Saying a console is the top selling console in North America during the holiday season isn't spinng as long as (you know) -- the system is truly the top selling console during the Holiday season. The people who are going to "spin it" are some who will look at the news and think the console is possibly a "hotter item" than it really is because of it selling so well during those high selling months.
Don't get your point. More consoles sold = more potential game sales. Companies would view that as good news.
It does help them to get closer as they would be even further behind during those "other 10 months" if they didn't get the highest selling console months of the year.
I don't understand how this keeps on being said as if there aren't many people who wait for games they are interested in to be released and THEN get the console. I guess everyone who is interested in Uncharted 4 already has a PS4 then right?
Last year: "I don't think many will buy an Xbox One for MCC -- they are old games. Many will wait for Halo 5."
This year: "Halo 5 won't help. Most Halo fans already have an Xbox One."
It's silly.
First point, it's spin because they make it seem like they won the holidays, they did not. If you remove all qualifiers (as far as I know) they sold less than the competition. If you start adding qualifiers and then release a twisted up PR release, that is spin. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying MS spin is new or somehow different from other companies, just saying that people who actually do the business knows that the PS4 world wide won every month and might actually be 2-1 sales currently.
second point,
Bgamer90 said:
It matters for advertisements/PR (especially since NPD stats usually get a lot of attention), and game support. It's hard for game companies to ignore the system that's in the top spot in North America. Hence why MS is going to more than likely do all that they can to be in that spot. Being #1 overall (worldwide) is obviously better but it's looking highly impossible for MS to do that (especially since they've never done it in any previous gen).
You say here it's important for pr and 3rd parties, 3rd parties know who actually sold more consoles overall during that time.
Last point, sure some people hold out, but lets not pretend a majority of the hardcore halo fan base did not pick up an xbox one before this point. also I agree that people who think uncharted 4 will be this huge system seller based on name alone might be disappointed, unless it is some huge revolutionary thing. The only difference is there has already been a halo on next gen to drive halo fan sales, no uncharted so far.