I find myself clearing out the entire first three levels with the shinobo, paladin and barbarian with vampire gear on. All other classes arent even worth using.
Dont sleep on the vampire gear yo, yea you may lose a bunch of health, but its a life saver, ESPECIALLY on the barbarian with its high HP pool.
Got around 400+ health with the vampire gear and the vampire runes on, getting like 10 health per kill. Helps a TON.
If you got your str high enough to hit things in one hit, getting your life back is a snap. Its makes defeating those easy targets worth doing as you can get some health back.
I just need to get my str high enough so my barbarian and paladin can one hit enemies in the basement of the castle. everything in there I have to hit two or three times. My shinobo though, chews through them fools. But his health is like 150 though. cant take a lot of hit in those crazy ass rooms.