Back to searching for a raid... Normal or Hard.
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Back to searching for a raid... Normal or Hard.
Got all the normal mode raid gear last night for my hunter. So glad I don't have to play anymore. On the road to 30 and to more sleep.
Hard raid on ps4 anyone? 30 lock here
Xur is fuckin dumb.
It's like welfare exotics. They are pretty cheap and so everyone will have them. I don't even have TLW but now it loses some of its appeal.
Hope bungie nerfs or removes Xur next expansion and fixes the way you get exotic loot. It should be a reward for doing something amazing. And some exotics should be purely RNG to simulate the rareness.
I want the cloning process to be perfect. I don't want to have an evil me running around wrecking shit. There can only be one evil me annoying you and that's me!
You'll get your Hawkmoon, fig. You'll get it just like I got mah Last Word. Well, not exactly like how I got the Last Word. But you will get one.
Xur has never sold:
-Hard Light
-Universal Remote
-MIDA Multi-tool
Pretty much universally considered the weakest items he can offer.
If you're on for clinic hours tonight I'd be happy to get you through the Nightfall
Im in on hard raid. 29 sunbro with and gallarhorn (ofcourse, i mean who dosent have one at this point lol) psn pansargryning
Yo did you do the oracles with your lvl27 hunter yet?Next update is with the weekly reset. Cool. Hope they fix the raid now.
Im in on hard raid. 29 sunbro with and gallarhorn (ofcourse, i mean who dosent have one at this point lol) psn pansargryning
I think we are already friends.
Should I just join you?
Yo did you do the oracles with your lvl27 hunter yet?
Wanna start a list?
I'm looking for a hard raid as well.
Hard raid 29 hunter 30 warlock psn death4romabove22
1. Me
2. Silver tongue
3. Death4romaabove22
I got big plans for tonight. I'm going to level up to 26 or so and have a buddy carry my weak warlock ass through the nightfall. It's going to give me a Gjallarhorn. I'm going to do tiger strikes with my Gjallarhorn until I find a legendary helm. Then I'll level the helm and get to level 29. Then I'll do the hard raid with my weak ass warlock and get all the raid gear to hit 30 in one run, as well as a Hawkmoon.
Im in psn pansargryning
1. Me
2. Silver tongue
3. Death4romaabove22
4. Doomshroom
Hard raid on ps4 anyone? 30 lock here
Will read tomorrow when you post about running out of Hadronic Essence before even getting to 26.
you just crushed my hopes and dreams! now im nervous! i have no idea how much hadronic essence i have in my vault, probably not even 200.
I don't agree with this at all.Some people may not like to admit it but great part of the appeal of destiny is having gear/weapons others don't.
I'm looking to do a hard raid for the first time today. Lvl 29 hunter with maxed VoC, Corrective Measure. Plenty of experience with the normal raid.
Posting again but I have the Oracle CP on hard. Need to get my 27 Hunter through that, the Templar and the first gorgon chest. Can switch to 30 Warlock after for GK and Atheon. Anyone down for it? on PS4.
1. Me
2. Silver tongue
3. Death4romaabove22
4. Doomshroom
5. DiscreteCat
Keltin99.I think we are already friends.
Should I just join you?
i have said this a few times. i think xur selling exotic weapons is a terrible design choice because it makes finding one less rewarding, it definitely takes from the wow factor, when you can play the game minimally and have enough coins for when he shows up. It's like, i've put all this work and time and finally got that one exotic i wanted and then a week later xur pops up and he's selling it and now everyone has it. Not to mention the borefest that pvp becomes when everyone is in there with the same shit.
Some people may not like to admit it but great part of the appeal of destiny is having gear/weapons others don't. IMO, the game sells itself on that with the "become legend" tagline, and i think everyone looking the same (light level system has all level 30's looking the same, and not, shaders do not count) and having the same gear/weapons takes from that.
with that said, i do understand that not everybody has the same amount of time to invest on a game, so much like the criticisms i offered i also previously mentioned one possible solution that may help those without time or RNG luck. A selection of exotic weapons (maybe with different perks than the ones you get randomly or for completion of tasks) that is available through xur, ideally, these would be different weapons, but the game just doesn't have enough content for this, maybe the extensions would help if they added like x amount of new exotic weapons.
you just crushed my hopes and dreams! now im nervous! i have no idea how much hadronic essence i have in my vault, probably not even 200.
