Yay for meaningless cg trailers!No one cares!
Yay for meaningless cg trailers!![]()
That looked like 4 years of work. No jank detected. It's been a long time since I've been excited about a fallout thing.
Yay for meaningless cg trailers!![]()
Probably the same people who watch a full hockey season + playoffs and post on a video game forum regularly.I don't have the energy for a game like Fallout anymore, who has 1000 hours to waste D:
Only thing I really noticed was the typical shit with rpgs, item pickups and a couple of death animations. Shooting looked fine from the small amount of footage.There was still quite a bit of jank. No fucks given though. Will buy multiple pip boy editions.
I could give zero shits about a trailer
Its coming, if its even 50% as good as the first one it will be awesome.
I don't have the energy for a game like Fallout anymore, who has 1000 hours to waste D:
Doom looked like fucking ass. It's disappointing because I would love to see another good Doom game.Doom looks like I expected. ok but needs colour/secrets/fast(er) pace and better level design. Monster designs suck too. Originals will never be topped.
I have the Dishonored GOTY edition sitting here unopened and the trailer for Dishonored 2 made me not even want to play the first one.Dishonored sucked ass so skip that.
I have the Dishonored GOTY edition sitting here unopened and the trailer for Dishonored 2 made me not even want to play the first one.
I got mine from Amazon on black friday too. :lolI bought that GOTY edition off Amazon on black friday a few years back for like $6. I still felt like I wasted money. An hour into it I stopped. The trailer for 2 did nothing for me, either.
Will watch tomorrow. It's been a good season save for the tequila bottle on the delete key episode.
Dishonored was a good game if you like fucking with a lot of mechanics and making them work in weird ways together. There was nothing else about the game that I liked, but I'm big on mechanics so it was enough to make me finish it. Don't think I'll be caring much about 2 if it's the same thing with a few new abilities.
Fallout Shelter is out
Indeed.Apparently for iOS devices only.
Fucking bullshit.
My goodness at the GoT season finale.
My goodness at the GoT season finale.
Why am I getting perfect runs in Runner 2 but can't touch your scores? What are you cooking?
Great game. That Humble Nintendo Bundle was insane value
Did you unlock dancing yet?
I gotta compare my scores to Calamari now.
Give me at least something Atlus, for Persona 5
I don't want to subsist on just Fallout 4
More coming this week, keep an eye out!
I have 7 games on my cart right now. Waiting for stuff this week to see if I can add more.
Seems like lamaroo is on to something - as I hadn't unlocked certain things there was no way I could reach your score. Unlocked dancing now so I'll have to go back and see how I match upI'm not that good! I just put in a lot of time because I love the music and kept replaying and replaying certain levels. If you keep at it you should pass me up, as I never skipped the checkpoints to get sick multipliers and such.
Runner 2 is the shit. I need to play through it again.
Bought tix for Jurassic World at IMAX on Wednesday....
The GOT finale.....
Ain't no good left in Westeros.
Been playing Earthbound for the first time. Now that's a god damn video game.
Such an awesome gameBeen playing Earthbound for the first time. Now that's a god damn video game.
The GOT finale.....
Ain't no good left in Westeros.
How far did they get this season?
Can't guess at it in case I spoil something from the books. Unless they matched the ending of Dance with Dragons. Which could definitely be rage worthy for some people.
It ended exactly the way you think it did