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GTA V PC Performance Thread


Neo Member
I really hope you're right, if that crash were fixed then the game would pretty much be performing perfectly on my end.


For those of you who are bothered by the aliasing on the mini-map, you can turn on Nvidia driver FXAA (I'm guessing that AMD's MLAA would work similarly) and it will get rid of those jaggies. The downside is that it won't show up in screenshots unless you're in (borderless) windowed mode and then take a print screen.


Though now that I'm thinking about it, you could probably achieve the same effect by using ReShade or SweetFX. Plenty of options for those who want to make the map look slightly better.

THANK YOU. I've been so irritated by this for a week now.


Some people on reddit are complaining that the patch has slowed them down.

Not sure if these are just exceptions or if it's just a placebo.

I'm still on the original game so i doubt I'll update until they release a decently sized patch that fixes all performance issues.


Motion blur is at full. It looks nice as always but it still feels slower then the console versions, which currently don't have motion blur just from camera/vehicle movement.

Dude read my post on the previous page which was for exactly this: smooth (as much as possible) 30fps.
So I'm still finding it almost impossible to actually download this. I got a key for the Rockstar Social Club version but it's trash software and it loses connection to the servers pretty much whenever it tries do download a new .rpf file.

It also hogs absolutely every ounce of my bandwidth, meaning even opening webpages while it's downloading is impossible and I can't throttle it. My only option is to download at night, but then I can't babysit the download to resume it when it drops server connection.

I bought it last Thursday night and have only been able to get 20 GB down.

Anyone else have this problem and find a solution? I tried the torrent thing but getting a retail torrent that's not just full of leeches and has shitty download speeds is impossible right now.

Created a Rockstar support ticket but haven't heard anything back. This whole thing is a mess.
Dude read my post on the previous page which was for exactly this: smooth (as much as possible) 30fps.

I did that at first, that was part of what made me drop down to 30. After playing for a while I actually think it might be the same performance as on console, it just felt exaggerated by the drop from lower settings and 60fps at first.


I did that at first, that was part of what made me drop down to 30. After playing for a while I actually think it might be the same performance as on console, it just felt exaggerated by the drop from lower settings and 60fps at first.

You need to do all 4 steps and that's only if you have a 60Hz monitor (as in, it shows up in game and in NVCP as 60Hz...not 59 or some other number). Otherwise you'll need to adjust the fps accordingly, e.g.:

120Hz = 30fps or 40fps
144Hz = 36fps or 48fps
I have an i7 3770. Given how well this works with multiple threads, I wonder if I'd see any performance gains by getting a better processor? My instinct tells my gains would probably be minimal.


So I'm still finding it almost impossible to actually download this. I got a key for the Rockstar Social Club version but it's trash software and it loses connection to the servers pretty much whenever it tries do download a new .rpf file.

It also hogs absolutely every ounce of my bandwidth, meaning even opening webpages while it's downloading is impossible and I can't throttle it. My only option is to download at night, but then I can't babysit the download to resume it when it drops server connection.

I bought it last Thursday night and have only been able to get 20 GB down.

Anyone else have this problem and find a solution? I tried the torrent thing but getting a retail torrent that's not just full of leeches and has shitty download speeds is impossible right now.

Created a Rockstar support ticket but haven't heard anything back. This whole thing is a mess.

I will be no help here but seeing all these issues just with pre-loading was what prompted me to spend 20% more and get it full price from Steam. It is so hard dealing with some of these niche downloaders. Even uplay is still mostly garbage. Origin and Steam are the only ones that do a decent job of it. I don't trust any others. The only suggestions I've read is to restart it and there's a file you can delete to force a refresh of the software to download and it works a little better.
Yeah, I was kind of figuring since the gains seem to have been kind of minimal with the 4th and 5th generations. I wish I had the k model for overclocking, but that's all right.

