Played a bunch of multiplayer today and some single. Loving the game. Feels good. For the life of me though, I can't figure out how to ground slam. Halp.
Hop up on something first, double jump, then blammo. It's super satisfying if overdrive is also enabled first so you slow-mo right onto their bewildered face.
Also, I've played about ten rounds of multiplayer and being killed from behind or the sides hasn't been much of a problem. Perhaps it's because I'm on PC and M+KB means my head is always on a swivel.
And closing in on the conclusion of the SP. This game is so insane! Leaping across trucks in traffic, falling through glaciers and fighting your way to daylight, grappling onto planes, jet packing into moving planes like fucking Batman. I haven't had this much fun playing a game since God of War 3. I want a CoD: AW - inFAMOUS edition with Delsin Rowe how awesome would that be