Man, anyone who hasn't tried the Nvidia PCSS shadows yet, do yourself a favour and give it a try. PCSS + High Resolution Shadows + Shadow Distance maxed out, looks
amazing. Really adds to the overall scene lighting.
I actually think they might be the best looking shadows/shading that I've seen in a game, thus far.
If anyone's looking for a HW to settings reference, I'm running everything maxed - except for Grass is on Very High(ultra's not worth the fps hit in scenic areas for the minor visual difference imo), and HW AA is disabled, at 1440p. Average frame rate is 60fps, it can dip to the 40/50's in nature-heavy areas, though.
i7 3770k @ 4.4
GTX 970 Strix @ 1500/1983
8GB 2133 CL9 1T
Some graphical settings are buggy atm (well known, I guess). Such as VSync, AF, and Triple Buffer, etc. Force AF/VSync from the driver, and if you don't want to use adaptive vsync to sort out the buffering issue - just tab out, and back into the game when you load it up, to fix it.
I've cleared the final hurdle, it's here!
Now, what's next? Project Cars? Witcher 3?!
P.S. If anyone's awesome at Photoshop and has the time to make a better feature graphic I'll happily use it.
Thanks for the hard work, man =). I actually feel bad for the effort that you must have gone through, to do this. I do tweaking also, and this game is quite annoying to do accurate comparisons for some of the settings, etc.