I need some NNId friends for ZombieU. Having a hard time with the game and need some more stocked dead zombieU players wondering my halls! My NNID is JetJevons.
Can't wait to start on Tuesday. Game is arriving Wednesday. Just thinking about having it in the apartment is giving me chills...
BTW: Huge Dark Souls/Demon's Souls junky here. This thread really reminds me of those threads, especially in the polar reactions from the hardcore gamers. You either love the difficulty or you hate it, I guess. Not a lot of room in the middle.
Probably a dumb question, but can you play the game using just the Gamepad?
Thanks for the info, man.No. The GamePad is pretty central to the game itself so you can only play ZombiU with both the TV and the pad.
I think it's intentional. Real men play with crosshairs off any way ;-p.Is it just me or is aiming a gun in this really cumbersome? It seems so strange to me to have the pull trigger to aim only zoom in slightly instead of aiming down the sights. I feel it's slightly disorienting.
I'm assuming the crosshairs get smaller as you level up your skills but the lack of iron sights seems odd.
I need some NNId friends for ZombieU. Having a hard time with the game and need some more stocked dead zombieU players wondering my halls! My NNID is JetJevons.
You should spoiler that. About the weapons, CCTV should give weapon locations. Not sure though since I could always retrieve my weapons so far.Slight gameplay spoilers in this post I guess.
Somehow though I made it out alive. It was extra intense as I heard not to die in the nursery as it can screw up your save file.Man, the nursery area was easily the most intense part so far imo. I can't believe I made it through without dying! The part where you fall through to the basement and your torch starts malfunctioning, and there's a electricity zombie was crazy. And then in the kitchen with the explosive zombie on the ground... As soon as I saw it I ran back out of the room, closed door, placed a mine infront of the door and hid around the corner. I've never used a mine before but it was so worth it lol, really cool way to take that guy out safely.
And then there's a small room with like 3-4 zombies! I threw a cocktail but started burning myself too, so I quickly used a medpack while flaming zombies are out to get me,... So many close calls!
Sadly I died in the field outside waiting for the door to be remote unlocked D:
Question: when you lose weapons and such on a fallen survivor, how can you retrieve them? I want my crossbow back but not sure how. The monitors in the safe house don't how me weapon locations.
Finished this last night. My number two GOTY after Dragon's Dogma. Loved my time with the game and I hope this is the beginning of a franchise.
Is it just me or is aiming a gun in this really cumbersome? It seems so strange to me to have the pull trigger to aim only zoom in slightly instead of aiming down the sights. I feel it's slightly disorienting.
I'm assuming the crosshairs get smaller as you level up your skills but the lack of iron sights seems odd.
I am gonna pick this up as my first wii u game
Yep, I posted that glitch a few days ago.
I also found the dev team account name after falling through the garbage chute at Freedman's flat. I posted a screenshot on Miiverse.
It showed as "ZombiUDev" but I can't find it in a user search nor can I add it as a friend.
jetjevons said:I need some NNId friends for ZombieU. Having a hard time with the game and need some more stocked dead zombieU players wondering my halls! My NNID is JetJevons.
Add me.
Add me.
NNID: Jaded_Alyx
What is "ironsights," exactly? I know it's some mechanic in recent fps games, but I've never been sure of what it meant...I still think that there should be hipfire, and ironsights. And not require every weapon to be readied. Really weird for mines, and throwable objects., etc. I am used to it now. But I think it could make the game more intense when ironsights reduces the FOV.
What is "ironsights," exactly? I know it's some mechanic in recent fps games, but I've never been sure of what it meant...
Why is that better?It's when you aim with this thing on the front of a gun instead of a magic target on the screen:
I think I'm stuck. I'm at the part early on where you have to get the 2 CCTV junction boxes near the supermarket. I got one,in the basement of the supermarket. After that the prepper told me to get my ass back to the safe house, so I did. But now the green target on the map is still telling me to go back to the supermarket. But once I get inside, it tells me to go out. But once I'm out...it tells me to go back in. Basically leading me in circles. Has the game bugged out on me?
ZombiU isn't on the same difficulty as Dark Souls, though. It's hard, yeah, but not "You will die 35 times before you even know WHY you died" hard.
Why is that better?
Dudebros think it's more immersive. I say fuck that shit and give me classic hip firing while strafing.Why is that better?
That only applies to people who have never actually played Demon's Souls...or classic NES games for that matter.
It's not. At all. Some people just think it's slightly more realistic to aim the way you actually would aim with a gun. I'm sure if anyone had actually ever used those weapons in real life it would make a difference in the game, but the majority have never touched much more than a hunting rifle or pistol.
I think it ads to the tension in hectic encounters. Being able to hipfire or throw grenades on a whim or change more items on the fly would make it to action-y and easy imo.I dont find the aiming really cumbersome, but I also dont really see what readying every weapon before firing. really brings to the table, other than a lesser way to handle aiming IMO. Maybe it is a way to differentiate itself from a general fps, so people don't play it as such?
I still think that there should be hipfire, and ironsights. And not require every weapon to be readied. Really weird for mines, and throwable objects., etc. I am used to it now. But I think it could make the game more intense when ironsights reduces the FOV.
That's quite an awesome idea!Yeah, no crosshairs is the only way to play.
Feel like Zombi U devs should make it give you a score boost tbh.
Yes it has. That's a game-breaking glitch and you're forced to restart the game.
The same thing happened to me when I first played it, but I read that it can be caused by dying during that mission. So, I restarted the game, made sure not to die during that mission, and I was able to finish the game without any other issues.
Guys, I got this game yesterday, and when I started olaying it, I found out that the subtitles and the buttons that appear on screen are kinda tiny.
Is it just me? It's hard to actually read the thing. I didn't see anyone complaining about it, so I figured I've done something wrong?
Can someone help me?
Heh, I just now found it myself and posted it to the Miiverse since I the user doesn't seem to exist. First thought afterward: check GAF!
Why is that better?
Normally I'd prefer iron sights, but I like the idea that weapons only have one state and that's readying. Makes me feel like all my characters are inexperienced when it comes to weapon usage. Iron sights are great, but the accuracy boost always translates to my own pretty high aiming skill level, which means I'll be headshotting shit like no tomorrow.
I already had no problem with aiming in ZombiU, and I remember thinking to myself that though this is a game I feel the PC audience would really appreciate, it would also probably break easy with a mouse.
It's not. At all. Some people just think it's slightly more realistic to aim the way you actually would aim with a gun. I'm sure if anyone had actually ever used those weapons in real life it would make a difference in the game, but the majority have never touched much more than a hunting rifle or pistol.
Why is that better?
Dudebros think it's more immersive. I say fuck that shit and give me classic hip firing while strafing.
Normally I'd prefer iron sights, but I like the idea that weapons only have one state and that's readying....