Looking at that interview... he never explicitly says that HE will be in season 5. He just says that there is more action stuff coming up, and that they are filming season 5 at the moment.
Skimming through the first book it's hilarious how young some of these characters are supposed to be.
I cannot imagine Kit Harrington's Jon Snow as a 15 year old, same for Richard Madden and Robb Stark.
ASOIAF? More like Saved by the Bell
Oh and Peter Dinklage should totally have done Tyrion's somersault from the top of a wall
According to actor Kristian Nairn, neither he (as Hodor) nor his partner in crime Bran Stark will be on next season's Game of Thrones. "We have a season off and we have a year's hiatus, solely because I imagine our storyline is up to the end of the books," he told Yahoo! News, adding, "So, I get my year off now to do Rave of Thrones and gallivant all over the world." Remember: He's not joking.
Isaac Hempstead-Wright's quote is ambiguous, it can go either way, but the phrasing kinda sounds like a deflection to the question. Maybe he just has few scenes that were/will be quickly filmed intertwined between flashbacks or something, that is if he appears in season 5 at all.
Well we know Winds material is in for Arya, so it's not like they're scared of that. They probably just can't let Bran get that far ahead of all the characters who still have plot to get through. I could also see them doing some filler with Sansa and Brienne in the Vale to keep Sansa from getting to far ahead. Then they'd have everyone pretty much at the end of Feast/Dance at the end of the season, plus or minus a handful of chapters.
Well we know Winds material is in for Arya, so it's not like they're scared of that. They probably just can't let Bran get that far ahead of all the characters who still have plot to get through. I could also see them doing some filler with Sansa and Brienne in the Vale to keep Sansa from getting to far ahead. Then they'd have everyone pretty much at the end of Feast/Dance at the end of the season, plus or minus a handful of chapters.
Maybe filler for Sansa, but I can't see it for Brienne.
Casting tape spoiler:
If Jaime actually is going to Dorne, that gives them an opportunity to hang Brienne by season's end, leave her fate ambiguous, and then surprise everyone when they meet up in season six in the Riverlands. But all this means that she has to get through her Feast arc this season.
As for Bran, though, I can see him doing a few minor scenes here and there just to explain tree internet to the viewers, and then have him get into the meat and potatoes of it with the flashbacks and stuff in season six.
But leaving him out completely for an entire year? Lol.
Not moving past book material would be a stupid, cowardly move. Hope it isn't true- people aren't going to accept major characters dropping out of the narrative for no goddamned reason.
Maybe filler for Sansa, but I can't see it for Brienne.
Casting tape spoiler:
If Jaime actually is going to Dorne, that gives them an opportunity to hang Brienne by season's end, leave her fate ambiguous, and then surprise everyone when they meet up in season six in the Riverlands. But all this means that she has to get through her Feast arc this season.
As for Bran, though, I can see him doing a few minor scenes here and there just to explain tree internet to the viewers, and then have him get into the meat and potatoes of it with the flashbacks and stuff in season six.
But leaving him out completely for an entire year? Lol.
Issue is there isn't really a Brienne arc. It's just adventures in the Riverlands that ends in her capture and hanging. They've already planted the seeds for her eventual capture since they had her yelling in a known Brotherhood meeting spot about how she's looking for Sansa. They need to burn time between now and a hanging at season's end. Tying her up in the Vale for a bit with Sansa would fit their goal of trying to condense characters together. Then she escapes the Vale into the Riverlands towards the end, in time for the hanging and set up for season 6 rendezvous with Jaime.
Nothing's really a spoiler in there, but I was responding to spoilers so I spoilered it just in case.
No confirmation, but zero evidence of them being anywhere. It's almost definitely cut or delayed to season 6, unless they are doing some seriously stealthy filming.
No confirmation, but zero evidence of them being anywhere. It's almost definitely cut or delayed to season 6, unless they are doing some seriously stealthy filming.
Yeah hard to see them keeping something as big as the Kingsmoot under wraps bearing in mind the amount of extras that'd be required. Hope it is just delayed though and not just cut completely.
EW has been the semi-official mouthpiece for the show in the past. If they're saying it it's probably true. Pretty much all of the major news about season 4 casting came through them (they were the ones who announced Pedro Pascal as Oberyn, for example), and they generally have access to the set for interviews during filming. It's probably about as close to confirmation as you're going to get.