Keltin991. Me
2. Silver tongue
3. Death4romaabove22
4. Doomshroom
1. Me
2. Silver tongue
3. Death4romaabove22
4. Doomshroom
1. Me
2. Silver tongue
3. Death4romaabove22
4. Doomshroom
When are we going to start ?
I don't agree with this at all.
It would if Destiny were a real MMO, with hundreds of people in town and in the fields around them, and a whole world to live into.
But as is, the "I have something you don't have" is limited to the tower, where I only see like a dozen other people at once, not caring one bit about what gear they are rocking or not.
Xur is fuckin dumb.
It's like welfare exotics. They are pretty cheap and so everyone will have them. I don't even have TLW but now it loses some of its appeal.
Hope bungie nerfs or removes Xur next expansion and fixes the way you get exotic loot. It should be a reward for doing something amazing. And some exotics should be purely RNG to simulate the rareness.
I don't play PVP.You show off in PVP, not the Tower.
Yeah,I need both oracles and templar on hard for my titan.
Make a list ?Well that's one more....heh. When will you be able to do it?
I don't play PVP.
Well that's one more....heh. When will you be able to do it?
Make a list ?but I can be on in about 20mins
Just logged out but I can be back if we have a team.
Yeah, that's accurate.As result, many folks who dont master TLW mechanics (or worse yet, take it to pve) will forsaken that gun in favour of SR or some other auto/shoty combo.
During a handful of Rumble matches and 5 Clash matches last night, I saw people tearing shit up with a Galahad-E, Invective, Silvered Hushwind, The Last Word, Hawkmoon, New Monarchy's shotgun (can't remember the name), Praedyth's Revenge (god I hate snipers), and a variety of fusion rifles. Suros Regime users kept coming in at the bottom! Just anecdote, though, it's a phenomenal rifle regardless, and in the right hands it will be as deadly as ever (well, since the nerf). Honestly, it's kinda cool how many choices there are.TLW surge in PVP will be temporary like with Suros. It'll go back to normal in a few days. I've rarely seen Suros now. The most recent I saw it last night was in Skirmish.
it's my gun i love it so much zomg.
Bleh. All this work and time? How did you get your gun? What about the people who go 0-15 and get Thunderlord in the Crucible? They deserve it more than someone who earned the coins to actually buy it, in your eyes? Furthermore every time I see this complaint it reminds me how starkly inconsiderate we can be in ignoring the majority of the playerbase. Not even everyone in this thread can afford everything they want from Xur every week. Pop quiz: is the average player more likely or less likely to have the coins than us?i have said this a few times. i think xur selling exotic weapons is a terrible design choice because it makes finding one less rewarding, it definitely takes from the wow factor, when you can play the game minimally and have enough coins for when he shows up. It's like, i've put all this work and time and finally got that one exotic i wanted and then a week later xur pops up and he's selling it and now everyone has it.
This isn't even possible. You have to pick an exotic, by design, and I see a pretty big variety of guns in the Crucible.Not to mention the borefest that pvp becomes when everyone is in there with the same shit.
*shrug* Raid gear (and soon Iron Banner gear) is the only path to 30, Raid weapons can only be obtained in the raid, some only on hard including the Mythoclast. There are plenty of weapons left out there that people have that I don't, and I want them.Some people may not like to admit it but great part of the appeal of destiny is having gear/weapons others don't.
But... besides your different perks thing this is exactly what we have right now. What. All of the Exotic Bounty weapons, Hawkmoon, Monte Carlo, and the Mythoclast can't be obtained from Xur.with that said, i do understand that not everybody has the same amount of time to invest on a game, so much like the criticisms i offered i also mentoned one possible solution that may help those without time or RNG luck. A selection of exotic weapons (maybe with different perks than the ones you get randomly or for completion of tasks) that is available through xur, ideally, these would be different weapons, but the game just doesn't have enough content.
Not by me. I don't have it yet but I want it, I have a build in mind. I've heard lots of complaints though; I think it's misunderstood.Is Universal Remote considered weak? I just got it a couple days ago and haven't leveled it up yet, but the perks make it sounds pretty badass. And it seems to make the top exotic weapons ranking lists, although all of those seem to have been written in early October.