullshit. Of course it got explained after I chose to betray her in the following playthrough, however deadly that was. Never mind that her whole Latin schtick gets grating.
Usually the three main routes are called Luna's, Tenmyouji's and Alice's routes, because people don't really remember the color of the door but rather the solo opponent they chose.
Yes, that.


I expected there to be some signficance to understanding the layout, but there really isn't.

Yep, I was half-expecting that too. Sometimes they will go from like Warehouse A right to a late game place with one black screen, but most of the time it's map, push button, wait for door to open/elevator to move, map, button with door, door sliding animation, rage. That was pretty much my only gripe with the game, but it was a nagging one. Especially when it happened when I was trying to get an ending or something.


Finally got my copy in today, and my watch just happens to be the one color I didn't want, red. Oh well, on with the game.


At the very end now, but not quite done.
"A new destination has been added to the flowchart."
Oh shit.


Err. Laboratory help, please?

I've picked up the red, blue and yellow capsules. Got the good file. No fourth capsule, which I assume gets me the password for the safe to get the keys and cards.

Where is this fourth capsule? :/

Edit: Nevermind, I was missing an item. Haha. Stupid shelf that you can't see anything on...


Entering into the final arc of the game. I've really enjoyed how I've approached the game structure. It's been like peeling back the layers of an onion.

1) Started off on the left-most story branch
allying with Luna both times only to see the entire supporting cast get killed off, Sigma getting infected with Radical-6 and left at a password screen in the Director's Office. Thus far, this has been the only path with 4 escape sequences.

2) Proceeded to tackle the remaining branches in order from left-to-right.
Watched K & Clover take off through the #9 door twice. Left myself with Dio & Phi only to wander around the desert in hasmat suits on an eclipse-lit night and get fed a whole bunch of nonsense about Myrmidon clones, deactivation codes for bombs and humanity being infected. Also sat through the mass suicide ending (that was fun) where Clover fills out a lot of backstory tie-ins from 999. Still waiting for more on this front as I'm still completely clueless as to who Zero is this time around or K's identity, for that matter.

3) Played through a host of bad ends, getting more and more
flashbacks from other playthroughs beginning to bleed into current ones... a phenomenon that was introduced so subtly and ramped up seamlessly over time that I can't help but be appreciative of it. Still avoided any and all locks by conscious decision all the way through until the final path and the decision to betray/ally with Phi where reciting the Latin from her mother's brooch talked her down from the ledge of escaping through the #9 door and led to the revelation that she's been joining me on this journey across alternate timelines and has full awareness of them. Probably since she first knew Sigma's name at the very start.

Lock #8 is now gone and I feel like the stage has now been set for the truly mind-blowing revelations to fall into my lap in the home stretch. Tentatively planning to work backwards from right-to-left this time around (so it'll be like the video game equivalent of Inception) although I may take a detour away from Lock #9 once I discover it.

May also save the '-1' lock for a bit, too. I'm really looking forward to seeing how that one plays out although I've already seen bracelet-inflicted deaths of Clover & Tenmyouji when they were handcuffed in the Infirmary way back in the first story path.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
I hate it when they give me more than three options. I just went through the same path eight times, just to see minor variations in the dialogue. Even with the skip button, fuck my OCD.


I hate it when they give me more than three options. I just went through the same path eight times, just to see minor variations in the dialogue. Even with the skip button, fuck my OCD.
I do that, too.

I almost want to play through the game again and go from the rightmost-branch over to the left because
those flashback bleeds from other story branches are clearly changing up the dialogue as well.

Would love to see how the betray Alice branch plays out without allying with her first.
Would love to see how the ally with Phi branch plays out without betraying her first.


I do that, too.

I almost want to play through the game again and go from the rightmost-branch over to the left because
those flashback bleeds from other story branches are clearly changing up the dialogue as well.

Would love to see how the betray Alice branch plays out without allying with her first.
Would love to see how the ally with Phi branch plays out without betraying her first.

I'm not sure about Alice, but Phi's is the same either way. Alice's probably is too.


Sorry but I didn't see this anywhere in the OP:

Can the Hidden Archive password always be found on your first playthrough in the same room as the escape password? Or do you not get the puzzles to retrieve some Hidden Archive passwords until after you escape the room they're used in?

I'm on my first playthrough in the Infirmary and can't figure out where the hidden archive password is, trying to figure out if I'm not looking hard enough or if I'm supposed to move on and not get it until later.


Crystal Bearer
Sorry but I didn't see this anywhere in the OP:

Can the Hidden Archive password always be found on your first playthrough in the same room as the escape password? Or do you not get the puzzles to retrieve some Hidden Archive passwords until after you escape the room they're used in?