EW has been the semi-official mouthpiece for the show in the past. If they're saying it it's probably true. Pretty much all of the major news about season 4 casting came through them (they were the ones who announced Pedro Pascal as Oberyn, for example), and they generally have access to the set for interviews during filming. It's probably about as close to confirmation as you're going to get.
At the same time, the "HBO had no comment" plus the fact that he sourced Kristian's interview rather than outright breaking the news officially (as is his usual practice) is in stark contrast to his usual stuff. I'm still skeptical about the whole Bran thing.
Not moving past book material would be a stupid, cowardly move. Hope it isn't true- people aren't going to accept major characters dropping out of the narrative for no goddamned reason.
Moving past the books would be an exercise in hubris that would surely end in disaster. D&D aren't good at making stuff up on their own and without having a complete book to base storylines off of, things would go off rails quickly.
Osha was a pretty major-ish character and she (and Rickon) hasn't appeared since late season 3.
I'd love to hear a reason why this is a smart move purely in terms of the TV series.
Ultimately I don't really give a shit about the show and only care that it doesn't spoil future books, but:
Season 5 is going to be packed as is - there are a slew of new characters being introduced on top of the already outrageously large cast. Bran (not to mention Meera and Hodor) really has nothing to do (do people really just want him to be a vehicle for flashbacks? I mean...) anyway so why not just end his storyline on a weird cliffhanger (he goes underground with magic elf-things and is laid at the feet of an old dude lounging in a thicket) and then leave the audience hanging until the very end of the next season/next next season?
Let's not pretend Bran is a super major character in the vein of Tyrion/Arya/Dany/Jon/etc. where people would be furious if he were absent - he was in like 15 minutes of last season and he hasn't had anything interesting to do in ages. Not that many people would care if he didn't make an appearance next season and it only makes more room for the new characters.
Not moving past book material would be a stupid, cowardly move. Hope it isn't true- people aren't going to accept major characters dropping out of the narrative for no goddamned reason.
At the same time, the "HBO had no comment" plus the fact that he sourced Kristian's interview rather than outright breaking the news officially (as is his usual practice) is in stark contrast to his usual stuff. I'm still skeptical about the whole Bran thing.
Isn't much of one, but if they are filming any Ironborn stuff later in the year (remember they film nearly through the end of the year), they might not have cast those new characters yet (or announced/been leaked yet).
Bran stuff: First off, I've yet to see a source besides Kristian's comment, so I wouldn't start flipping tables yet. Assuming that is the case though, I think that's okay. Once Bran gets to the cave, it's a perfectly natural narrative excuse as far as the show is concerned for him to not be in the show for a while. Given that, I can understand the decision to simply bring Bran into the show when narrative requires instead of a season arc that's probably 10-15 minutes and has no real significant climax/conclusion.
Yeah, no, guys. I'm not buying this whole "People would get mad if Bran didn't show up" thing. They wouldn't.
Hell, having him meet Bloodraven and the Children and then disappear for one entire season is probably the most interesting thing they can do with the character right now. Keep people waiting and actually create interest in his storyline.
Moving past the books would be an exercise in hubris that would surely end in disaster. D&D aren't good at making stuff up on their own and without having a complete book to base storylines off of, things would go off rails quickly.
They probably know what GRRM is doing/has done at this point so it's either important enough that they want to wait for all the other storylines to catch up or it's so bad they don't want to put it on TV at all.
No they don't, at least not this year. There is so much stuff left in the books that they've yet to get to - there's at least two more seasons' worth of material (for most of the characters) before they have to go past the books.
Isn't much of one, but if they are filming any Ironborn stuff later in the year (remember they film nearly through the end of the year), they might not have cast those new characters yet (or announced/been leaked yet).
No they don't, at least not this year. There is so much stuff left in the books that they've yet to get to - there's at least two more seasons' worth of material (for most of the characters) before they have to go past the books.
They probably know what GRRM is doing/has done at this point so it's either important enough that they want to wait for all the other storylines to catch up or it's so bad they don't want to put it on TV at all.
You'd think if they were gonna skip Bran this season, they would have put a bit more money/effort into the Bloodraven reveal. Like have a branch coming out of his eye or something.
You'd think if they were gonna skip Bran this season, they would have put a bit more money/effort into the Bloodraven reveal. Like have a branch coming out of his eye or something.
Makes no sense for Bran not to appear. They can't come up with something on their own, or just surpass Martin? This really changes my assumptions about this season. I thought they'd be going into "spoiler" territory with some stuff; perhaps nothing major like deaths of course.