To a point, but their customer service team is so abysmal that it's rendered moot.
I have a game I was gifted last August (as a pre-order) that I had no interest in. As time has gone on, I have come to loathe this game and would love to have it removed from my account... when it dawned on me that the new refund policy could probably help, I enabled a refund on the gift and contacted the gifter.
I played through Momodora III today (3,99/$).

Momodora III is a fun, short 2D action platformer.
There are 6 very well crafted levels. You can buy or find hidden items to equip, battle against various foes, and find some secrets.
The character movement feels excellent and the soundtrack is very fitting.
You can play the game either as Momo or Dora, who play pretty much the same, except for how and where you can get certain items.
The game offers 3 difficulty levels: Casual, Easy and Hard. It isn't a terribly difficult game, I'd say it's not overly challenging in easy mode, and a bit more demanding but still very much doable in hard mode.
Sadly, you can kill a lot of the bosses simply by just frantically pummeling them to death, especially if you equip a certain item. But that's the only small downside I can think of.
There's a New Game+ that adds another inventory slot. You keep some of your items, but you have to collect key items again. I'm not sure if there are any other changes.
I took my time playing it and beat it around the 1 hour mark the first time.
I played through it again a couple of times, because I had fun exploring the levels some more.

Very charming, fun little game - great experience from start to finish. Give it a try someday!