I'm on my first playthrough in the Infirmary and can't figure out where the hidden archive password is, trying to figure out if I'm not looking hard enough or if I'm supposed to move on and not get it until later.

Yes they can.


I just got K's ending.

OH GOD OH MAN OH GOD OH MAN OH GOD OH MAN! We've gotta be getting into wibbly wobbly timey shit, K's face was revealed to be another Sigma. Maybe he's Sigma from an alternate timeline, maybe the Sigma you play is is a Gaulem, I'm not quite sure yet. Then I was given that password for the second gate. Is that related to that computer? Do I have what I need to pursue the true ending right now? I doubt it, since I remember I needed both a username and password. Who the everliving fuck is Dio? What happened to Clover and Tenmyoji? When did K get the key to his armor, more importantly, HOW THE FUCK DID HE UNLOCK IT BY HIMSELF?!


Crystal Bearer
I just got K's ending.

OH GOD OH MAN OH GOD OH MAN OH GOD OH MAN! We've gotta be getting into wibbly wobbly timey shit, K's face was revealed to be another Sigma. Maybe he's Sigma from an alternate timeline, maybe the Sigma you play is is a Gaulem, I'm not quite sure yet. Then I was given that password for the second gate. Is that related to that computer? Do I have what I need to pursue the true ending right now? I doubt it, since I remember I needed both a username and password. Who the everliving fuck is Dio? What happened to Clover and Tenmyoji? When did K get the key to his armor, more importantly, HOW THE FUCK DID HE UNLOCK IT BY HIMSELF?!

Hahahaha, all will be answered in due time :D


Warning: even their TITLES are potential spoilers. To keep it as spoiler lite as possible:
one of the titles spoiled the revelation in the Sigma ending.

1) Why did you
betray me Alice?
I trusted you! ;_;

2) These characters seem strangely calm to me.

a bomb!

4) That
‘premonition’ scene from Sigma with Phi
was awesome!

5) I could have sworn Zero III explained that if your
BP goes to zero you die, and yet Sigma acts all surprised when Phi says it again?
Am I mad or did he not explain that to everyone at the start?
Time jumping perhaps?

6) I’ve got a theory that the facility
is on the moon. First, it’s 2028 – so that makes it seem possible. Also, it looks like you’re on a planet/moon in Sigma’s ‘premonition’ when the bomb goes off. And lastly, Phi jumped really high at the start of the game, maybe because of gravity?

7) The whole who can go in which door is really confusing this time round. I don’t get the complementary colours thing and the characters
switching colours all the time
makes things even more confusing. I miss being able to work out who will be able to go in what door.

8) The voice acting from everyone is fantastic. Zero III has literally made me LOL – something incredibly rare for a videogame to do.

9) In 999 I didn’t once look up the solution to a puzzle (except for the
sodoku one since I had no idea how sodoku worked)
and yet I had to drop the game to easy at the very end on the ‘Crew Quarters’ puzzle. I got the gold file but had no idea how to get the key. Something to do with
switching the numbers 6 + 9?
I still don’t get it. In the end Sigma outright told me the code! o_O

10) I'm still early in the game, but I'm getting bad vibes from
Quark, K and Dio.


9) In 999 I didn’t once look up the solution to a puzzle (except for the
sodoku one since I had no idea how sodoku worked)
and yet I had to drop the game to easy at the very end on the ‘Crew Quarters’ puzzle. I got the gold file but had no idea how to get the key. Something to do with
switching the numbers 6 + 9?
I still don’t get it. In the end Sigma outright told me the code! o_O

For that puzzle
her arm was bent, it looked like a 6 or a 9 but it was the opposite because her hand was up in the air as opposed to at her side.

There are quite a few tricky puzzles.


Okay so I've got another question to someone who has beaten the game

Location Spoiler.... Followed by the question

I find that I'm not enjoying this game as much and I'm not sure the puzzles in this game aren't making sense in my head especially when I pretty much had no issues playing 999.

Just did the
Galuem Bay

Had no problem up until the very end. Even got the first part of the code or whatever.

Beacon..... I was like yeah finally something I solved on my own 100%

So naturally I turned to the other side and was like okay time to do the same thing with the red letters and count. So I get the Puzzle and get the letters and got "SENCOP" or something and I go well... that doesn't make any sense. So then I go well maybe I will do the same thing only this time I will try to count the eyes that aren't lite up. So I get OCFHOP ... okay still nothing. So what did I miss in this instance that didn't get "OF HOPE"? Regardless, the last skull contains both a red and a black eye and you need both the PE in the picture on the wall to solve those. Sow how does the game expect you to gather that when the clue contradicts itself. Does the game just expect me to guess and check at this point?

