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Hearthstone |OT| Why tap cards when you can roll need [Naxx final wing out now]

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And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Do we know the EXACT time it'll be launched in EU at this point?


I wouldn't be worried about sticking to old archetypes. The expansion is opening up more. So I wouldn't cut cards from an existing deck, I'd make a whole new deck. Deathrattle control deck. Undertaker, loothoarder, those 2 legends, + other deathrattles, rebirth, baron rivendare...

Imagine using rebirth while baron rivendare is on board and getting 2x 11/11s while still keeping the original deathrattle minion. And even undertaker gets benefits since I think that text procs when a minion enters the field from anywhere (like knife juggler).

Old all-stars decks aren't going anywhere so yes you do need to think and try what to cut for new cards. Gimmicky decks like just suffing all deathrattles in one won't be too strong. And undertaker doesn't fit into control decks imo, it's a zoo card of anything.
Upcoming card back reward.


They stole the idea from artist Yanmo Zhang. His is way better :)



The main obstacle I see with Thaddius in Shaman is just finding space for those two 5-drops. Azure Drakes are so good in Shaman; the class benefits so much from Spell Damage, and has limited options for reliable card draw. Loatheb looks amazing for the current meta too, and far more reliable. You're not going to run five 5-drops, so something good will get cut if you want Thaddius.

Looking at the card list, I'm pretty sure the six cards from tomorrow's wing will be:
Haunted Creeper (Common)
Nerub'ar Weblord (Common)
Nerubian Egg (Rare)
Maexxna (Legendary)
Anub'ar Ambusher (Rogue)
Webspinner (Hunter)
So weblord doesn't affect "choose one" from druid, so I am assuming it doesn't affect combo either... so that is a relief.

Old all-stars decks aren't going anywhere so yes you do need to think and try what to cut for new cards. Gimmicky decks like just suffing all deathrattles in one won't be too strong. And undertaker doesn't fit into control decks imo, it's a zoo card of anything.

Yes, but that doesn't mean there isn't room for new strong decks and often when new decks come out, old decks do kinda go bye bye. I think a prime example is aggro paladin. Once zoo came out aggro paladin became like a weaker more situational zoo deck. Shockadin is still fairly niche for this reason.

I think there will be completely new decks, in any case.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
I would literally fuck the brains out of Antonidas, raw, without condoms, if I had the chance.


Yeah for sure new decks arise but I think they are formed from the husks of some pre-existing decks.

Yoshi do you know the bad finnish joke about the swedish wizard?


The encounters!

don't worry, expect a guide tomorrow

Yeah for sure new decks arise but I think they are formed from the husks of some pre-existing decks.

For the most part, we'll probably just see old archetype of decks with new cards. It'll be awhile most likely before we see something actually doing a new style of play.

So just a lot of value midrange with deathrattles, Zoo with deathrattles, and anti-aggro Control for awhile.


Feugen and Stalagg seem really gimmicky and the insane shaman combo will pretty much never happen and can't be relied on for laddering. I doubt they're going to be popular.


Neo Member
Thank you for the advice.

It is just nerves. I have a lot of gold saved up in anticipation of Naxx (I was preparing for worst case of ~1000 gold per wing).

Just having an entry fee makes me feel like I must perform better to justify the cost. I'm sure I'll get used to it with time though.

Some other things that helped me when I was feeling really crappy at Arena:

1. Track your win/losses and average gold earned. This helped me a lot to stick with Arena. Before I'd have a few back-to-back bad runs and I'd be convinced I was just losing gold trying to run arena and end up splurging the rest on packs. Tracking my average gold earned showed me that even though my early attempts were met with a lot of bad runs, on average I was still making out better than I would be if I was just buying packs outright.

2. Record your matches. I'd fraps all my matches and every time I'd lose a match, I'd rewatch the match to see how I could have played it better. You only have until you get 3 losses until you're done with that deck. That's not a lot of time to learn a deck. Rewatching lost matches in your run lets you quickly see where you can have problems with the deck so you can try to come up with solutions to mitigate it before you play next time.

