Destiny |OT3| Oh sweet a Legen- wait never mind, it's a rare.

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We actually went back and farmed junk mobs in nearby rooms to stockpile on ammo before attempting phogoth for the 4th or 5th time...

I did the Weekly Strike against Balrog with friends who were level 21-22 and I was surprised we managed to take him down on our second try. Had a feelind we were about to spend the entire evening against it. Not sure what level it was as I wasn't the leader. Probably 24 or 22.


I have played a shit town of the Crucible..and have 960/2000 rep (Rank 1) is this normal?

And getting rep from other am I supposed to know I need to wear something..(I'm Warlock, a bond or what?)
Oh I see.."Rep gains applied to XXX when equipped."


Saint Nic
I did the Weekly Strike against Balrog with friends who were level 21-22 and I was surprised we managed to take him down on our second try. Had a feelind we were about to spend the entire evening against it. Not sure what level it was as I wasn't the leader. Probably 24 or 22.

Once you know the "exploit", it is quite a bit easier than it initially seems. The hardest part? Wizards. Always wizards. Phogoth wizards can die in a fire.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Got my first Purle engram today. ANd guess what .
It was A Fucking blue. Man, after a whole day of grinding I final get one and it is useless to me.
heh, i'm still just putting mine in the vault for now.
My intent was more, how do you even find the time to get all that glimmer, not the methods of getting it.
*shrug* I just never really spent it. There weren't really good uses for it before, decrypting green engrams is a losing game. Now I at least have a sink, but if I had actually sought glimmer out I could have hit the cap a couple of times by now. I'm not super hardcore or anything and have barely done any of the mob farms.
I did the Weekly Strike against Balrog with friends who were level 21-22 and I was surprised we managed to take him down on our second try. Had a feelind we were about to spend the entire evening against it. Not sure what level it was as I wasn't the leader. Probably 24 or 22.
Balrog? lol


Look up the specific guns and their properties. I will say a Fusion Rifle is really, really handy to always keep around and Pocket Infinity looks amazing (that's the one I chose).

I did. The Pulse Rifle doesn't seem to be that good, especially for all the work involved. I'll likely go for the Fusion Rifle as well, and maybe try my hand with it in PvP. I don't normally use them in PvE outside of the 2 kill 1 shot bounties.


Can you post a screenshot of the weapon zoom in page?


I'm so stoked. I know its not an exotic or anything, but holy shit. Loving it. Its doing 18 more base dmg then my fully upgraded blue ar


The Cryptarch's Bane
I did. The Pulse Rifle doesn't seem to be that good, especially for all the work involved. I'll likely go for the Fusion Rifle as well, and maybe try my hand with it in PvP. I don't normally use them in PvE outside of the 2 kill 1 shot bounties.
What do you use to take down elemental shields for Ultras, etc.? Sniper?


I have played a shit town of the Crucible..and have 960/2000 rep (Rank 1) is this normal?

And getting rep from other am I supposed to know I need to wear something..(I'm Warlock, a bond or what?)

You get tons of rep for turning in bounties in the crucible. Like 100+. So you get more out of doing bounties than individual games. A little over rank 2 myself, took a decent amount of time.

As for getting rep for other factions, go to the faction vendor you want to rep up with and buy their bond. However, whenever you wear it, you won't get crucible rep.


Once you know the "exploit", it is quite a bit easier than it initially seems. The hardest part? Wizards. Always wizards. Phogoth wizards can die in a fire.

Exploit? I didn't know there was one. We were just running around killing everything. I had the job of shooting the shields off of the wizards cuz my friends got "Resist" while shooting them. That wasn't fun.

Balrog? lol

It reminded us of Balrog and while we shot him we were chanting "YOU SHALL NOT PASS!"


The Cryptarch's Bane
You get tons of rep for turning in bounties in the crucible. Like 100+. So you get more out of doing bounties than individual games. A little over rank 2 myself, took a decent amount of time.

As for getting rep for other factions, go to the faction vendor you want to rep up with and buy their bond. However, whenever you wear it, you won't get crucible rep.
or vanguard rep


So we stopped raiding for today since it is super late and we got stuck but I gotta say.. it was a tonne of fun! Lots of different mechanics, challenges, teamwork. It's literally like a different game. Most of all, it's creative. If normal story missions had a bit of the creativeness seen here instead of wave defense we might have had something really special.

It was stressful at times, and often failed but it was damn satisfying when we got through a section. It's great fun just working out how to do something.. fail a few times.. maybe someone clicks what weve got to do.. maybe someone sees a comment online that gives us a hint.. either way its one big fun puzzle. I got a couple of legendaries and some high level materials. Gonna continue on tomorrow if we can. I hope anyone who watched my stream enjoyed it even though it would've been 10 times better with party chat.

Raid spoilers:
So far we opened the place, did the first boss, which probably wasn't so bad looking back but at the time we had no idea what to do for awhile. Then we got the two hidden legendary chests just before the bit where you have to sneak past the Gorgon's which was a nice change of pace. The jumping puzzle wasn't too hard after that but still cool.. we just got to the bit with the gatekeepers and the two portals and failed about 20 attempts before calling it a night.

If there are raids (as good as this if not better) in the DLC I'd probably buy them.


The Cryptarch's Bane
So we stopped raiding for today since it is super late and we got stuck but I gotta say.. it was a tonne of fun! Lots of different mechanics, challenges, teamwork. It's literally like a different game. Most of all, it's creative. If normal story missions had a bit of the creativeness seen here instead of wave defense we might have had something really special.