What hurdle do you think that CPU is giving you? Unless your gaming at 4k I don't know why you'd be disappointed with that CPU at least in regards for a reason to upgrade I mean.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
so what do you use on the nvidia control panel toforce vsync? triple bufering or vsync AND tripple buffering?

and which vsync, theres lots of options, smooth, adaptive, etc?


This game is insanely fun.

One thing though; all UI elements like map and texts have like 0 padding to the side of the screen. Isn't there supposed to be some space between the subtitles and the bottom of the screen for example?
Anyone having any issues where the game will just drop to 30 FPS and be locked there for a while? I can usually get a locked 59 (which is really annoying, it causes a micro stutter and I can't get to 60 at all for some reason) but sometimes the game just drops all the way to 30 and becomes near unplayable with all the mouse lag i get.

GTX660 and i5 4670k, 8gb ram.

Edit: Xrenity you can change the safezone settings in one of the settings menus. Try "Game."
Anyone else annoyed that it's been almost two years since the original launch of GTAV, and in multiplayer we still don't have hairstyles for females longer than chin length? I mean, I understand not having hair that drapes down like a cape, but not even shoulder-length hair? Trevor has shoulder length hair options, it's not like this is out of their capabilities.

And that's among countless clothing options I see which are NPC exclusive still, like thighboots or tube tops. And the only normal looking jackets for females are the forced-shut heist jackets. Nevermind the fact that the facegen for MP characters makes everyone look sameish and ugly.

There is a lot to be annoyed about in regards to the online portion of GTA V. It's not been touched much by R* and does have the same annoying bugs from it's current console bros.

This game is insanely fun.

One thing though; all UI elements like map and texts have like 0 padding to the side of the screen. Isn't there supposed to be some space between the subtitles and the bottom of the screen for example?

If you dig into the settings somewhere there is an option for safezones that'll completely fix that for ya.

edit: lol Mister Negative beat me.


This game is insanely fun.

One thing though; all UI elements like map and texts have like 0 padding to the side of the screen. Isn't there supposed to be some space between the subtitles and the bottom of the screen for example?

Yep, it's in the options. Don't remember what its called, but it's there. I think it's called Spacing or something like that.


Neo Member
•Fixed an issue where the game would not save your settings when restarting in some instances.

Hopefully this fixes my downscale and 60hz options from being randomly switched back to 1080p and 59hz. Anyone else have this problem?


Ooh, I just think I found the sweet spot. Limiting the frame-rate to 45 in Nvidia Inspector feels incredibly smooth. I hate to be "that guy", but with the full motion blur and triple buffered v-sync (from borderless windowed) it feels very close to 60fps, and it allows me to crank settings I don't think my rig should be handling (MSAAx4, Post FX Ultra). And this is with no stuttering, juddering etc. Seems like giving the CPU/GPU 22ms to render each frame is enough, and like I say I've landed in some sort of sweet spot.

EDIT: just ran the benchmark for the first time and it stayed at 46fps (weirdly) for the entire run. I recommend anyone who can't maintain a locked 60 at their desired settings try locking to 45 instead. It's smooth and somehow much more attainable, at least for my rig. All my standard settings are on max, except for grass which is on Very High. TXAA is off, MSAA is x4, FXAA is on and the image is rather clean with that combo.
What hurdle do you think that CPU is giving you? Unless your gaming at 4k I don't know why you'd be disappointed with that CPU at least in regards for a reason to upgrade I mean.
No suspicions at all that my CPU isn't up to task. I was fairly sure that my woes are most likely VRAM related, but I thought I'd come on GAF and ask if my processor was good enough for this generation of gaming. My guess was that it was fine.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
so initial impressions are super positive. I only played a little bit o im sure ill run into situations where its more demanding, but from the intro with michael and then the first mission with franklin the only time it dropped from 60 was when I was speeding on the car with franklin and there were lots of traffic and I was banging the car around and shit, and it dropped to 54-55 or something, hardly offensive

my specs i5 4690k 16gb ram 2 x gtx970 sli

my settings right now (I havent tweeked much)

