Do we know the EXACT time it'll be launched in EU at this point?
I wouldn't be worried about sticking to old archetypes. The expansion is opening up more. So I wouldn't cut cards from an existing deck, I'd make a whole new deck. Deathrattle control deck. Undertaker, loothoarder, those 2 legends, + other deathrattles, rebirth, baron rivendare...
Imagine using rebirth while baron rivendare is on board and getting 2x 11/11s while still keeping the original deathrattle minion. And even undertaker gets benefits since I think that text procs when a minion enters the field from anywhere (like knife juggler).
Upcoming card back reward.
Old all-stars decks aren't going anywhere so yes you do need to think and try what to cut for new cards. Gimmicky decks like just suffing all deathrattles in one won't be too strong. And undertaker doesn't fit into control decks imo, it's a zoo card of anything.
I would literally fuck the brains out of Antonidas, raw, without condoms, if I had the chance.
Imagine using rebirth while baron rivendare is on board and getting 2x 11/11s while still keeping the original deathrattle minion.
Yeah for sure new decks arise but I think they are formed from the husks of some pre-existing decks.
Feels like control will be back in a big way
Wailing Soul means Ancient Watchers are back!
The cardback for clearing Heroic Naxx has also been posted now
Yoshi do you know the bad finnish joke about the swedish wizard?
The cardback for clearing Heroic Naxx has also been posted now
Thank you for the advice.
It is just nerves. I have a lot of gold saved up in anticipation of Naxx (I was preparing for worst case of ~1000 gold per wing).
Just having an entry fee makes me feel like I must perform better to justify the cost. I'm sure I'll get used to it with time though.
Upcoming card back reward.
And of course the druid card death seeds or whatever it is called.
2. Record your matches. I'd fraps all my matches and every time I'd lose a match, I'd rewatch the match to see how I could have played it better. You only have until you get 3 losses until you're done with that deck. That's not a lot of time to learn a deck. Rewatching lost matches in your run lets you quickly see where you can have problems with the deck so you can try to come up with solutions to mitigate it before you play next time.
The cardback for clearing Heroic Naxx has also been posted now
You can't expect a single minion to win you the game. It is incremental advancement towards the goal of winning.
I'm not a big fan of this one. Color scheme is really ugly. Maybe if it was brown instead of grey or something. Hopefully it has a cool animation at least.
Well, considering it's rotten flesh stapled together with goop and some chains, it's probably a good thing you don't like it.
No, but I'm saying that the whirlwind deathrattle isn't scary against zoo. My zoo deck runs IIRC 4 minions with 1 HP and they are mostly there for their battle cries.
Save $5 on Naxxramas by getting a $20 gift card for $15 at Gamestop
Are there any constructed decks that make use of Sea Giants? Just curious.
No, but I'm saying that the whirlwind deathrattle isn't scary against zoo. My zoo deck runs IIRC 4 minions with 1 HP and they are mostly there for their battle cries. The card that increases their cost is a lot better vs zoo as I counted 14 cards with a battle cry.
What are people listening to while playing this game?
What are people listening to while playing this game?
Hearthstone in Twitch as well? I always get confused when I watch Hearthstone live while playing the game.In game music or watch on my second monitor.
Hearthstone in Twitch as well? I always get confused when I watch Hearthstone live while playing the game.
That is pretty frikkin' low. I consider myself lucky!1/125. You just multiply them together.
Card list is already known, as in what drops them and stuff. I'll spoiler all of it in case of someone doesn't want to read it, source is achievements, and actual list is from reddit cause I'd be too lazy to make the list myself:
Spider Wing - Week 1
Anub'Rekhan - Haunted Creeper
Grand Widow Faerlina - Nerub'ar Weblord
Maexxna Defeated - Nerubian Egg
Legendary: Maexxna
Plague Wing - Week 2
Noth the Plaguebringer - Stoneskin Gargoyle
Heigan the Unclean - Unstable Ghoul
Loatheb - Sludge Belcher
Legendary: Loatheb
Military Wing - Week 3
Instructor Razuvious - Dancing Swords
Gothik the Harvester - Spectral Knight
The Four Horsemen - Deathlord
Legendary: Baron Rivendare
Construct Wing - Week 4
Patchwerk - Undertaker
Grobbulus - Mad Scientist
Gluth - Zombie Chow
Thaddius - Wailing Soul
Legendaries: Stalagg & Feugen makes Thaddius
Frostwyrm Lair - Week 5
Sapphiron - Echoing Ooze
Kel'Thuzad - Shade of Naxxramas
Legendary: Kel'Thuzad