can you cook raw meat?
Crafted an armor.
Can't find it in inventory.
I think I found it somewhere in. (small Velen "Witch Hunt" spoiler)the dungeon with Keira Metz
In case you didn't know, you can press LB > X > right on D-pad to quickly meditate one hour.
I'm having a hard time with something. I want to explore everything, but I remember that this game scales weapon and armor stats on pick-ups to your level.
How have you guys been handling this?
Is there any fix for the XP loss in blood and broken bones? I like alot about the difficulty but ceirtantly not that. Gets pretty tiring having to change to medium every time i turn in a quest.
is it an intentional decrease of XP or a bug?
Either way, sounds like something a mod should be able to adjust.
How's this game with fetch quests?
Are there a lot?
is it an intentional decrease of XP or a bug?
Either way, sounds like something a mod should be able to adjust.
I'm having a hard time with something. I want to explore everything, but I remember that this game scales weapon and armor stats on pick-ups to your level.
How have you guys been handling this?
It's intentional, developers claims they want you to focus more on your items, like a witcher does. But i really wanna play around with the different skills since the whole system reminds me of Dragons dogma so much, so i'm keeping myself on medium at every end of a quest to make sure i get the proper xp amount. I mean fuck, i could survive if they only gave you 75% but they give you half. HALF. HELL NO
game became overwhelming really fast after the first map...the map i so vast that "traveling for fun" is not an option,because you end up trabeling for minutes without meeting anything you just jump from one "point of interests" to the other..and this makes you less "immersed" in the world of the game..This is one of the cases where less is more,the first map was ok-ish in size..this is just too much
also,the placement of enemies doesn't make much moment you are fightining level 5 travel to a POI narby and there's a dozen level 13 nekkers out of nowhere
Loving the game on PS4, framerate can be a little iffy but not gamebreaking. Anyways i feel like im leveling up slowly on the broken bones (?) difficulty but i am avoiding the main quest like the plague...
Any way to level faster?
I've played the entire 20 hours I've played so far like this actually, so it's definitely an option. Monsters nests and the "points of interest" are not the only interesting things to find in this world. Beautiful vistas, places to loot all over the map.
I've played the entire 20 hours I've played so far like this actually, so it's definitely an option. Monsters nests and the "points of interest" are not the only interesting things to find in this world. Beautiful vistas, places to loot all over the map.
Do the upgraded armors look different than the original? For example, does the enhanced griffin armor look different than the base griffin armor?
Do the upgraded armors look different than the original? For example, does the enhanced griffin armor look different than the base griffin armor?
There are pictures of 4 tiers of griffin armor in the CE art book.
Upgraded version looks hella more badass
which tabs are blade oils in...?
I could swear I have a few, but I can't find them.
How do you even upgrade armors? I don't think I've seen the option yet, unless I just missed it. Is it done through new diagrams?
Without trying to find the answer to a question I posted:
At what point in the game will it ask you to recap your Witcher 2 adventure? I'm on PS4, and played W2 on I'm just curious when I will get to create the illusion of that save data.
Without trying to find the answer to a question I posted:
At what point in the game will it ask you to recap your Witcher 2 adventure? I'm on PS4, and played W2 on I'm just curious when I will get to create the illusion of that save data.
So where can I get beast oil? I have the rest of the oils and even the enhanced version of beast, but I can't make it without the base oil.
I reached Velen yesterday and just explored and did side quests while barely touching the "Nilfgaardian Connection" quest. Some of them have been really rich, but after visiting most of the points of interest and doing the side quests that are my level in the western half I feel like it's long overdue to return to the story. Haven't been able to touch the notice board where the Baron lives because I haven't progressed the main story, I'm at least gonna do that for sure the next time I fire up the game but I'm unsure how far I should go before I start getting locked out of certain side quests which i've heard is possible. Is there any rough guide or order I should do it in?
I mean, it seems like there's more I can still do whilst ignoring the main story and according to the map it's even possible for me to go to Novigrad early (I got the pass) but I think that might hurt the pacing if the main questline is supposed to send me there first... or maybe it doesn't? Just a guess. And there's so much more to do in the eastern half as well which is massive, for that I only went as far as the quest where you meet (big spoiler)which was amazing after only finishing Witcher 2 a couple weeks ago. I wasn't expecting to run into anything like that this early in. I also loved the Wild At Heart quest.Letho
But yeah, any advice? I'd just do what I think is right and go at my own pace which I'm sure you're supposed to do, but the idea I might miss something makes me paranoid even though it's probably designed that way on purpose to encourage replayability. I mean, some of these side quests are so good i'd kind of be gutted if I finish it and read online later that I missed something really cool because I progressed a main quest too early. So overwhelming!
Is this normal, that I still only have the silver sword from the beginning ? I am having problems to beat jenny from the woods.
I can craft two silver swords, but they're for level 12 and 13... Did I miss something ?