So I checked an enemies weakness and it listed a potion, yet that potion doesn't show up in my crafting menu. How am I supposed to make it?
I HIGHLY recommend people turn off undiscovered POIs so the map isn't just a bunch of ? marks letting you know where to beeline to. I'm enjoying the open world a hell of a lot more just naturally finding stuff, where before I was just placing markers and zigzaging to everything.
Are automatic finishers the occasional thing where geralt does some attack that usually decaps an opponent? How do you even do those if you turn it off?
Where's the earliest i can find a respec potion?i have some ragrets![]()
Do you mean beyond the main story quest involving her? Then yes.
Yea, didn't read the spoilersdepends on how you played out the quest and ended it
spoilers concerning it, dont read if dont wanna know. short answer yes or no depending on choices
in depth spoilers
So I checked an enemies weakness and it listed a potion, yet that potion doesn't show up in my crafting menu. How am I supposed to make it?
Where's the earliest i can find a respec potion?i have some ragrets![]()
Will Geralt have thedodge likesuper speeddoes? That power/ability is bossciri
Gotta find the recipe.
Yea, didn't read the spoilersSo I'll see her again?but I let her keep the notes and told her to head to Kaer Mohren.
I dont know what to do in the quest Wandering in the Dark...I am suppose to use my Witcher sense to find something to associate with Ciri's horse Kelpi,but there is red sign exploded,the other one brought out doubles of Geralt and Keira that I had to fight and the one beside the mage that appears shine red but I cant do an examine on it anymore...nothing happens.
When's the earliest you can get 1000 gold? There's merchants selling it once you get to Veren.
I dont know what to do in the quest Wandering in the Dark...I am suppose to use my Witcher sense to find something to associate with Ciri's horse Kelpi,but there is red sign exploded,the other one brought out doubles of Geralt and Keira that I had to fight and the one beside the mage that appears shines red but I cant do an examine on it anymore...nothing happens.
No. That's magic and Geralt can only use the witcher signs.
I like how Nvidia waits until after I've already bought and installed the game to give me a Geforce Experience popup saying that they'll give me a free copy if I join their beta program.
There's no recipe listing? That kind of sucks.
I don't really want to be forced to do a bunch of side quests and stuff. Im just trying to play the main story
Nothing I've met so far absolutely demanded I used its weaknesses to kill it. You can probably make do without.
Then Letho is dead, sorry man
Wonder what else is screwed up in that save. Now I'm worried.
Jump down into the water.
According to what the other person said, yes. I haven't got there myself yet.
Did you check down in the well?
Wow, really? You messed up, OP. You messed up BAD. DAMN, should have used my own save but I wanted Saskia to be alive. Goddammit, OP!
Wow, really? You messed up, OP. You messed up BAD. DAMN, should have used my own save but I wanted Saskia to be alive. Goddammit, OP!
Should have simulated the save file at the beginning.
I posted a while ago but no one answered.... Is there a trick to attacking from horseback? I see all these badass slo-mo, ride-by beheadings, but when I try I feel like I'm playing QWOP....
Wow, just finished (i think) Keira's story line. Really great, very well written character. Had no idea when i started the Witcher 3 that the writing would be this good. CD project really is among the best storytellers when it comes to games. Never thought i would see this good storytelling and pacing in an open world game.
Maybe it's my screw up. There were like 10 saves in the file he posted. I just went with what looked like the most recent save based on names.
I posted a while ago but no one answered.... Is there a trick to attacking from horseback? I see all these badass slo-mo, ride-by beheadings, but when I try I feel like I'm playing QWOP....
Having a hard time beating the Golem, have very little health to start with and my sword is crap.
And not have my tattoo? Also, pre-launch there was no indication that the world state would let you choose the fate of the character I'm speaking of.
baron spoilers
man i have to hand it to them, they made a wife beating murderous drunk kinda sympathetic
I don't know, it sounded pretty clear to me when they said that we didn't need our Witcher 2 save file.
Yea, didn't read the spoilersSo I'll see her again?but I let her keep the notes and told her to head to Kaer Mohren.
I think it's first time in Witcher games that I like Triss voice. No sure if they changed the voice actor or I'm just misremembering but I'm liking it much more here in these few minutes I spend with her. Was planning on doing a no Yen, no Triss walkthrough but this may change my mind.
Have to say it peeved me off how easily Geralt accepted his mission from Emhyr. Almost all no questions asked and all that. I sure hope I will get an option to full fill this task in a way he won't like.
Hold the attack button to slow it down as I recall
Keep you attack button pressed, you will get in slow-motion when your near en enemy.