It's almost like the puzzles don't match with the clues they give you and just stray off into a random path. I mean if the first part of the puzzle worked with red eyes you would think there would be some indication that the 2nd part is different or it should just be the same.

Also, in terms of gold file .... are you suppose to find these solutions in the room you're current in because I never find them it seems. How I'm suppose to get Reminiscent in the Galuem Bay is beyond me.

Edit* and I didn't light or start up the center skeleton, but I'm not sure what good that did me because nothing else happened.
I want to enjoy this game really bad because of how much I enjoyed the first one, but it's just not working for me and I'm not sure why my broken mind isn't picking up on this stuff. Hints.... tips... ideas... anything would be nice.


Well fuck. This game has very much recaptured the mystery that 999 had.

I haven't unlocked an ending yet, but a reached a point and got a
"To Be Continued..." message
. On the flow chart thing, I basically just kept to the left, and reached a
password protected computer in the director's office

I have to admit, that flow chart is a real asset. I'm not sure where I'll go next, but I think I might jump to a fork late in the chart just so I can unlock an ending, even if it is a catastrophic one.

Some (probably completely wrong and crazy) predictions about characters. Going to spoiler tag so be warned:

I trust her more than anyone else in the game right now, since she's been at my side for most of it. But I think the thing GOLM almost said before he shut down relates to her. I reckon she might be a robot with skin.
I don't have any suspicions about him, and I suspect he's just looking out for Quark. Definitely some food for thought for as and when I'm dealing with him.
I don't know what to make of Quark. I feel that in my current playthrough, his death is heavily implied, but they're too scared to show a dead kid so only heavily implied it. Unless he is industrious enough to spring the wristband without it killing him.
Absolutely do not trust him. I will fuck him over at every opportunity I get, until the time comes when I'm unlocking endings.
Don't trust her either, not after the revelation with the crane, anyway.
I know what she's capable of after 999, so I'll be cautious around her, especially if Alice dies again.
His identity has to be someone from 999, otherwise there wouldn't be much need to keep it secret for so long. At a guess, I'd say either Junpei, just for a holy fuck moment; Seven, just because he's had memory loss before; or Ace, who maybe had his memory erased somehow as punishment. After all, Clover was pretty cagey about her and Alice's line of work, and maybe it ties into them trying to find June and Santa.
Not a clue about this one.



For the
gaulem puzzle, you will get OFHOPE the same way you got beacon, it's just a weird order you read the red eyes in, it's like, backwards or something.

I quoted and spoilers broke so i did it this way.
Umm, spoiler tags? : /

Isn't it common knowledge that each character has an ending associated with them? Like... super obvious from the save screen.

Anyway I just got Luna's ending, which makes up for the fuckawful Quark ending.

Thoughts on Luna End:
!!!!! Just checked the mail box - new 999 cover get! That came really quickly! : )

Also, Clover, why do you always smile after saying something serious/shocking?

“Hey look, I found
a bomb!”
**character model is happy**....girl, you craaaazy!

Isn't it common knowledge that each character has an ending associated with them? Like... super obvious from the save screen.[/spoiler]

I know that much – I’m talking about how you said
Quark’s ending was useless.
I know that much – I’m talking about how you said
Quark’s ending was useless.

Just my personal opinion. I didn't enjoy it at all. There's another couple endings I dislike.

Anyway I'm one the final route and the game still has some splainin to do. Better get to it game! I don't want any loose ends.
Still feel really early in the game (no proper endings, just two to be continued and one game over), but this game is eating away at all of my time by thinking about it. During work today, I was just thinking about theories all day long.

So far, I've gotten Locks 3 and 4, and a game over on the left side (
K betrayed me and left everyone, the bastard

So, random thoughts based on just that stuff.

Dio is a complete bastard. I don't know exactly what his deal is, but I'm going to get him back one of these days. I'm not sure how, yet. Quark and K are the other characters who are really suspicious to me. Then again, Quark seems to be getting sick in most paths. But I'm suspicious of his disappearance in that other route. He seems more likely to be Zero than Dio, at any rate.

Absolutely no clue on what K's deal is. His whole deal is way too suspicious for me to believe he's behind everything, but you never can tell. He's someone who is clearly looking out for himself above anyone else, but I need to find out more information on him.

Tenmyouji seems remarkably well connected to everything going on. Between Quark and that random old lady that he clearly reacted to. He obviously knows a lot more than most of the other characters.

I have a ways to go with all this, so I can't wait to see where things go next.


Arrived way earlier than expected...
...and the watch is the color I wanted (blue).
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