3. Use the last 10 to 15 draft picks to patch up holes in your deck regardless of card quality. In the beginning of the draft I usually just go for the best cards straight out. Sometimes near the end that leaves you with holes or weak spots in your mana curve. Weight your last several picks by focusing on fixing these.

4. Expect to do crappy when you start but keep at it and it'll pay off in long run. Even if you do really bad your first several runs and end up losing a net amount of gold, just consider these the dues you have to pay to learn the mode. On the front end you might do worse for a while in terms of gold spent, but in the long run if you keep learning it will definitely pay off. I hated losing gold in the beginning, but I sucked it up and kept at it and even though I'm still not able to do unlimited runs without losing gold, it's only costing me about 20 - 30 gold net for a pack of cards which is considerably better than the 100 gold it would cost you to buy it outright.

Good luck and keep at it!

Upcoming card back reward.


That is pretty. I really like that one much better than the Naxx back for next month's ranked play. That might end up being my new favorite.



A finnish guy and a swede are in sauna.
The swede tells the finn he's a wizard and the finn tells him to prove it.
The swede tells the finn to kneel down on all fours and the finn follows orders.
Swede asks if he feels anything funny and the finn answers "yeah like a thumb up my ass"

The swede then proceeds to wiggle his thumbs in front of the finns eyes and shouts "Ta Da!"

I'm terribly sorry and I'll go to sleep now.


2. Record your matches. I'd fraps all my matches and every time I'd lose a match, I'd rewatch the match to see how I could have played it better. You only have until you get 3 losses until you're done with that deck. That's not a lot of time to learn a deck. Rewatching lost matches in your run lets you quickly see where you can have problems with the deck so you can try to come up with solutions to mitigate it before you play next time.

This. This a lot. It's really easy to get stuck in a trap of only assessing your last few turns and coming to the conclusion that only those mattered. With the whole match available, you can start seeing things like when you used a spell for removal when you could have saved it and taken some face damage + a minion loss or just other in-hand options. Especially vital in cases where you play board-cautious and end up losing multiple minions to, say, Consecrate, Swipe, etc. later anyway and you cost yourself what could be a vital card for later.

If you can, record audio with it and just talk out your plays. See about trains of thought you had going at the time and wonder why you didn't think of a certain play or if you did, why you played into it anyway (aka the "oops I forgot about Flamestrike" turn). Maybe you second-guessed yourself about a play. Maybe you can see your opponent setting up a play that you missed at the time (e.g., why they were comfortable eating a hit to set up a Consecrate the next turn). Just don't get stuck too much in the trap of using too much future knowledge when assessing old plays.
*I play Feugen*

*They kill it* "I can just silence Stalagg"

*Play Stalagg + Shadowflame. All enemy minions take 7 damage and I summon an 11/11 Thaddius*


Or I could play Stalagg/Feugen + Void terror. Summon a 14/14 and an 11/11


You can't expect a single minion to win you the game. It is incremental advancement towards the goal of winning.

No, but I'm saying that the whirlwind deathrattle isn't scary against zoo. My zoo deck runs IIRC 4 minions with 1 HP and they are mostly there for their battle cries. The card that increases their cost is a lot better vs zoo as I counted 14 cards with a battle cry.


No, but I'm saying that the whirlwind deathrattle isn't scary against zoo. My zoo deck runs IIRC 4 minions with 1 HP and they are mostly there for their battle cries.

It's worth noting, I guess, that he trades 1-for-1 with Scarlet Crusader which is ... something.

For the most part, it's just nice to see this in the neutral slot. Giving Whirlwind across the board can potentially help things. If nothing else, it cleans up some X/1 tokens nicely and helps reach extra damage values as needed.


I'm liking a lot of these cards. It makes me want to go back on saying that spending gold on Naxx was probably a waste for newer players. I'm looking at these and I'm seeing a lot of options opening up. In particular, it will be nice to have some better options at the 5+ mana range. The basic set just sucks at that level.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Alpha Hearthstone arena rewards were rewarding as hell!

No, but I'm saying that the whirlwind deathrattle isn't scary against zoo. My zoo deck runs IIRC 4 minions with 1 HP and they are mostly there for their battle cries. The card that increases their cost is a lot better vs zoo as I counted 14 cards with a battle cry.

