Gold Member
Call of Duty has made me realise that Destiny isn't as awful as I thought it was. God Advanced Warfare is crap!
Out of curiosity what was your pick for best war game before AW?
Call of Duty has made me realise that Destiny isn't as awful as I thought it was. God Advanced Warfare is crap!
Yeah, maybe, that's explain why I can't download the PS3 version yet.
Call of Duty has made me realise that Destiny isn't as awful as I thought it was. God Advanced Warfare is crap!
If you buy digital ps3 or 360 version of advanced warfare you can upgrade to ps4/xb1 versions free. Season pass transfer over. It doesn't work the other way ps4 to ps3, they are wrong.
Hop up on something first, double jump, then blammo. It's super satisfying if overdrive is also enabled first so you slow-mo right onto their bewildered face.
Also, I've played about ten rounds of multiplayer and being killed from behind or the sides hasn't been much of a problem. Perhaps it's because I'm on PC and M+KB means my head is always on a swivel.
And closing in on the conclusion of the SP. This game is so insane! Leaping across trucks in traffic, falling through glaciers and fighting your way to daylight, grappling onto planes, jet packing into moving planes like fucking Batman. I haven't had this much fun playing a game since God of War 3. I want a CoD: AW - inFAMOUS edition with Delsin Rowe how awesome would that be
Need to mute everyone to hide it. Hopefully Sledgehammer fixes this problem soon, because it is really distracting.
Am I the only one that thinks the price of the season pass is outrageous? 55$ for 4 map packs, seriously?
Am I the only one that thinks the price of the season pass is outrageous? 55$ for 4 map packs, seriously?
Helped me a lot
Eh, Infected seems to be pretty fun. Not frustrating at all even though I am a shitty zombie
Have you tried to customize your score streaksI'm doing fairly well but damn, I can't get scorestreaks to save my life.
Call of Duty has made me realise that Destiny isn't as awful as I thought it was. God Advanced Warfare is crap!
ah perfect, that's how you boost slam. Thanks
Okay GAF you've convinced me. I was going to wait until the price to drop down to $10 to pick this up but this game sounds like a lot like a sequel to BO2.
See you guys on the flipside!
A little bit. I'm doing a 500-650-800 setup right now I think. I usually can get 5-10 kills in a row in the older CoDs, but I can barely get 3 in this.Have you tried to customize your score streaks
I feel like I'm trying to use the new suit abilities -- like dash and shield -- but it's not really to any advantage? Lots of campers too oddly considering the suits abilities seem to favor movement. Guess people are nervous or unsure how to use their abilities so they just sit back and camp? Or are people who are trying to actually use them -- like me -- just becoming even easier targets for the usual camper crowd.
Fuck really hope the game doesn't evolve that way...
Call of Duty has made me realise that Destiny isn't as awful as I thought it was. God Advanced Warfare is crap!
The netcoding for this game is completely fucked up.
They did?I'm glad they brought War back from World at War, I only been asking forever for it
For some reason that seems to be missing. Really hope a mute all button and changes to mic indicator are incoming.How do you mute people? Is there a quick mute all button?
For some reason that seems to be missing. Really hope a mute all button and changes to mic indicator are incoming.
What's a guy gotta do to not have one bar of ping?!
I've beaten the campaign
I've given up on kill streaks already. 25 matches and I've managed to call in 3 whole UAVs and 1 sentry. I'll just take the extra perks and attachments.
I haven't been this bad at COD is 7 years.