COMICS! |OT| November 2014. The Wakandan turkey leglock is a time-honored tradition!

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It has potential. But I don't really find the villains interesting.

Morlun has always been super boring, and his family really aren't shaping up any better. Karn at least seems like he has some potential to be either really cool or end up really lame. Morlun now being
afraid of entering Earth-616
is a neat change for the character, I think. Hopefully they end up becoming more compelling characters on the way during this- it's definitely leaning completely on the strengths of having the various spiders interact right now.

Putting Kaine in anything automatically makes it GOAT though.


Morlun has always been super boring, and his family really aren't shaping up any better. Karn at least seems like he has some potential to be either really cool or end up really lame. Morlun now being
afraid of entering Earth-616
is a neat change for the character, I think. Hopefully they end up becoming more compelling characters on the way during this- it's definitely leaning completely on the strengths of having the various spiders interact right now.

Putting Kaine in anything automatically makes it GOAT though.
I actually kind of like Morlun, but that might be partly nostalgia of having read that JMS run when I was younger. But as you say, outside of Karn they haven't done much to make the other members of the family unique or interesting. And I don't really like Morlun's aesthetic being extended to a wider set of characters. Maybe Earth-000 will become more interesting when they get deeper into it.
I actually kind of like Morlun, but that might be partly nostalgia of having read that JMS run when I was younger. But as you say, outside of Karn they haven't done much to make the other members of the family unique or interesting. And I don't really like Morlun's aesthetic being extended to a wider set of characters. Maybe Earth-000 will become more interesting when they get deeper into it.

Maybe it'll turn into Highlander where there can only be one spider-person. Then Spider-Gwen kills everyone.

I'd buy it.


Finally caught up/finished Thor: GoT & Thor #1. Enjoyed it a ton but man did I burn myself out. I want to get into Spider-Verse, but I want to read Superior first...

Also, anyone have quick impressions on Gotham Academy?
Putting Kaine in anything automatically makes it GOAT though.

I'm not reading Spider-Verse, but you are correct

Stark: Gotham Academy is only two issues in, but both issues have been great. Characters and dialogue are fun and engaging so far and the art is super cute. Definitely a book to keep an eye on.


haven't made an IST order in awhile but i stopped ordering a lot of trades from dcbs because i don't like pre-ordering expensive stuff....

Fantastic Four Hickman Omnibus vol 2
Velvet vol 1 tpb
Unwritten vol 8 tpb

I decided to get the first volume of Velvet since I read issue #1 and it was intriguing. I'm caught up with the previous volumes of Unwritten and while I am not enjoying it as much as the early volumes i still want to see what Carey does with the series, especially since i know it has an end point.

Hickman Omnibus.....while it is one of my favorite Marvel runs, it was painful dropping $62 on something that i probably won't reread for a long time, but it was that good. I'll sell something lesser off to compensate.


Perfect choice for Harley, I am very excited for Suicide Squad, one of my most hyped in DC's lineup.

Messi's gotta get to work on "Harley-fying" Margot Robbie for a new avatar. :p


Literally ever DCCU announcement just makes me care more about the CW/TV universes more. This seems like fantastic casting for Harley, but then they had to go and put Joker in the movie. I'd rather just see the Arrow version of the team get their own spin-off show, especially once Flash and Supergirl get more meta-human threats rolling.

I'm still hoping with DC insisting on calling their stuff a live action multiverse that we'll see a Crisis movie one day.

- BATMAN #36
- F.B.P. #15

- COPPERHEAD #3 (maybe)

- SUPERIOR IRON MAN #1 (maybe)


I think what has me even happier is the fact that we are getting away from the "grounded" Nolan universe, which is absolutely fine by me.


Morlun has always been super boring, and his family really aren't shaping up any better. Karn at least seems like he has some potential to be either really cool or end up really lame. Morlun now being
afraid of entering Earth-616
is a neat change for the character, I think. Hopefully they end up becoming more compelling characters on the way during this- it's definitely leaning completely on the strengths of having the various spiders interact right now.

Putting Kaine in anything automatically makes it GOAT though.

I haven't been keeping up with Spider-Man comics for a while (but intend to collect all of Spider-Verse once it goes to trades).

Has it every been explained why Morlun is so powerful and basically a hard counter to any Spider-Man? Originally they said he had the same abilities yet nothing Peter could do in a straight up fight would even even phase him. How is he traveling between dimensions now, and are they basically getting stronger with each spider-man they 'eat'?

I feel like everything to do with Morlun and the implications that they carry is far stupider and more damaging than the clone sage, but people generally put up with it because the intermittent frequency makes is far easier to ignore.


I haven't been keeping up with Spider-Man comics for a while (but intend to collect all of Spider-Verse once it goes to trades).

Has it every been explained why Morlun is so powerful and basically a hard counter to any Spider-Man? Originally they said he had the same abilities yet nothing Peter could do in a straight up fight would even even phase him. How is he traveling between dimensions now, and are they basically getting stronger with each spider-man they 'eat'?

I feel like everything to do with Morlun and the implications that they carry is far stupider and more damaging than the clone sage, but people generally put up with it because the intermittent frequency makes is far easier to ignore.

They explain it in Edge of Spider-Verse and yes to the second part.


I haven't been keeping up with Spider-Man comics for a while (but intend to collect all of Spider-Verse once it goes to trades).

Has it every been explained why Morlun is so powerful and basically a hard counter to any Spider-Man? Originally they said he had the same abilities yet nothing Peter could do in a straight up fight would even even phase him. How is he traveling between dimensions now, and are they basically getting stronger with each spider-man they 'eat'?

