They're nerfing Leeroy, right? Because they're giving Shaman Shadowstep.
They're nerfing Leeroy, right? Because they're giving Shaman Shadowstep.
But Shaman can't dig.
Also is Naxx out for EU today or tomorrow? It says 23'rd on the launcher but someone said it's available globally in a 24 hour window starting today?
Far Sight is a form of digging. Far Sight into Leeroy, turn 5 Leeroy Reincarnate Reincarnate. Aggro shaman is here.
But Shaman can't dig.
Also is Naxx out for EU today or tomorrow? It says 23'rd on the launcher but someone said it's available globally in a 24 hour window starting today?
Nobody plays Far Sight and will never do so unless we get some sort of rearranging mechanic for decks.
But that's pre Naxx thinking. There are a bunch of non-conditional 4-6 cost legendaries now that would be great to have a few turns earlier.
But the risk of skipping your turn for Far Sight and making Earth Shock 1 mana cheaper is way too real.
Far Sight is a form of digging. Far Sight into Leeroy, turn 5 Leeroy Reincarnate Reincarnate. Aggro shaman is here.
So what do you do after you've dealt 18 damage on turn 5 having used 4 of your 9 (assuming 3 starting cards drawing one a turn plus one more from Far Sight) cards and leaving the opponent with around 12 HP and two 1/1 Whelps? Shaman can already deal 18 damage using Leeroy with fewer mana and fewer cards (Leeroy, Rockbiter, Windfury)... and as someone that ran/still runs that combo, I assure you that digging to draw it out just isn't very efficient as a Shaman. I don't see Far Sight being much better in the post-Naxx meta either.
At worst it's a cycle, no big deal. Like fan of knives againt an empty board.
I'm only half joking. It's funner to think of silly combos than efficient ones.
Sombody, somewhere will win a game with it.
I am getting rid of all my ancients of war for this reason. Shaman might benefit from all the new deathrattle cards.All the silences, all the kodos
yeah i thought it was up today but gotta wait until midnight here, so 23rd. its like a whole days wait
We've had plenty of discussion on druid of the claw vs ancient of war mechanics but... someone correct me if I'm wrong here:
Reincarnation on a DotC in bear form will probably only heal the card, and it will keep its taunt and 6 max health, while Reincarnation on a defensive AoW will probably remove both the taunt and extra health, right?
The biggest question is. How does one kill a Spectral Knight? Like, think about it. Turn 5. It eats Azure Drakes (lol backstab). It seems it will always require at least 2 cards. It's more like a reverse Azure Drake, make the other people waste their cards.
Thaddius is really unimpressive
Well, you do have to remember it's potentially a 7/4 (or 4/7) and an 11/11 for 5 mana... that's some really beefed out silver hand knight you're getting there. You can combo it in a few different ways too, like a warlock can do a shadowflame + the 7/4 guy to get a 9-mana 7-damage AoE + an 11/11 on the board for free. It's not the greatest, but when you see the 4/7 guy hit the board, you're going to be a bit cautious about how it's removed I think...
Creatures kill it fairly evenly, a 4 cost Sen'jin Shieldmasta will trade against it 1:1. There's probably 3-drops that trade for it 1:1 to (Unbound Elemental does if you use a single overload card).
How was she nerfed?Spectral Knight is a beast, Maexxna got nerfed before Naxx is even out, Thaddius is really unimpressive
How was she nerfed?
Spectral Knight will be nerfed so fast before druids and priests REALLY get out of control. That card is cray cray.
With poison seeds and starfall? Druid meta has a very beefy mid game. Why would you not want a minion that is spell immune on top of that?Drake and DotC are better for Druids. They need the spell power and taunts.
With poison seeds and starfall? Druid meta has a very beefy mid game. Why would you not want a minion that is spell immune on top of that?
The other Legendaries that summon Thaddius are Yeti levels of pure stat efficiency for 5 mana. Currently 5 mana minions is a big hole for many decks so adding the Yeti equivalent drop to that turn is really strong in its own right.the problem is that a vanilla 11/11 isn't really worth it playing both the other legendaries in a deck imo. If he had some decent game-ending effect, then sure maybe, but with those stats I'd rather just run Deathwing. Also, he apparently had a pretty cool ability in WoW that they didn't make use of
The other Legendaries that summon Thaddius are Yeti levels of pure stat efficiency for 5 mana. Currently 5 mana minions is a big hole for many decks so adding the Yeti equivalent drop to that turn is really strong in its own right.
It's probably bc there will be 4 enemies you fight in that encounter since he's part of the 4 horseman.![]()
Oddly enough, Rivendare only has 7 health... wonder how that fight will turn out! Most likely plenty of gimmicks to prevent him from dying easily.
I think it's fair, since you guys got 40-60 gold extra per day because of infinite quest reroll!Then why must Blizzard taketh away in the US. What have we done for them to treat us so poorly? Repent the end is nigh!
Looks like someone put together an imgur album of all the golden Naxx cards you'll probably never get to have.
Very "meh"Looks like someone put together an imgur album of all the golden Naxx cards you'll probably never get to have.
Well, you do have to remember it's potentially a 7/4 (or 4/7) and an 11/11 for 5 mana... that's some really beefed out silver hand knight you're getting there. You can combo it in a few different ways too, like a warlock can do a shadowflame + the 7/4 guy to get a 9-mana 7-damage AoE + an 11/11 on the board for free. It's not the greatest, but when you see the 4/7 guy hit the board, you're going to be a bit cautious about how it's removed I think...