Fullscreen 1080p
Vsync - off (forcing through control panel)
Population Density - maxed
Population Variety - maxed
Distance Scaling - maxed
Texture quality - very high
Shader quality - very high
Shadow quality - very high
Reflection quality - ultra
Reflection MSAA - 4X
Water quality - very high
Particle quality - very high
Grass quality - normal (didnt change because I heard its a huge resource hog)
Soft shadows - soft
Post FX - Ultra
Motion blur - off (defaults to off and I dont usuall like blur anyway so didnt touch it)
In game DOF - On
Anisotropic Filtering - 16X
Ambient Oclusion - High
Tesselation - Very High

and in advanced graphics I have all off except Long Shadows on and Streaming while flying On

I wonder if its better to bump up to 1440p and drop some stuff like reflection settings or MSAA. what do you guys think?

edit: huh interesting, the NVIDIA experience thing has different settings for "optimized", it turns on a bunch of things and bumps up the grass for example, but turns off MSAA and bumbs down tesselation to high for example. might try it)


maybe tomorrow it rains
Hmm. I've had a couple strange issues since the latest patch. If I have a gun out, I'll constantly be aiming it. If I try to ride a bike, I'm constantly pedaling backwards.

This wasn't happening when I played last night. I've tried playing with two different controllers and m/kb, all with the same results. Very bizarre.


Regarding those having problems with 59Hz, either try to change the refresh rate through your monitors advanced settings tab in Windows or if that doesn't help create a custom resolution with a refresh rate of 60Hz(or anything above or below 60Hz supported by your monitor hardware depending on what you're aiming for).
Also, one thing I noticed with Nvidia recenlty is that if you do a clean driver installation and have by default 60Hz selected on the native resolution of your desktop most programs still report it as 59Hz, but if I use the same resolution with custom timings it somehow shows the correct refresh rates in your games graphics settings screen.


I appreciate there are threads dedicated to upgrading and building computers, though I thought I'd ask this here, as truth be told I'm really focused on what's the best for this game (Haven't actually got it yet). Short sighted, I know, but ack well.

I'm currently rocking:
Motherboard: ASUS P8P67 PRO
CPU: i5 2500k

If I were to only either upgrade the motherboard and CPU, or just the GPU, what would you guys say?


Neo Member
I appreciate there are threads dedicated to upgrading and building computers, though I thought I'd ask this here, as truth be told I'm really focused on what's the best for this game (Haven't actually got it yet). Short sighted, I know, but ack well.

I'm currently rocking:
Motherboard: ASUS P8P67 PRO
CPU: i5 2500k

If I were to only either upgrade the motherboard and CPU, or just the GPU, what would you guys say?

I'd probably opt for the GPU upgrade if I were you. VRAM seems to be the biggest constraining factor on performance in this game and 2GB is not a ton to work with in this context.


Cross-post because I'm looking for quick replies:

How much of a difference in loading times does an SSD make for this game?

I may have made a mistake by buying GTAV not through Steam, because I now have to use Rockstar's own downloader. I was sort of planning on using Steam's backup feature when I am done with it taking 65GB of my remaining 90GB SSD space, so before I install I'd like to know whether it's okay to install straight to the HDD and be done with it.


Reinstalled GTA V to SSD, clean. Definitely noticed a significantly faster loading time in SP.

Running a Samsung 840 EVO with Magician enabled.


Well it was good while it lasted.

The last few days the game has just been crashing on me randomly when switching characters or aiming from a car. I've seen people post about this earlier, I'll have to comb the thread again to see if solutions were posted.

It's taken me days just to try and finish the last
shootout at the foundry/kill the three and kidnap devin
mission because it'll crash and I have to do it all over. It's really getting frustrating.


Reinstalled GTA V to SSD, clean. Definitely noticed a significantly faster loading time in SP.

