What is everyones thoughts on white women
What are everyone's thoughts on black women?
Where they at?
What is everyones thoughts on white women
What are everyone's thoughts on black women?
Also, any of y'all watch General Hospital? This soap is my stupid fun drug.
Pretty much the same.What are everyone's thoughts on black women?
Kraftwerk is one side profile shot with partially exposed breast away from becoming a Cocaine Lorraine evangelist.
Red Hair+ Freckles = Kryptonie
Cocaine Lorraine varies for me. On some pics shes cute, others like the one kraft posted doesn't do it for me.
I'm all for freckles though, kinda indifferent but for it.
What are everyone's thoughts on black women?
What are everyone's thoughts on black women?
I'm gettin tired of yall dissin Cocaine Lorraine dammit! >:|
I felt the need to wake up and tell you mofos that.
Feels like OT in here.
What are everyone's thoughts on black women?
I just meant the "imma make you love this girl I have a thing for."
Also some people sure like being obtuse about the reality of sex. It has consequences. Don't want them? Don't fuck. Oh wait you've got that part down pat, okay.
Urban models.
Was on some flyers for a club.
I have a photographer friend who started hiring girls from instagram for photo shoots. Some of them did get 'famous' and appear in magazines and whatnot.
Most of them seem to be specialized , such as the women my friend hired. All of them were blonde girls with heavy tattooing.
hah, I hate getting those shits on my car. My first instinct is to point out the bad photoshopping. Look at this horrible kerning, the use of default gradient, bevel AND emboss on the text along with stroke! Lens flare? check.
I can't.
50 different typefaces, all of them shit.
First full day in Portland complete. Anxiety is in overdrive but I'll deal with it. In kind of a haze/autopilot mentally, happened when I moved to Vancouver for the first few days for a bit too.
Plusses definitely so far over Nebraska:
- Much more food variety in one spot. Omaha tends to clump together so next to my place was about 100 mexican food places.. if you want something else, have to trek across the city.
- Public transit seems a lot better, in layout. Haven't used it yet. But I'm still planning on getting a car.
- Actual cultural interaction. Omaha is segregated to fuck.
- Some motherfucker was playing appregios and scales on a keyboard outside for like 5 hours straight. I think that was my introduction to Portland.jpg
Where they at is what I usually say
Freckles and pale skin is #1-5 on the list of best things don't hate
No such thing as too many freckles
Where they at is what I usually say
Freckles and pale skin is #1-5 on the list of best things don't hate
No such thing as too many freckles
Red Hair+ Freckles = Kryptonie
bring back discrimination because of that Raiders hat
[quote="skinnyrattler, post: 120313132"]Oh, yes there is. Ebola outbreak?[/QUOTE]
[quote="Angelus Errare, post: 120313384"]Too much, way too much. Like this is the stage right before you turn into a zombie in RE.[/QUOTE]
What are everyone's thoughts on black women?
Truewe need more natural hair music
I'm gettin tired of yall dissin Cocaine Lorraine dammit! >:|
I felt the need to wake up and tell you mofos that.
we need more natural hair music
It's rough dating someone with natural hair when you also have natural hair. Arguing over coconut oil n shit
It's rough dating someone with natural hair when you also have natural hair. Arguing over coconut oil n shit
Halle Berry.
She is, as Royalan pointed out, a good actress. I've noticed that she tends to shine when she's playing the victim.
But while she was the It Girl, people started acting like NeoGAF. "Halle Berry is so beautiful, not like those darker women. She's so exotic," etc, etc, etc. A friend of mine described her as the "Gateway Negro", the black woman that white men like because she's not too black.
And then comes Catwoman and Storm and the rest is history.
tldr: Halle Berry is good, but the way White America put her up on a mulatto pedestal brought out the haters.
I know I'm almost out and I'm in the midst of an eczema breakoutThe coconut oil drought takes its toll
Isn't olive oil better for hair?
I ain't no expert.
B) What's the difference between an urban model and a regular model? Is this one of those instances where "Urban" is code for Black?
The true "Gateway Negro" is/was Pam Grier. Even though she's a little of everything. But god damn.
A) Cocaine Lorraine sure is an interesting nick name
B) What's the difference between an urban model and a regular model? Is this one of those instances where "Urban" is code for Black?
A) Cocaine Lorraine sure is an interesting nick name
B) What's the difference between an urban model and a regular model? Is this one of those instances where "Urban" is code for Black?