I think you'll find it scarier when they back that 1 damage aoe with other spells and minions. It is gonna slow zoo down just enough to make a difference imo. And yeah, throw weblord or whatever down aside it and suddenly may not be able to drop that buff minion down to trade up against the taunt.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
What are people listening to while playing this game?


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Also, (sorry for all the questions) what happened to Dahbomb? He was super active in the other Hearthstone threads, but he hasn't posted a single time in this thread?


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
In game music or watch twitch.tv on my second monitor.
Hearthstone in Twitch as well? I always get confused when I watch Hearthstone live while playing the game.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Finally, I get some of dat RNG-luck :D

Got 3 nightmares in a row from Ysera. His Ragnaros misses Ysera and hits face (THANK GOD), boom - my turn! Check this sucker out:

Got 26 damage on my hand and unleashed all of it on his healing ass (he literally used every paladin heal possible. FUCK that deck).

Edit: considering I got Nightmare 3 times in a row... and there are 5 dream cards that randomizes... What're the odds of that? 1/5, 1/5, 1/5 that is.
I have no clue how my rogue deck is going to look after I unlock cards tomorrow. I think it is safe to assume anub'ar ambusher will be coming out week 1 so I'll definitely be trying him out.

I kinda want to put 1 and 2 drops from naxx in my deck.

So far thinking about zombie chow... hah

and haunted creeper. I am guessing zombie chow isn't in wing 1. But haunted creeper might be.

Maybe echoing ooze... hmmm... so many choices!

I think I am going to start a deck from scratch.
Card list is already known, as in what drops them and stuff. I'll spoiler all of it in case of someone doesn't want to read it, source is achievements, and actual list is from reddit cause I'd be too lazy to make the list myself:
Spider Wing - Week 1

Anub'Rekhan - Haunted Creeper
Grand Widow Faerlina - Nerub'ar Weblord
Maexxna Defeated - Nerubian Egg
Legendary: Maexxna

Plague Wing - Week 2

Noth the Plaguebringer - Stoneskin Gargoyle
Heigan the Unclean - Unstable Ghoul
Loatheb - Sludge Belcher
Legendary: Loatheb

Military Wing - Week 3

Instructor Razuvious - Dancing Swords
Gothik the Harvester - Spectral Knight
The Four Horsemen - Deathlord
Legendary: Baron Rivendare

Construct Wing - Week 4

Patchwerk - Undertaker
Grobbulus - Mad Scientist
Gluth - Zombie Chow
Thaddius - Wailing Soul
Legendaries: Stalagg & Feugen makes Thaddius

Frostwyrm Lair - Week 5

Sapphiron - Echoing Ooze
Kel'Thuzad - Shade of Naxxramas
Legendary: Kel'Thuzad


Neo Member
Card list is already known, as in what drops them and stuff. I'll spoiler all of it in case of someone doesn't want to read it, source is achievements, and actual list is from reddit cause I'd be too lazy to make the list myself:
Spider Wing - Week 1

Anub'Rekhan - Haunted Creeper
Grand Widow Faerlina - Nerub'ar Weblord
Maexxna Defeated - Nerubian Egg
Legendary: Maexxna

Plague Wing - Week 2

Noth the Plaguebringer - Stoneskin Gargoyle
Heigan the Unclean - Unstable Ghoul
Loatheb - Sludge Belcher
Legendary: Loatheb

Military Wing - Week 3

Instructor Razuvious - Dancing Swords
Gothik the Harvester - Spectral Knight
The Four Horsemen - Deathlord
Legendary: Baron Rivendare

Construct Wing - Week 4

Patchwerk - Undertaker
Grobbulus - Mad Scientist
Gluth - Zombie Chow
Thaddius - Wailing Soul
Legendaries: Stalagg & Feugen makes Thaddius

Frostwyrm Lair - Week 5

Sapphiron - Echoing Ooze
Kel'Thuzad - Shade of Naxxramas
Legendary: Kel'Thuzad

How do the class cards rollout?


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Oddly enough, out of all days, it is today that I go from rank 14 to 9. All the other days, I've just been hovering around 14-15 and sometimes up to 16 and 17.

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