To be fair, all the guys are attractive too, right?
It's Always Sunny in Inaba:
Just call me Dantis Jr. guys
What shall I draw Mitsuru wearing?
What shall I draw Mitsuru wearing?
What shall I draw Mitsuru wearing?
put her in a suit. Like a fashionable lady's suit.
Since she supposedly runs a business and I hope that means she wears a normal suit and not a fucking ermine coat and catsuit to business conferences with the Nanjo group.
"What's wrong Cousin Kei?"
"Mitsuru, dear. The dress code for these meetings is SCARVES."
"I have a scarf on-"
it's 3 am and i'm sorry
I second that
Mitsuru would look so good in a suit
What shall I draw Mitsuru wearing?
Wicked. You really captured the cool and stylish aspects of her character.
originally her hand was supposed to be on the belt buckle with her thumb behind it, but I gave up. I was also trying to make her look like older mitsuru from P4A to make the clash with marie's clothing even more stark. Didnt really pull that off either
Not a regular member here, but I lurk this thread and I love Mitsurus P3 design, so when I saw people posting their cool drawings of her I just had to draw her once... I hope it's OK (I didn't make her skirt shorter on purpose!)
D-don't be mad at me, pal! I like you!GROAN
Yup.Not gonna lie, kinda peeved the scenes are pretty much just self-pity and no calling the MC out on his shit.
That's awesome, welcome!1) What is your favorite persona character?
Yosuke: most likeable and relatable character. Even his gimmicky character traits like his relationship with Saki is implemented nicely in all the P4 spinoffs.
I like both localizations equally, but I do think that AA's localization is more accessible than Persona's
1) What are your general thoughts on Mitsuru? Why do you like/dislike her?Ok, let's make this official. MITSURU ART CHALLENGE BEGINS NOW!
Not gonna lie, kinda peeved the scenes are pretty much just self-pity and no calling the MC out on his shit.
Not a regular member here, but I lurk this thread and I love Mitsurus P3 design, so when I saw people posting their cool drawings of her I just had to draw her once... I hope it's OK (I didn't make her skirt shorter on purpose!)
Right, but self-pity just makes you feel worse than if they got mad at you.
What shall I draw Mitsuru wearing?
Not a regular member here, but I lurk this thread and I love Mitsurus P3 design, so when I saw people posting their cool drawings of her I just had to draw her once... I hope it's OK (I didn't make her skirt shorter on purpose!)
Not a regular member here, but I lurk this thread and I love Mitsurus P3 design, so when I saw people posting their cool drawings of her I just had to draw her once... I hope it's OK (I didn't make her skirt shorter on purpose!)
Looks really classy!Not a regular member here, but I lurk this thread and I love Mitsurus P3 design, so when I saw people posting their cool drawings of her I just had to draw her once... I hope it's OK (I didn't make her skirt shorter on purpose!)
Reani, Caes, great stuff. Got art blogs somewhere?
I fucking hate that I can't do lining at all anymore... well i probably could but now I'm obsessed with spending as little time as possible on each piece while making it look good... just like painting more i guess. :T
this is a great idea, hope it continues going forward instead of being intermittent... it was good to go home after work and just draw for an hour or two
Maybe. But I'd prefer them acting like people instead of just mouthpieces for the writers' "You Bastard" moment. :/
All I'm saying, it really hits hard in making you feel like you're betraying them, lol
All I'm saying, it really hits hard in making you feel like you're betraying them, lol
Rise blaming herself is some sick shit. I felt like a dog after that.
not one of those cool dogs either
They really should have an ending to that scenario where the rejected girls ambushed him together and calls his shit out.
Then all of their S.links gets reversed to like 1.
ok so...I havent picked up a pencil in 4 years, but I wanted to try something.