It was stressful at times, and often failed but it was damn satisfying when we got through a section. It's great fun just working out how to do something.. fail a few times.. maybe someone clicks what weve got to do.. maybe someone sees a comment online that gives us a hint.. either way its one big fun puzzle. I got a couple of legendaries and some high level materials. Gonna continue on tomorrow if we can. I hope anyone who watched my stream enjoyed it even though it would've been 10 times better with party chat.

Raid spoilers:
So far we opened the place, did the first boss, which probably wasn't so bad looking back but at the time we had no idea what to do for awhile. Then we got the two hidden legendary chests just before the bit where you have to sneak past the Gorgon's which was a nice change of pace. The jumping puzzle wasn't too hard after that but still cool.. we just got to the bit with the gatekeepers and the two portals and failed about 20 attempts before calling it a night.

If there are raids (as good as this if not better) in the DLC I'd probably buy them.

thanks for the spoiler tags man. I can't wait to try it out


This damn loot system is pissing me off. I'm level 24 and haven't come across a legendary or exotic once. I farmed an area earlier and was lucky if I got a green orb or two every 10 minutes. Seeing folks in this thread come across cool shit really rustles my jimmies; I'm playing your game bungie, fucking give me some incentive to continue playing.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
This damn loot system is pissing me off. I'm level 24 and haven't come across a legendary or exotic once. I farmed an area earlier and was lucky if I got a green orb or two every 10 minutes. Seeing folks in this thread come across cool shit really rustles my jimmies; I'm playing your game bungie, fucking give me some incentive to continue playing.

just buy one fuck lol


Exploit? I didn't know there was one. We were just running around killing everything. I had the job of shooting the shields off of the wizards cuz my friends got "Resist" while shooting them. That wasn't fun.

It reminded us of Balrog and while we shot him we were chanting "YOU SHALL NOT PASS!"

the exploit is from reedit .Apparently if you stand behind the rock in the far north west corner, after clearing the first wave of adds, the future waves don't aggro and phogoth can't hit you.
This is mostly true. Phogoth can hit you if you move and the trall and sword knight will attack you.


This damn loot system is pissing me off. I'm level 24 and haven't come across a legendary or exotic once. I farmed an area earlier and was lucky if I got a green orb or two every 10 minutes. Seeing folks in this thread come across cool shit really rustles my jimmies; I'm playing your game bungie, fucking give me some incentive to continue playing.

I'm in the same boat. Haven't seen a legendary or a single upgrade since saturday morning. I think i'm gonna begin doing the bounties more and try to get my vanguard lvl 2 and buy my upgrades. I just don't really enjoy the bounties, don't know why.


LOL... I've been farming at the gate on the Moon for over an hour now (not a single purple....bleh) while watching tv shows on my PC... One of my show ends so I decide to check twitch... The only dude I follow who is online is playing Destiny. Sweet! I open the stream and he's at the exact same spot behind the exact same rock where I'm standing right now farming the same mobs haha.

PS: We've awoken the hive!!


the exploit is from reedit .Apparently if you stand behind the rock in the far north west corner, after clearing the first wave of adds, the future waves don't aggro and phogoth can't hit you.
This is mostly true. Phogoth can hit you if you move and the trall and sword knight will attack you.

Okay. Didn't know about that.
I'm confident in saying that I'll be little-to-no grinding/farming in this game. I hate that stuff. Either I come across gear just by having fun or it ain't happenin'.


thanks for the spoiler tags man. I can't wait to try it out

I think you'll really enjoy it. Shame we can't do it together :(

The one thing that sucks is the fact progress is with the leader. So if I don't make it on tomorrow I'll probably just miss out and have to start over but ahh well.


Unconfirmed Member
is the Exotic Universal Remote really shitty or is it just me?
I haven't tried it yet, but I know the stability on my Hard Light AR was pretty rough at first. I've since got two stability upgrades on it and now it's smooth as butter. What don't you like about yours?


You just get glimmer automatically for kills, right? You don't have to walk over it, even though it falls on the floor? Because it never seems to get picked up when I do walk over it.


I'm confident in saying that I'll be little-to-no grinding/farming in this game. I hate that stuff. Either I come across gear just by having fun or it ain't happenin'.

Grinding only becomes important when you have to upgrade those legendary and exotic items though. Unless you dont care for such things.


Why do I gave constant network error drops from Destiny and no other game? Error code is different every time: marionberry, cattle, lion, centipede, etc...

Why not just say what the fuck the problem is?
I haven't tried it yet, but I know the stability on my Hard Light AR was pretty rough at first. I've since got two stability upgrades on it and now it's smooth as butter. What don't you like about yours?
It's a primary slot shotgun that's supposed to have sniper range when sights are up but I haven't levels to that yet so it's a really crappy shotgunr ight now I keep dying on all strikes as everyone snipes and I"m up front trying to shot gun

on that note, any tips on how to level exotic weapons? something I might not know? like "melee doesn't give weapon exp" or something?


I still can't decide which exotic armour piece I eventually want for my hunter. I don't want to buy/find legendary stuff and then upgrade it, only to replace it and have wasted marks/materials. I was leaning towards the Lion chest but after seeing the Mask of the Third Man today I kinda want that now. Hmm.
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