Destiny |OT3| Oh sweet a Legen- wait never mind, it's a rare.

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I still don't understand why certain pieces of the vendor legendaries have just flat out worse stats then the alternative you can buy from the same vendor. Like the two boots on the hunter vendor both have intelligence and discipline, but one has a few more of each stat and they both cost the same. Their specials are both simple "carry more ammo with a type of gun", so no big difference there either.
I would like to know this as well!


The idea of decrypting legendary engrams into blue/green stuff is really a bad idea... I had to farm crucible marks to get 2 legendaries because all the purple engrams i decrypted were garbage.
I still don't understand why certain pieces of the vendor legendaries have just flat out worse stats then the alternative you can buy from the same vendor. Like the two boots on the hunter vendor both have intelligence and discipline, but one has a few more of each stat and they both cost the same. Their specials are both simple "carry more ammo with a type of gun", so no big difference there either.

Maybe it's the game's way of telling you "if you want one thing or the other you better choose wisely". Do you want more stats? Or does the other legendary gear have an effect that benefits you more?

I am screwed in Vanguard cause usually it's the gear with strength that has hand cannon handling.


pip pip cheerio you slags!
It was posted as a wallpaper by killzone official fb page.

The way they advertised the deal made it sound like they were exclusive rewards than anyone with the PS version would receive regardless of their activity. :/

Same here, received a titan piece for my hunter :(

Sorry again off topic but WHAT??? You wouldn't have a link would you?

Now im very excited.


Just got this from a leg engram.


Got my first usable purp today from farming PCP. Pushed me up to almost 23. Turn in a bounty or two tomorrow and I might get there. Farmed Skywatch for a while today too, but it's just not as fun.

Also, decided to join New Monarchy. Suited and Booted.


Destiny's loot system in a nutshell


Best thing about this method is that if there's other people doing it you can just down, go do something else and walk into the cave occasionally lol. Had some dude do that with me yesterday, he went AFK and I kept farming. Solo'ing that cave gets annoying from time to time though.

If you get lucky you get a faction war between fallen and hive, they will spawn in the room to your left. We sorta broke the game with 3 people and got into this superloop where one super would give enough orbs for other people's super. It was amazing lol.


Neo Member
Hey people, so I have a quick question.

I have reached Level 20 halfway through Venus, is there a point to finishing the story missions now?


the loot system is slowly killing my enjoyment of the game. after 30+hrs ive got 1 legendary scout rifle and an exotic armor for another class. (worst moment of the game). the last 10 hours i havent had a single item upgrade (lvl24). i dont even have a lvl 20 AR. :(


I shit you not. I decrypted a rare engram and it gave me a legendary helmet. For my class.


Same happened to me last night. But with a pair of boots. :)

It seems like the drop rate for legendaries increase once you hit level 25? I bought some legendary gear from Dead Orbit to get to 25 and now I'm getting legendary engrams at a much higher rate.

the loot system is slowly killing my enjoyment of the game. after 30+hrs ive got 1 legendary scout rifle and an exotic armor for another class. (worst moment of the game). the last 10 hours i havent had a single item upgrade (lvl24). i dont even have a lvl 20 AR. :(

Tried the faction vendors? I equipped their special item as soon as it became available and now I can buy every legendary gear they have.
the loot system is slowly killing my enjoyment of the game. after 30+hrs ive got 1 legendary scout rifle and an exotic armor for another class. (worst moment of the game). the last 10 hours i havent had a single item upgrade (lvl24). i dont even have a lvl 20 AR. :(

It only gets worse the more hours you put in. 58h for me. 3 purps. Yup.


Unconfirmed Member
I got a legendary AR, but scrapped it because I had a better exotic one. Now I'm realizing I should have kept it for when I want to use my Gjallarhorn (which I don't normally use, despite it being awesome). What a stupid mistake.


Praise the lord! Inquisition crew for lyfe! :D *highfive*

Our chief weapon is surprise. Surprise and fear...fear and surprise.
Our two weapons are fear and surprise...and ruthless efficiency....
Our *three* weapons are fear, surprise, and ruthless efficiency...and an almost fanatical devotion to the Speaker....

Our *four* *Amongst* our weapons.... Amongst our weaponry...are such elements as fear, surprise.... I'll come in again



Hmm I didn't know this:

It isn't well advertised but earning enough kills on each planet gives you a chance to earn double materials from chests and resource nodes. You'll easily unlock this upgrade just by completing patrols/public events and chest farming no each planet.

So how do I know when I've killed enough enemies? I just go around grinding patrol missions and then eventually I'll get some message on my screen?


I've got 13 Legendary Engrams sitting in my vault. The only way to win is by not playing. I'm winning at Destiny right now.
GAF, hold me! I finally got two Legendary gear items today. I finally hit Crucible Rank 2 and bought them. Felt SO GOOD. I've played like 80 fucking Crucible matches now.

Got the chest armor and blue flame arm band.




the loot system is slowly killing my enjoyment of the game. after 30+hrs ive got 1 legendary scout rifle and an exotic armor for another class. (worst moment of the game). the last 10 hours i havent had a single item upgrade (lvl24). i dont even have a lvl 20 AR. :(

heh I got my first purple via the vendor, and I'm level 24

it's all good


Fucking hell. Last friday I was able to play with 0 issues, but since saturday I can't finish more than 2 or 3 games in a row, in any mode. After that, I get an error (bee, centipede, etc) and BAM, out of the game in the middel of a match or story mission. I'm really frustrated because I really want to play and enjoy this with friends, but at the moment I can't do it. Fixed IP, open ports, open NAT...and I can play any other game online without problem.

The "good" thing is that I'm not alone in this, and there are plenty of other people suffering the same issues. I hope Bungie fixes this shit soon, or at least SAY SOMETHING.

I just...I just want to become legend. WHY WON'T YOU LET ME?
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