Steam Summer Sale 2015 thread of refunding everything you buy (June 11-21)


Guys, is the Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion GOTY Deluxe edition worth it over the plain GOTY edition?

The Mage, Thief, Assassin and Fighter each have a cool base. The Razor qeust is okay but very short, and the Orrery sucks. I'd say if you have extra cash go ahead and get the Delux so the missing DLC doesn't drive you crazy. If you want to save money get the GOTY edition, you won't miss much.

There is an Oblivion mod that will import Morrowind game into the Oblivion engine.

HD Morrowind Mod is the better way to play Morrowind. Morrowind is worth playing, and has some really amazing content. The combat is bad, really bad. And slow. The cool thing about Morrowind is you do have a lot of options with poisons and spells. You can do some crazy stuff if you plan and learn the spell system.
The Mage, Thief, Assassin and Fighter each have a cool base. The Razor qeust is okay but very short, and the Orrery sucks. I'd say if you have extra cash go ahead and get the Delux so the missing DLC doesn't drive you crazy. If you want to save money get the GOTY edition, you won't miss much.

There is an Oblivion mod that will import Morrowind game into the Oblivion engine.

HD Morrowind Mod is the better way to play Morrowind. Morrowind is worth playing, and has some really amazing content. The combat is bad, really bad. And slow. The cool thing about Morrowind is you do have a lot of options with poisons and spells. You can do some crazy stuff if you plan and learn the spell system.

Thanks, man!


How are people breaking that level 40,000 badge and going even further to the multi-million levels in the game? When I played, we struggled to get to 2k in 24 hours lol

Oh. Some of us have the 1 million badge. It's simple really.

I'm going to explain assuming you're using Chrome.

1. Install Tampermonkey (or any user script, really)
2. Install 2 great Reddit scripts - they do the clicking and killing and buying of items for you. You really only need the one by wchill(sp?)
3. ctrl+shift+j (win), cmd+option+j (mac) to open console and input a js command while sitting in game lobby (without starting a gsme) that forces you into a specific room fed to you by a twitch stream run by Reddit members.

The main reason the levels go so quickly is wormholes. We don't even see most levels. They go by so quickly.


Can't decide whether to get Astebreed. I'm not a huge fan of shmups but do enjoy them for one or two play-throughs everyone once and a while. As long as the game isn't super tough.


I guess the Deluxe it is.

Is Morrowind still worth it these days? Never played it!

Morrowind is a much better game than Oblivion. It's slow and has a reasonably steep learning curve but jeez is it still an immersive experience. Its biggest downfall is its clunky combat, but it's not as though Oblivion fixed this right up. Morrowind's world building is far, far better than Oblivion's. Skyrim does a better job than Oblivion, but it still can't hold a candle to Morrowind's extensive, believable, alien world. It's so much more abstract than the more generic fantasy you get in the later games. There's a raw harshness to the world that gives it a really strong sense of place.

It really is the strongest of the three, and no, it hasn't aged all that badly thanks to really strong mod support. I suggest, instead of playing an Oblivion mod of Morrowind, just get the MGE and a few other graphical mods and Morrowind will look pretty fucking great. Better than Oblivion I'd argue (Oblivion's art style is awful).
Morrowind is a much better game than Oblivion. It's slow and has a reasonably steep learning curve but jeez is it still an immersive experience. Its biggest downfall is its clunky combat, but it's not as though Oblivion fixed this right up. Morrowind's world building is far, far better than Oblivion's. Skyrim does a better job than Oblivion, but it still can't hold a candle to Morrowind's extensive, believable, alien world. It's so much more abstract than the more generic fantasy you get in the later games. There's a raw harshness to the world that gives it a really strong sense of place.

It really is the strongest of the three, and no, it hasn't aged all that badly thanks to really strong mod support. I suggest, instead of playing an Oblivion mod of Morrowind, just get the MGE and a few other graphical mods and Morrowind will look pretty fucking great. Better than Oblivion I'd argue (Oblivion's art style is awful).

Thanks! I will check it out! And I did hear a while back they were adding the Skyrim engine to it. Any truth to that?


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
Going back to Morrowind is like going back to Hexen. It was just a better time for game design.

I appreciate all we've done with controls and menus and flow of things, but holy hell has everything else fallen off.


Thanks! I will check it out! And I did hear a while back they were adding the Skyrim engine to it. Any truth to that?

And I'm here to say that Oblivion was my first Elder Scrolls game and I fucking loved it. I got 1000/1000 gamerscore for it on 360 and wasn't able to get through Skyrim.


And I'm here to say that Oblivion was my first Elder Scrolls game and I fucking loved it. I got 1000/1000 gamerscore for it on 360 and wasn't able to get through Skyrim.

I had the opposite. 100%'d Skyrim on console, went back to Oblivion and was bored at the very start. I gave it another chance last summer and managed, though. It did a lot of things better, but I still prefer Skyrim.
I bought Olivion on PS3 at launch and hated it because the level system seemed broken. Getting it on PC because hopefully there's a mod to make it better.


