Five grand.
I'm still waiting for his Dying Light review. I need to know how much of a 4 star game it is. Like a super duper 4 star game or an alright 4 star game?
Did Brad ever actually say he was going to do a review?
I can't wait for Brad to take on Defiled Chalice. It'll be entertaining for me and painful for him. XD
He needs to do this.
"Eh, this isn't so bad....HOLY SHIT FUCK THAT DOG"
I can't wait for Brad to take on Defiled Chalice. It'll be entertaining for me and painful for him. XD
I mean, he's gotta review something this year right?
crap, the last retail game brad reviewed was Sunset Overdrive. The last game overall was Geowars 3. I dunno about this guy, he seems to be slacking
He needs to do this.
"Eh, this isn't so bad....HOLY SHIT FUCK THAT DOG"
They all review less and less games. Don't think Brad was ever supposed to review Dying Light.
So would the new Breaking Bad be watching him knock out a review, then?![]()
Reviews are irrelevant in the age of Quick Looks, honestly. I don't need someone to tell me if a game is cool anyone in a thousand words when I can just watch it being played and tell almost immediately if I'd get real enjoyment out of it.
Add another one to the suck bucket."pink floyd is lazy stoner music, fuck them"
-Dan Ryckert
Dan is the best
I'd be okay with video reviews that go up a few weeks after the first impressions/quick look.
Quick looks would be a viable replacement for reviews if they were even somewhat informed. Jussayin
Quick looks would be a viable replacement for reviews if they were even somewhat informed. Jussayin
You have two people in on a quick look so you can still have first impressions from one side while the one playing has a better idea of what the game is like. And I'm not saying 'oh they've played it and finished it,' more just that they've played it for 3 or 4 hours and have a handle on the controls and can answer more basic stuff and that helps with the uninformed person acting as the viewer.I think what most people are looking for is for the game to be played for 30+ minutes. First impressions will of course be less informative than videos of games one of the crew has played a lot before Quick Looking, but that's how it's always been. I'm not taking a GB Cricket game QL as a good indicator of the quality of the game itself. QLs are obviously not reflective of the whole game and will never be able to replace reviews as criticism of the whole game, but it's good enough most of the time for me at least.
I feel I can watch a GBeast QL and come away informed about what the game is, how it plays and it's overall quality. With GBWest I just hope it's an entertaining video.
There will never be anothervideoreview.
here's the one argument i can make about reviews being a good thing: With reviews, the reviewer SHOULD (i know they don't always) finish the game. When the staff plays games for Ouick Looks only, they run the risk of only getting a superficial look at the game. Perhaps the game has more to it with a bit more time invested. Or, maybe it ends up being a broken and poorly designed piece of crap after 5-6 hours or so. Regardless, since they're reviewing the game they'll keep pushing till they see the credits.
As an example, Brad's continuing to persist and play Sunset Overdrive led him to develop an appreciation for the game that, if he only had to play it for an hour before a QL, he might not have had for the game once he was done with the recording of the video. And those impressions bleed into their podcasts and other features as well.
So yeah.
frankly I don't care about much of anything except them being entertaining.
Tried watching the Matrix Online feature Vinny/Ryan did again now, and I just can't get into it. That series seems really beloved around here, but I just find it boring. Feels like I'm missing out here!
Breaking Bradbourne in an hour. I hope he gets the plat.
Dan Ryckert ‏@DanRyckert 37s37 seconds ago
The guest for our tenth episode of Danswers is none other than @PaulRyckert. Send your questions for him to
Dan Ryckert ‏@DanRyckert 10s11 seconds ago
Some context: @PaulRyckert is 52, from Kansas, he's been divorced 38 times, he works at the post office, and I'm his son. Ask him anything.
Dan Ryckert ‏@DanRyckert 37s37 seconds ago
The guest for our tenth episode of Danswers is none other than @PaulRyckert. Send your questions for him to
Dan Ryckert ‏@DanRyckert 10s11 seconds ago
Some context: @PaulRyckert is 52, from Kansas, he's been divorced 38 times, he works at the post office, and I'm his son. Ask him anything.
As much as I like Paul, I'm still not going back to that podcast.Dan Ryckert ‏@DanRyckert 37s37 seconds ago
The guest for our tenth episode of Danswers is none other than @PaulRyckert. Send your questions for him to
Dan Ryckert ‏@DanRyckert 10s11 seconds ago
Some context: @PaulRyckert is 52, from Kansas, he's been divorced 38 times, he works at the post office, and I'm his son. Ask him anything.
As much as I like Paul, I'm still not going back to that podcast.
Dan Ryckert ‏@DanRyckert 37s37 seconds ago
The guest for our tenth episode of Danswers is none other than @PaulRyckert. Send your questions for him to
Dan Ryckert ‏@DanRyckert 10s11 seconds ago
Some context: @PaulRyckert is 52, from Kansas, he's been divorced 38 times, he works at the post office, and I'm his son. Ask him anything.
It'll be via Skype.