Running a Samsung 840 EVO with Magician enabled.

What sort of numbers are we talking here? I can live with a somewhat longer initial load time and a couple seconds for other load times, but 10+ for each load will give me something to think about.


I've also seen people postulate about whether or not a SSD would improve the speed at which things stream into the game. Any truth to that?

Load times are faster for sure. Don't know about streaming. Usually there are preconfigured limits to streaming that don't change if the hardware changes.


I appreciate there are threads dedicated to upgrading and building computers, though I thought I'd ask this here, as truth be told I'm really focused on what's the best for this game (Haven't actually got it yet). Short sighted, I know, but ack well.

I'm currently rocking:
Motherboard: ASUS P8P67 PRO
CPU: i5 2500k

If I were to only either upgrade the motherboard and CPU, or just the GPU, what would you guys say?

GPU should be the only upgrade to consider with that system. Just overclock your CPU and you'll be good to go. You may need/want to invest in a CPU cooler if you haven't already. I like the Hyper 212. It's inexpensive and more than enough to cool the i5 2500k (which is the exact CPU I have running at 4.2ghz without even breaking a sweat).

I appreciate there are threads dedicated to upgrading and building computers, though I thought I'd ask this here, as truth be told I'm really focused on what's the best for this game (Haven't actually got it yet). Short sighted, I know, but ack well.

I'm currently rocking:
Motherboard: ASUS P8P67 PRO
CPU: i5 2500k

If I were to only either upgrade the motherboard and CPU, or just the GPU, what would you guys say?

Overclock your CPU and upgrade your GPU if you must.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
oh crap with MSAA off I can play in 3840 x 2160 with barely any drops (drops to 55 while driving), what sorcery is this? o_O


Are settings for GTA5 up yet for AMD's Gaming Evolved (raptr) app?

I like having my games auto-configured (and then tweaking them) but AMD didn't have settings optimized as of Sunday.


What sort of numbers are we talking here? I can live with a somewhat longer initial load time and a couple seconds for other load times, but 10+ for each load will give me something to think about.

Click on .exe to online/story mode selection: 32 seconds
Click on .exe to in-game: 57 seconds

I'm using the RSC version. My times include verifying/logging in.


Sigh, no idea what's wrong with the game. Installed a brand new SSD, put Win 8.1 as secondary OS on it, only installed the necessary drivers and still the game exits with the "stopped working" message. Granted, once in a three hour session but still. The mission checkpoint system doesn't make it better.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
I think ive settled on 1440p, everything maxed except MSAA off and grass normal, constant 55-60. 4k or whatever 3840 x 2160 is drops to low 50s and even 40s while driving, which is still fine but yeah, think I prefer 1440p for near constant 60 :)
Does the shadow trick still result in a massive FPS boost every time?

I don't know how that shit's not already in the OP, and bolded at that. It's fucking important and it's the sole thing that's kept me at 60fps 90% of the time despite my propensity to push shit to the limit.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Does the shadow trick still result in a massive FPS boost every time?

I don't know how that shit's not already in the OP, and bolded at that. It's fucking important and it's the sole thing that's kept me at 60fps 90% of the time despite my propensity to push shit to the limit.

what shadow trick?
what shadow trick?

I don't know if this only applies if you're using Very High Shadow Quality, but this is what I do to ensure my GTA V runs well: I use a batch file which idles the two other GTA executable while setting GTA V itself to High to start the game, and then I immediately use the shadow trick, which involves going to your Shadow Quality setting (while in-game), setting your Shadow Quality one notch below where it was, hitting 'enter', and then putting it back at the setting you wanted it at. Which for me results in an immediately noticeable like 10+ framerate boost out in the countryside.

Is it just me or the fps is smoother now after the patch? Overall more consistent, yet to see it drop below 58-59fps.

If they fixed the shadow quality performance problem, then I believe it :p
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