ModBot said:
Instructions for participants:
I am giving away a Steam key. To enter this giveaway, send a PM to ModBot with any subject line. In the body, copy and paste the entire line from the message below containing the game you want to enter for. Confused? Watch this GIF tutorial or ask for help.

ModBot Basics:
- I really appreciate thank you messages, but please send them to me (D3RANG3D, not ModBot!) via PM instead of in thread.
- Do not trade keys you win off-site to enrich yourself. Don't try to claim games you have no interest in collecting or playing. Don't claim games to give them to friends off-site.
- If the key is already taken you will not receive a reply. Replies may take a minute or two.

Plazma Being -- MB-57B5C35A8DD1931B - Taken by tmarques



Midway sale tally

Hunie Pop
RPG Maker 2003
Endless Space
Dirt Rally
Hearts of Iron 3
Pillars of Eternity

Total Spend US$41 after converting from Malaysian Ringgit

Still feel like I haven't got everything I want... will probably pick up NBA 2k15 if it goes on sale again, should have picked it up the first time. Left a whole bunch of stuff from my wishlist, I'm sure it will just get cheaper in the future.


A group jumped 3 million in one go with wormholes o_O

Yeah. They get more wormholes each time they switch rooms, so it's an insane jump followed by some slow down. Goes strong for a long while, though.

Friendly reminder:

Q: I've exhausted my budget/purchased everything on my wishlist and I'd like to post my--
A: Hold your horses! Someone will presumably make a dedicated damage list thread as the end of the sale draws near. Please wait until then to post your haul as doing so in this thread is liable to set off a chain reaction.


Grandma's Chippy
So far so good on this, picked up some games I have been meaning to get a while now but for some reason did not...

Gone Home
Y's Origin
Alien Isolation
Far Cry 4
Child of Light
Legend of Korra
I'd say nay. It's the weakest of all the TellTale titles available in terms of entertainment and writing; I'd recommend Wolf Among Us or Tales from the Borderlands instead.

Yea I put in about an hour and a half in and requested a refund. Poorly written, uninteresting, cash grab IMO. Plus it didn't feel like a good attempt at ensuring the material meshed with the source material.


Is that a good deal on South Park? I have it digitally on my PS3 but don't have it hooked up.

That's it's historical low price, been it's common sale price for a long while now. It's an alright deal, yeah, like it isn't a daily that isn't as low as usual or anything. Funny game. Play it on its hardest mode.


That's it's historical low price, been it's common sale price for a long while now. It's an alright deal, yeah, like it isn't a daily that isn't as low as usual or anything. Funny game. Play it on its hardest mode.
Perfect. Yah I love the game but wouldn't mind better performance. I will wait for another sale.
Wait what??? Did I miss something?? I thought Bulletstorm was removed from the store cause of GFWL, is it getting GFWL removed or something? It's a flash sale atm.


Still no Dark Souls 2 SotFS Flash sale...

I know. It's current price, £14.99, was my "right I'll buy it" price, but now the sale only has a few days left, I'm going to hold out... If we get to the 21st without a further discount, I'm alright paying for it as is.

Bulletstorm: yay or nah?

It gets tiring towards the end, which is pretty insane considering it's a 6 hour title... But it's worth it.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Bulletstorm: yay or nah?

For $5 it's worth a "rental"/weekend play before GfWL shuts down. Sure.

Also it seems Ghost Recon classic/X-box version isn't going lower than $5 with this flash sale. I guess I'll buy it in the morning if the price doesn't get adjusted to a lower price.

Just curious, is there any reason why Pandora Tomorrow is the only Splinter Cell game missing on DD platforms?

Something to do with the port messing up on newer systems or something. I remember JaseC(?) talking about it.


Wait what??? Did I miss something?? I thought Bulletstorm was removed from the store cause of GFWL, is it getting GFWL removed or something? It's a flash sale atm.

The only thing MS did was to stop selling games on GFWL. Any game that uses the system still works fine e,g. I have virtua tennis 4 installed and it works just fine with GFWL. They might change this in the future but as of today they're not doing anything with the service.


All the old splinter cell games for 10 bucks is pretty good

Buy Splinter Cell and buy Rainbow Six

Really suprised ground zeros is only 2.9GB download, so use to these modern HD PC games being 30-40GB, I know its only a small area but wow
Nom Nom Galaxy is being 80% off and a flash sale? I really like Q-Games, but they sure have weird tactics for the games during the Steam sales.
Hm, how are some of the PC versions for these Tom Clancy games that just went up on the flash sale? I remember playing Rainbow Six Vegas, but never finished it, when it first came out and thinking it was pretty rad on xbox 360. Don't know how well it holds up though, or how the PC version is.

Same thing for Future Soldier, I thought it was pretty cool from what I played on 360, but no idea how the PC version is.

These Splinter Cell games too, do any of them have controller support?


So far picked up:

- Wolfenstein: The New Order
- Killer is Dead
- Westerado: Double Barreled
- Don't Touch Anything
- MGS V: Ground Zeroes

Pretty happy with all of them. Just waiting to see Ori on sale now.
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