Come on folks, it's Chepadrome time!39-2603-6826-4165
G1 quests
two left
Come on folks, it's Chepadrome time!
I guess G rank folks is away![]()
I went into a Gore Magala room because I needed one more tail to upgrade a lance. Two longswords and a charge blade are in the room. Perfect, I'll switch to horn. No tail cut. lol*sigh* couldn't even get the tail off this time because the fucker kept facing me
Millinery Industrial Complex
Because Im still new to Monster Hunter, theres a lot I dont know. I could absolutely look for a FAQ and solve all this stuff immediately, like watching a Raid video, and then I could go in and try to emulate another persons valor. When I hit a true wall - as opposed to being momentarily inconvenienced by my ineptitude - maybe Ill hit it up. But not yet. I havent felt like this in a very, very long time.
I apologize to Monster Hunter stalwarts here and elsewhere; Im coming into your whole deal unprepared, but I want nothing more than to learn. This post is for people who dont know yet, or for people who just learned, and can nod sagely along with only a hint of wistful melancholy.
Monster Hunter is a lot like Minecraft in one very specific way: everything is made up of other things, and you can go get these things. I would say it is unlike Minecraft in every other way. But that core loop of acquisition and refiguration is beyond addictive. Oh, now, wait. It is the same in another way, and thats one of the things that makes its compulsion engine so terrible and perverse in its strength. There is no mechanically reinforced character in either of these games. There is no progression aside from the equipment you make or find, and the skill you build with the games often one of a kind arsenal.
Equipment builds your capability through the use of Skill Points, which might be a new concept to you. It certainly was to me. Imagine that each piece of my armor grants me a couple points in some useful skill. Except having a couple points in a skill doesnt mean shit, right? It doesnt mean that you are kinda good at something. Until you have ten points in a skill, its not even activated in my experience. So the game is about trying to match complimentary pieces together. Alright. Now, you understand everything you need to in order to properly contextualize my failure.
I had never seen an item that had all ten points in a skill, by itself, so imagine my surprise when I found a Gargwa Mask I could make, and I already had all the shit for it. I was picturing some haute couture motherfucking French type shit, flexing mad plumage, so I invested several single use armor upgrades in it before Id even seen it on because why would it ever look like this.
(CW)TB out.
You will slaughter the first 4 Hunter Ranks then. I'm on 5* Caravan and the quests i do are in line with 3-4 Hunter Rank.
What's the best way to get quality stomachs? All I'm getting is ripenend mushrooms over and over again.
Wait what?Are you using poison bombs?
Wait what?
Wait what?
Wait what?
Is there anything cooler than cutting a Azure Rathalos' tail off midair with a switchaxe uppercut? I submit that there is not.
Yeah, poison bombs so that way you can carve them altaroths bugs instead of hoping for a shiny drop if they eat a mushroom.
You get quality stomachs from High Rank altaroths, they will explode when killed, so the most efficient way is to just use a poison smoke bomb so they can die without exploding and get carved.
Alright, thanks. Had no idea about that.If you kill them with poison you can carve them.
Uppercutting someone into that tail making them cut it!Is there anything cooler than cutting a Azure Rathalos' tail off midair with a switchaxe uppercut? I submit that there is not.
Barely any armor sets with Evade Distance Up. I can get that and Evade + 3 with the Low Rank Nargacuga set but that kind of hurts in High Rank since the total defense rating is just shy of 200 with upgrades.
Apparently you can fight Kirin in Low Rank. I guess this is unlocked through Expeditions?
Good huntan with you Kinsei and whoever Arc is! If you guys are still hunting in about 30 I may rejoin. I have to take a short break.
Anyone interested in putzing around doing HR1 quests tomorrow (Sunday)? I've been playing single player and have finished the first arc. I'm at a point in the second arc (Defense Master has arrived) where my bunny suit and barely upgraded weapons are showing their inadequacies. In TriU, I happily ground whatever I needed to make equipment but the fact that this game (great, very fun game) is stuck purely on a handheld kinda sucks out my desire to go hunting for parts, at least by myself (dear lord Capcom, make a frigging WiiU version so I can play this thing on a TV because MH sucks on portables).
Ahem, anyway, I'll be around tomorrow to check this thread for anyone who'd be up for beginner quests around noon central time.
Is there a way to just join up with random people? And if so, do you think I'll have luck finding a good group?
I don't wanna play with people I know on here just yet.![]()
I remember in 3U azure rath lasted me until HR 7 then I got the G rank version.2 rubies in one Azure Rath cap! Hell yes! Azure Rath set completed in one swoop. Set should get me through the rest of HR and early G-rank.
I remember in 3U azure rath lasted me until HR 7 then I got the G rank version.
Room for one more: HR7 quests
New room?I plan on pulling an all-nighter.
New room?
To slay large monsters you have to be really feeling it.These Gore weapons man, y u need so many feels?!