I have the checkpoint saved for later use ;]We're already friends, it's Paper haha
See if we can get a convenient time for others too.
I have the checkpoint saved for later use ;]We're already friends, it's Paper haha
Divisive Mind bounty borked? I killed the guy but the bounty didn't register.
Anyway, gonna try again
I just did it. You have a heroic modifier active?
Yea, altho now I'm stuck on the checkpoint after it, gonna do another bounty and reset it
I have the checkpoint saved for later use ;]
See if we can get a convenient time for others too.
If any one wants to do Hard Mode Oracles and Templar please message: babyghost853 or Router_Go_Vroom
First53 people will probably get easy loot. Naturally please have upgraded anti-oracle weapons.
First Hard raid of the week down.
and 4 energy (praedyth's and atheon's epilogue)
The rest was Shards.
Will have to mine 64 Relic Iron for Iron Banner next week. I'm really waiting to hear what the expansion pass news is because honestly my guardian edition pre-order still bums me out.
Cømet;138768997 said:![]()
Honestly, this is what I'm looking forward to. I want some poor level 20s to quake as I stroll up to them and smash their faces in with my fist.
Anyone want in on a nightfall run? Shem0275. My mic died so I can't talk :/
stick with accurized ballistics (this is your personal preference) and Send It.
Practice in PvE, fallen and Hive are your best bets IMO. If you're not able to easily get headshot without issues on basic mobs like Acolytes and Vandals you're definitely not ready.
erm. It definitely takes considerable skill to use well, which is why we're taking about a gun stated to be "buffed soon" lol
More importantly, and generally, unlike other hand cannons, you can play quite defensively since you DON'T need to get the killshot. All that needs to happen is that they have the debuff past a certain amount of health... it's very interesting. Basically, you should take a few shots at someone and hopefully connect, and just bail, don't worry about finishing that fight off if you're in trouble.
if you are accurate and can pull headshots off reliably it obviously takes on a much more vicious role in a match...
what class are you and do you have any gear that buffs hand cannon reload?
oh gratz you figalina!YES!
I have 8 Timebreakers!!!!
Also got two chest pieces so I guess I can get to 30 now, even though I wanted the helmet. :/
oh gratz you figalina!
Cømet;138768997 said:![]()
Honestly, this is what I'm looking forward to. I want some poor level 20s to quake as I stroll up to them and smash their faces in with my fist.
Could some explain the Iron Banner to me? I started playing after it was already gone
Oh that sounds pretty sweet! Higher chance for loot?Its crucible with much less damage equivalency. Gear and weapon differences create advantages for those who have them.
hnng I can't wait
With the right settings, they could make an evolve mode. 1 level 30 vs 6 20's.
I kind of feel bad. I just got fed up and shut off my PS4 during the Atheon fight.
I was using Destinylfg.net to find a pick up group, hoping to do a fresh run, but they were already at the gatekeepers... whatever, I decided to join.
It seemed like it was everyone's second or third time doing the raid. No big whoop, I've only done it three times before.
One guy is on the phone and not paying attention. Nobody knows what's going on. We wipe about 10 times during the gatekeeper part. It actually seemed like we were working together well, but nobody wanted to touch the relic at all during the Atheon fight. I usually don't, but I asked a few questions and thought I was picking it up ok, but we kept wiping. Somebody would forget an oracle, or someone else would have the relic and not be cleansing people. Often the people outside weren't clearing the supplicants and/or were not opening the right gate (even though our leader was clearly stating the direction each teleport. After about a dozen shots, I just had enough and pulled the plug. I think my biggest issue was that nobody was listening to the one guy who really knew what he was doing.
My lucky streak with pick up groups came to a halting stop with this horrible attempt.
I can't wait for the answer to be, "the kid in fireteam chat with the pulse rifle" lolCan't wait to be able to ask "Who the fuck captured A?"
Cømet;138780769 said:I want it baaaad. Can't get the thought of a level 30 titan inspiring true fear into a group of lower level hunters and warlocks. Gotta be that Cabal theme, that's titan music through and through.
Hell, limit the titan's weapons. They'd manage I'm sure lol
EDIT: Gotta say, didn't think much of it before now, but that pic really makes the titan raid helmet look intimidating.
Oh that sounds pretty sweet! Higher chance for loot?
Oh that sounds pretty sweet! Higher chance for loot?
I got 4 Timur's Lash hand cannons if that's what you mean.
Had such fun tossing those away. I got nine of them.
I don't think Warlock raid helmets exist. Just beat my 7th hard Atheon and got my 6th time breaker and shards. The helmet hunt continues to next week.
Xur should bring something good to make up for this nonsense.
I just wanted the space bus.![]()
Lots of gaffers in the raid helping out today, thanks for all the help.
Only got Atheon Epilogue, how is that. Low impact but seems stable as hell.
ok WHAT THE FUUUCK I'm on the kill 200 enemies in a weekly nightfall strike for the pocket infinity and I'm killing enemies in the strike but its still at 0 of 200 what do???
ok WHAT THE FUUUCK I'm on the kill 200 enemies in a weekly nightfall strike for the pocket infinity and I'm killing enemies in the strike but its still at 0 of 200 what do???
I have all 5 and there are so many more efficient ways to get Ascendant Energy. Drop them shits. Use your bounty spots to save time.After I'm done with my current exotic bounties, I'll have:
3 Pocket Infinity
3 Thorn
3 Invective
2 Bad Juju
1 Super Good Advice
Should I just drop every exotic bounty from now on? I don't see a reason to get any more extras (Bad Jujux2 because it was'easy' to get, SGA to complete the set and the supposed hiliarious suppressing fire in PVP).
ok WHAT THE FUUUCK I'm on the kill 200 enemies in a weekly nightfall strike for the pocket infinity and I'm killing enemies in the strike but its still at 0 of 200 what do???
They are finally, FINALLY getting it. The moment they stop worrying about making every single activity on level footing for everyone, that's when the good fun begins.