Steam Summer Sale 2015 thread of refunding everything you buy (June 11-21)

so far my haul looks like

Wargame: Red Dragon
ROME 2 Sparta DLC
DCS Flaming Cliffs 3
Elite Dangerous

I processed refunds for

Shadowrun Dragonfall DC
This War of Mine
E:D at $54

thinking about getting Splinter Cell Blacklist and Shadowrun Boston but i only have $29 left..


Since i failed to buy mini metro on the daily sale, is it still worth getting for 6.29€ ?
It looks fun but i am still not sure :)


Anyone know why Ubi removed the GRAW games from steam? Seems to have happened a week or two ago going by discussions on their respective community hubs.


The thing with Trails on GOG is that the base price is higher there. €18.29 on GOG versus €15.99 on Steam. They are currently cut down to €9.19 and €11.19 respectively. If Steam finally decided to put it on sale for at least 50%, it would beat GOG's price at €8.

I know I'm splitting hairs here, but, hey. I want to get the best deal (and if I can get it on Steam, even better yet!).

Nah man, I get it. Everyone wants to save a few quid here n there!

GOG seems to have weaker sales and higher base prices on a lot of things. Perhaps developers think it doesn't take as much of a sale to get a sale on GOG, or perhaps they think DRM free players that buy their games are going to give copies away... I've no idea, but the latter sounds ridiculous.


Anyone here has bought Offworld Trading Company? I love the concept, but some of the lastest reviews aren't stellar. Any opinion?

Also, anyone new playing The Secret World, add me on steam. I have it, but haven't played as much as I'd like, so I'm almost new.


I just realised that Nuclear Throne isn't on sale, what a shame. I was hoping to get that since Enter the Gungeon isn't out yet and I need to fill the Binding of Isaac shaped hole after The Lost killed my enthusiasm for the game. :(


I just realised that Nuclear Throne isn't on sale, what a shame. I was hoping to get that since Enter the Gungeon isn't out yet and I need to fill the Binding of Isaac shaped hole after The Lost killed my enthusiasm for the game. :(

Yup the developers said it's not getting a sale before it leaves Early Access.
Was close to buying Ryse at £11.89 but decided to wait. £8-10 I would've jumped on.

Will keep a look out elsewhere. I've already missed some better deals on Ryse at GMG last month
Some of these puzzle solutions in The Talos Principle are giving me some of the stupidest grins I've had in ages. Especially with the
. I did this one called Alley of Pressure Plates. I figured it out soon enough but had trouble with the order I had to do things in. Once I did and have it play out with my
recorded double
. Oh man

Buy this game


Is banished worth 5$ kinda intrigued but the steam reviews are iffy?
I bought it before it even launched and regret NOTHING. The game is harsh, but a lot of fun because of it. Your first games probably involve a lot of death and devastation, but everything happens for a reason and you figure out the quirks and needs and best ways to build, develop and maintain your village. Too much growth at once can be bad because not being able to sustain the growth can doom the whole village. So keep it slow and safe. May you survive the winter wind.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
Is banished worth 5$ kinda intrigued but the steam reviews are iffy?

I found the game much too simple, constrained and repetetive (and I love these type of games), however adding the Colonial Charter Mod basically makes it a completely new game. I recommend picking it up if you throw the CC mod right on top.


Wow Boston Lockdown sure did drop a lot in 2 months time o_O

I'll wait for 75% during Winter Seal.

The developer is basically bankrupt, people are working for free now and this sale is their last chance to save the company. Game doesn't have the best reviews but if you're really interested in the game and want to support them I suggest buying now.
How are the splinter cell games, new and old?

Chaos Theory is series' highpoint due to the emergent and very nuanced sneaking mechanics. Some of its stealth gameplay still hasn't been bettered and it holds up well, even if the controls can be clunky compared to modern games. After that, the developers lost their way until Blacklist which is a great and accessible game marred by one or two poor levels.

All the stories are garbage, made funny by their pretentiousness, politics and super serious voice acting.

If you're new to the series, Blacklist should give you tons of fun.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
Quick heads up: Distant worlds is currently a flash sale. The game had a steam deal last month, but 50% is still the highest sale it ever got (I believe):

I wanted to write up a text and thread for why this game deserves much more love, but I still didnt get around to do it. I WILL eventually, but if you love 4X games, you definitely should ponder picking this up, as its very, very unique in its approach that lets you basically completely automate all aspects, is NOT turn based (dont worry, thats not a bad thing. since you can pause it anytime to give orders it still plays similarly) and just generally MASSIVE in pure universe scope and feature amount.

It has some very interesting features, like independent trading factions/ships that affect your economy, character traits and progression (for scientist, leaders, generals, spies..) , SPACE MONSTERS, Pirates, the ability to PLAY AS PIRATES, like 30 different resources, and a very engaging ship building feature.

The game felt much too daunting for me at first, but eventually I managed to "get" it and noticed its not even remotely as difficult as I imagined it to be at first. I simply approached it the wrong way. I will write about this some more and hopefully manage to explain how to tackle learning this game, but in the meantime: If you like 4X, buy this.


The developer is basically bankrupt, people are working for free now and this sale is their last chance to save the company. Game doesn't have the best reviews but if you're really interested in the game and want to support them I suggest buying now.

does this mean the game will be taken off Steam as well?
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