I feel like everything to do with Morlun and the implications that they carry is far stupider and more damaging than the clone sage, but people generally put up with it because the intermittent frequency makes is far easier to ignore.
The way the story is set up, it seems like Morlun has always travelled between dimensions because he's from earth-000. He and his family have captured this Master-Weaver dude who has access to "The Web of Life." or something like that. I don't think they've ever really explained Morlun beyond the idea that as long as there have been totems there have been totem hunters. A cosmic balance sort of thing.


I kinda dont like the explanations behind Morlun and his Family... I liked it when he was just some sort of Energy-Vampire and a big mystery...
Just finished re-reading Ms. Marvel - No Normal and I'm finally alright with saying that Kamala in my top 3 superheroes of all time.
The style this series has flows with the narrative. It's one of the few series where the art stops me from moving to the next page. I just dig it so damn much.
The first two issues are PERFECT, introducing the new character, her world, and her own personality as a teenager stuck between two cultures. The next three issues establish the character's growth into a hero, but are rather slow and feel like they weren't as polished as the first two. Still, the fifth book works well as a good way to introduce a villain to the series.
Marvel Now! has brought back my comic book addiction with Moon Knight and Ms. Marvel in ways I didn't even expect. Great stuff all around, and I recommend Ms. Marvel to EVERYONE because it's so good guys trust me


It's a world created by the Beyonder from fragments of other worlds and populated with characters stolen from various places to fight for the Beyonders shits and giggles. It's also where Spider-Man first met and bonded to the Venom Symbiote back in the first Secret Wars.

The new one is comprised of pieces of alternate universes and the characters from them instead of the mainline Marvel Universe.

It also involves the mainstream universe too. They've been in some promo images.
I haven't been keeping up with Spider-Man comics for a while (but intend to collect all of Spider-Verse once it goes to trades).

Has it every been explained why Morlun is so powerful and basically a hard counter to any Spider-Man? Originally they said he had the same abilities yet nothing Peter could do in a straight up fight would even even phase him. How is he traveling between dimensions now, and are they basically getting stronger with each spider-man they 'eat'?

I feel like everything to do with Morlun and the implications that they carry is far stupider and more damaging than the clone sage, but people generally put up with it because the intermittent frequency makes is far easier to ignore.

Morlun is the Four Toed Statue of the Spider-Verse for sure and adding a family of weirdos is just making them stupider. But you can't argue with the sheer fun of Every Spider-Man Ever. I'm just training my brain to replace them with normal looking cool bad guys in every panel they appear in.

Right now my brain tells me it's The Wrecking Crew.

I used the same trick to convince my brain Frank Quitely was drawing Millar's Ultimate X-Men instead of Kubert.


Pizza Dog
I couldn't be happier with this news. The rumored casting thus far for Suicide Squad has been fantastic.

The article said that Jared Leto was rumoured to be playing the Joker. That doesn't sound great to me, although I guess the same could have been said about Ledger. I guess I'll wait and see what happens.


The article said that Jared Leto was rumoured to be playing the Joker. That doesn't sound great to me, although I guess the same could have been said about Ledger. I guess I'll wait and see what happens.

I'm fine with Leto after Dallas Buyers Club.


Pizza Dog
I'm fine with Leto after Dallas Buyers Club.

Ah, well I haven't seen that so that might be why I'm not so keen. I only know him from Fight Club and that weird band he's in. I guess it'd be like hearing about Matthew McConaughey being in a film if you've only seen him in Ghosts of Girlfriends Past and Failure to Launch.


Haha, this one is a little pixellated Binding of Isaac tribute. I might change it soon though as it actually creeps me out a little bit. Here's Isaac, if you don't know the game:


As someone who has just started Issac that fills me with utter terror. Bail out bail out. Fuck.


Pizza Dog
As someone who has just started Issac that fills me with utter terror. Bail out bail out. Fuck.

Haha, I can see that. Trust me though, you'll get better. I was terrible when I first started the original, but now I'm only pretty bad at it. This guy is actually one of the easy bosses, so two of him isn't too much trouble. Especially once you start unlocking some of the more powerful items.
I have a substantial list for a change! Got caught up on a ton of stuff over the weekend.

All-New Captain America #1
Axis #5
Axis: Hobgoblin #2
Captain America & the Mighty Avengers #1
Nova #23
Superior Iron Man #1
Thor #2

Copperhead #3
Drifter #1
Walking Dead #134
Wytches #2

Batman #36

The highlight of my comic reading this week was catching up on The Walking Dead. I found All-Out War to be a bit of a slog, but Kirkman has been firing on all cylinders ever since. This is the best the book has been since Fear the Hunters. I'm so glad I gave it another shot.

I'd recommend getting 1-10 and then bailing out and pretending it was a good mini and not an ongoing.

Yeah I just finished Iron Nail and oh my god that was some tedious shit. The worst Remenderverse story.

Count me as one who thinks OMD wil be undone when time runs out.


Pizza Dog
I should post my list. It's She-Hulk week, after all!

Books of the Week:
She-Hulk #10
Batgirl #36
Thor #2

Also picking up:
Axis #5
Axis Hobgoblin #2
Batman #36
Captain Marvel #9
Hawkeye vs. Deadpool #2
Miles Morales: Ultimate Spider-Man #7
Silver Surfer #7

Checking out:
Superior Iron Man #1


Zombine don't you read the Walking Dead? You were right. It's amazing again.

Lol I mainline Walking Dead directly into my veins. I live for Zombie fiction in general.

All Out War was mislabeled as an event, but in reality it's just a prelude to this insanity. We're in for some shit and I love the new survivors.
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