Confusion Illusion
I thought it was out in December no?
Either that or Amazon is lying to mehardcover is listed for Jun 30 2015
I thought it was out in December no?
Either that or Amazon is lying to mehardcover is listed for Jun 30 2015
I thought it was out in December no?
You know what, tho? We have no idea what actually happened. There are two conflicting stories here, so there's no way to tell who's lying.
Nah. Nah. Fuck this and fuck him, and fuck abuse in general.
Yay for jumping to conclusions without all of the facts! WHOOOOOOOOOOO!
Yay for jumping to conclusions without all of the facts! WHOOOOOOOOOOO!
When does that Agents of Shield comic by Mark Waid come out?
December I think. They have different artists every time, kinda one-shot stories. #3 actually sounds pretty cool, its got Alan Davis on artwork.
S.H.I.E.L.D. #3
DIE HARD in the Sanctum Sanctorum! With Dr. Strange elsewhere, magical terrorists have taken over Stranges sanctum!
Agent Coulson must lead a strike team into the mansion before time runs out for New York City, and his only available allies are Spider-Man and one of Stranges oldest foes!
I noticed in the Marvel solicits that they are coming out with another Captain America Brubaker omnibus. So what's the best way to collect his run? Is it all in omnibus' now? I only have the Captain America: Winter Soldier hardcover that came out right before the movie.
Boo at Waid/Samnee Daredevil ending. Wonder Woman, She-Hulk and now this. All my favourites are moving on.
Lazarus and Mind MGMT are both books I've wanted to check out, but the lack of conversation about them hasn't compelled me to buy them.
Never despair. Not even in the face of cancellation.
That is what I was considering, as one of the books in a B&N B2G1 order.
finished run aint the same as cancellation though.I know. But then again I just remembered that Superior Foes is also ending, Fables only has 4 issues left and Hawkeye is (eventually) ending too. All I need is for them to cancel Ms Marvel and I'll spend the next year crying in a corner somewhere.
Who would win in a fight? Daredevil or Sonic The Hedgehog?
As long as Sonic has one ring left and can keep getting it back he is invincible so I'm going to have to go with him.
Boo at Waid/Samnee Daredevil ending. Wonder Woman, She-Hulk and now this. All my favourites are moving on.
RIP Ben (1/19/05-11/19/14)
Pax Americana is gonna take WEEKS to fully unpack. There's just so much. SO MUCH. Moz, Quitely and Fairbarn putting on a goddamn clinic. It is so much comic. WOW. WOW.
How was the DC One Million event? Are all the tie-ins a good read as well?
Punisher 15 cover is cool
Far as I can recall, the main story Morrison wrote had certain events occur in another book that tie in to it. My meory of said books is hazy atm I'm afraid.
How is it nowadays? Still Punisher: Justified?
EDIT: Adding Superman: Birthright, All-Star Superman, Uncanny X-Force: Ultimate Collection, Vol. 1, and Superman: Action Comics (New 52), Vol. 1
Pax Americana just shamed all the other single issue comics released this month, and maybe all year.
I have a couple questions about Pax Americana that a reread didn't help.
andWho was the guy with the metal arms? Looked like Peacemaker, maybe killing her to cover up loose ends, assuming Atom would be able to save her too later? The arms show up in the museum when Nightshade is talking to her dad, but I didn't see them anywhere else
Who was the clean-up guy who smokes cigars and has a robot hand? Nobody else has a robot hand. The Comedian guy.
those are major spoilers and the first one I almost hit bold on instead of spoiler which would've been a higher-than-freeza-tier mistake