Was Lumberjanes in a Humble Bundle? I feel like it's something I got off there and never read.
I believe so
Was Lumberjanes in a Humble Bundle? I feel like it's something I got off there and never read.
Was Lumberjanes in a Humble Bundle? I feel like it's something I got off there and never read.
Ok I'm glad I'm not imaging thingsI believe so
Not that I saw, but I might have only seen the IDW Humble Bundle. I got it with a birthday gift card, along with Rat Queens, which I'm starting now.
The trade quality is already lower than Lumberjanes, and I'm bummed.
btw happy birthday Nudull if your Skype bday is correct!
You guys know that Cousin-Sex should not result in such deformation and stuff?
Maybe its a Hulk-Thing, but this should only occur if Jen were his sister.
I rather think that he impregnant a daughter... What would be even more disturbing but since its Millar, it wouldnt surprise me.
You live literally like 15 minutes away, meet me somewhere famThanks!
I demand comic gifts up front.
West side of DFW.Eight hour drive? Where do you live?
They weren't deformed tho
I demand comic gifts up front.
Yeah, but they looked strange. At least some of them.
Yeah, but they looked strange. At least some of them.
Anyway that was awesome, how's the Secret Wars tie-in?
old man logan best tie in?
that title belongs to MODOK Assassin.
jesus shits gettin real
jesus shits gettin real
jesus shits gettin real
jesus shits gettin real
jesus shits gettin real
Why does Madonna have a Fantastic Four tattoo?
I don't know who came up with this, but I do know they're trying way too hard.
I'm going to find out whom among you don't take advantage of the JL3K sale and there will be a reckoning for those who are found wanting.
Isn't that the team Ted Kord rolls with?
i dont get it
Anybody understands what it's referring to. What's not understood is what's with that drawing?
Like I'm not even sure who those two are supposed to be. It's just unnecessarily edgy.
Anybody understands what it's referring to. What's not understood is what's with that drawing?
Like I'm not even sure who those two are supposed to be. It's just unnecessarily edgy.
It's Debbey Harry and Madonna. Not sure why Debbey's hair is red though. The band was called "Blondie" for a reason, but given that F4 tattoo on Madge, I guess it could be a reference to Jean.
You can't go wrong with 40 issues of Red Hood but more importantly you should read the Christmas issue.
That wouldn't work either in that using Sue in such a cover makes even less sense considering Inhumans and F4 are basically tied to the hip more pronouncedly than anyone else.
If this isn't a sign that DC is going to announce a Parker/Shaner/Bellaire Shazam on going, then they really are absolutely clueless.
If this isn't a sign that DC is going to announce a Parker/Shaner/Bellaire Shazam on going, then they really are absolutely clueless.
Sorry if this has been posted already, but Michel Fiffe of COPRA fame is writing/drawing/coloring a story that will be in Secret Wars Secret Love #1! According to, it's a "take on Daredevil and Typhoid Mary from Karen Pages perspective"...
I just read through all of Transmetropolitan again a few months ago. While Planetary is my favorite thing from Ellis, Transmetropolitan is probably his best work. Spider is such a glorious bastard.
read Inhumans By Right of Birth
... is Ann Nocenti insane?
That image is a send up of the classic Sex Pistols album "Nevermind the Bollocks Here's the Sex Pistols" and punk rock imagery.
The background text says Nevermind the Mutants. Jean Grey is modeled off Debbie Harry and for whatever reason Sue Storm is Madonna.
It would have worked much better if the background said "Nevermind the Inhumans here's the Mutants" and had modeled Sue off someone who actually had ties to the punk movement, like maybe Siouxsie Sioux from Siouxsie and the Banshees.
It's someone appropriating imagery of the punk movement from the 70s without quite understanding it.
Didn't know there was an Ultimate Vision.