Just watched it again, so lifeless without ambient music...just, killed any last hope I had of this game being great....
Blur from the screenshots is still very evident, but without a doubt it's less obvious when the game is in motion.
Even if the PC version is unoptimized as fuck (Thanks Ubi Kiev), at the very least is should look really god damn good.
However that pop-in... Completely ruins it. Seriously that right there is a killer. No matter how pretty the game is, that pop-in is just disgusting and it was making my eyes flutter and dart across the screen going, "Woah" "Woah" "Woah" ... I just couldn't focus on anything because there was shit popping EVERYWHERE.
There's just no excuse for that level of close pop-in, it's disgusting.
This is a very clear downgrade from what they showed in E3
But we didn't see PC yet or am I wrong? I mean ... they always show Ultra Settings on PC on E3. People should have noticed that by now.
Probably my biggest gripe, graphics wise. It looks so incredibility dull and boring.I don't know much about the time period but surely they had more than one roof colour...
I just noticed something, all that talk about thousands of NPC might be mostly just fud !
Since it appears that the story sections like Ascension of Notre Dame the NPC density is the same as any other AC game and the NPCs still pop in at a distance !! It's not worth building your engine around a feature if it only gets used in specific scenarios.
The amount of NPCs and the distance between the buildings is great, but that in itself doesn't make a game. I hope the crowds are less glitch-prone at release.Look at the 1:30 minute mark in the video and tell me which previous AC game has so many NPCs on screen. Or 1/4th that many.
I thought they showed it on console @ e3. Might be wrong..
Edit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L5oCobhHCmw
Might be PC, guess we'll see
Yep this still looks like an AC game. It's the same shit all over again but prettier. This franchise got tired faster than COD which is quite amazing considering the possibilities for improvement they actually have.
Edit: I meant story sections were the exceptions, missed writing "outside of the story sections" in my post apparently.Look at the 1:30 minute mark in the video and tell me which previous AC game has so many NPCs on screen. Or 1/4th that many.
Wow an AC game that looks and plays like an AC game, who'd have thunk. This trolling is getting boring now.
Every game franchise plays like every other game in the franchise, not sure how that is a negative thing?
Shadow of Mordor plays like Batman but people seem to love that?
Yes it absolutely nothing s a negative thing. If you don't evolve your formula I get bored by it. Sequels in the old days were huge leaps, but the way Ubi handles them is to through more side shit on the wall without improving major flaws in their systems.
Shadow of Mordor is the game AC wishes it could be. It's an improvement in every way. Despite its borrowed parts it comes together quite differently and adds the amazing nemesis system. A new and interesting system that actually integrates with the central gameplay. That is something AC can only dream of.
Man, the game has such a unique setting for a videogame that could be full of atmosphere and ambience but yet it feels so soulless. Maybe it's because the gameplay looks so similar to previous AC games that I'm just bored already.
I prefer to play AC games without music. Hearing nothing but your environment around you actually heightens the atmosphere for me.There isn't any background music that's why
I prefer to play AC games without music. Hearing nothing but your environment around you actually heightens the atmosphere for me.
Agree. What the fuck man? Why wouldn't they put in exploration music? EVERY AC game had beautiful ambient music apart from AC3 (I have no idea why they didn't include it in that one). It looks beautiful but without music it feels extremely boring and lifeless, hype depleted.
It's been like this ever since they stopped hiring Jesper Kyd
They showed the PC version at e3. Stop comparing the two and saying that one is downgraded compared to the other.Outside of the amount of NPC on screen, I dont see anything impressive..
This is a very clear downgrade from what they showed in E3
oh lord dat LOD and pop-in O_O
now try to tell me that this isn't gamebreaking :-/
oh lord dat LOD and pop-in O_O
now try to tell me that this isn't gamebreaking :-/