lmfao holy crap I didnt realize GQ kut ku would literally be the worst / most annoying fight I've done so far trying to do it solo. Been going at it since I left you netto, nearly 40 minutes

Was even using the (first tier) water blade which are its weakness.
Since all his attacks are charge attacks with him running all the hell over I could barely ever actually get to hitting him when he wasn't drooling/tired out, cause I'd get there and he'd just charge off again. Especially since I needed to focus on breaking his face since that's what scales really drop from. Couldn't mount either with DBs cause his flying made it nearly impossible to get a good wall jump on him (and thats if he didnt knock me off first). Even with my presumably on-tier armor each hit was still like 30%+ so I chewed through a shit ton of pots/mega pots even after the first 4~ first aids. Just an awful, abysmal fight all around that took 3 times as long as I expected based on the expedition fights I've done.
Still need to do at least one or two more fights on him, no desire to do it solo. Gonna need to find a couple people for it tomorrow (hopefully one with a lance or IG to mount him way easier)