Steam down atm?, cant sign in
Yeah, I'm having issues trying to buy things.
How is AC3? I was tempted on getting that or Revelations, as they are the only ones I'm missing aside from Unity.
AC3 is an abomination, worst one in the series by far.
How is AC3? I was tempted on getting that or Revelations, as they are the only ones I'm missing aside from Unity.
Gonna just second this. Replayed the entirety of the series just recently. Minus Black Flag as I'd played it in the last year. Got through AC (still my favorite, no care), AC: II (enjoyable, really, I enjoyed the added elements that weren't there in the first), Brotherhood (I loved), Revelations (which I wasn't the biggest fan of, but it wasn't dreadful). I got through each of these consecutively in just over a week. I've still yet to get past 5% completion on III. Maybe I'm just adverse to change, but so much is different from Revelations to III. I'm not so big on the combat style, either.
My main issue with III is the main character. I thought the gameplay was fun therein, but man was Conner uninteresting for almost the entirety of it.
I hope Lords of the Fallen gets a nice discount today.
Is Steam acting up? Trying to update my card info but its saying my purchase has been declined. I'm not event trying to buy anything.
Lost Planet - Steamworks
Colonies Edition - GFWL
The latter never goes on sale.
If I liked Trine 2, will I like the first one?
They are very similar. I'd say I enjoyed the second more, but the first is fine too. IIRC the first doesn't have online multiplayer though.If I liked Trine 2, will I like the first one?
If I liked Trine 2, will I like the first one?
IIRC the first doesn't have online multiplayer though.
Revelations is a much better game. It doesn't have an eight hour tutorial, with cutscenes a that teleport you around the open world, instead of trusting you enough to navigate it yourself. Also no boats which is a huge plus. I don't understand the negativity toward Revelations at all, especially after 3 came out. Revelations at least plays like an Assassins Creed game.How is AC3? I was tempted on getting that or Revelations, as they are the only ones I'm missing aside from Unity.
Every year I load up on multiplayer games for a big birthday gaming weekend my brother and I throw with a bunch of guys in January. Im looking for preferably coop, 4 player games.
This year I dont have much of a list going into the winter sale. So far I'm planning on picking up
Gang Beasts
Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris
Full Mojo Rampage
New Gauntlet
Previous years we have played
Foul Play
Legend of Dungeon
Risk of Rain
Samurai Gunn
Speed Runners
I need to tap the great Gaf hivemind to blow my load on steam games and keep my friends and I entertained for 48 straight hours.
What say you Gaf?
Revelations is a much better game. It doesn't have an eight hour tutorial, with cutscenes a that teleport you around the open world, instead of trusting you enough to navigate it yourself. Also no boats which is a huge plus. I don't understand the negativity toward Revelations at all, especially after 3 came out. Revelations at least plays like an Assassins Creed game.
They are very similar. I'd say I enjoyed the second more, but the first is fine too. IIRC the first doesn't have online multiplayer though.
any of the might and magic games worth picking up?
how's dark messiah?
What do people think about The Vanishing of Ethan Carter?, I never heard of it before but I do like to play an adventure game every now and then.
How is AC3? I was tempted on getting that or Revelations, as they are the only ones I'm missing aside from Unity.
Dark messiah is an amazing action rpg. Best melee combat going.any of the might and magic games worth picking up?
how's dark messiah?
...any of the might and magic games worth picking up?
how's dark messiah?
I am big fan of Might and Magic VI, but I am a fanboy of the whole series so a biased opinion for sure.
Well Steam crashed... was in the process of paying for a few games. Anyone else down?
Adventure game with beautiful graphics and atmosphere, but very short. Probably worth the 11.99
Is there a Community thread for SpeedRunners? I've searched and searched but damned if I can find it anywhere.
anyone happen to know in which order i should play all the tex murhpy games ?
Im afraid what I'm thinking and hoping aren't the same thing on this oneWhat do you think?
It gets played a fair bit in the steam thread.Is there a Community thread for SpeedRunners? I've searched and searched but damned if I can find it anywhere.
Guys, how much gigs is Shadow of Mordooooor?
Im afraid what I'm thinking and hoping aren't the same thing on this oneexpecting the usual 66% for Banished at most. Will bite at 75 tho.
Guys, how much gigs is Shadow of Mordooooor?
Guys, how much gigs is Shadow of Mordooooor?
Im afraid what I'm thinking and hoping aren't the same thing on this oneexpecting the usual 66% for Banished at most. Will bite at 75 tho.
What do people think about The Vanishing of Ethan Carter?, I never heard of it before but I do like to play an adventure game every now and then.
Except Ethan carter actually has gameplay and isn't some art project.Keep in mind it's more of a Gone Home style game, but if you're into that then it's quite good!